Wednesday, September 16, 2020

America is likely complicit in war crimes in Yemen. It's time to hold the US to account

 Saudi-led forces have deliberately targeted civilians since the war’s early days – and US officials have done little to stop it

 Since Saudi Arabia and its allies intervened in Yemen’s civil war in March 2015, the United States gave its full support to a relentless air campaign where Saudi warplanes and bombs hit thousands of targets, including civilian sites and infrastructure, with impunity. From the beginning, US officials insisted that American weapons, training and intelligence assistance would help the Saudis avoid causing even more civilian casualties.

 But this was a lie meant to obscure one of the least understood aspects of US support for Saudi Arabia and its allies in Yemen: it’s not that Saudi-led forces don’t know how to use American-made weapons or need help in choosing targets. They have deliberately targeted civilians and Yemen’s infrastructure since the war’s early days – and US officials have recognized this since at least 2016 and done little to stop it.

 A team of United Nations investigators, commissioned by the UN Human Rights Council, presented a devastating report in Geneva in early September detailing how the US, along with Britain and France, are likely complicit in war crimes in Yemen because of continued weapons sales and intelligence support to the Saudis and their allies, especially the United Arab Emirates.

Families Of COVID-19 Victims Who Died In Nursing Homes Call For Investigation Into NYS Department Of Health’s Directive

 CBS2 reached out to the state Department of Health on Tuesday evening and received the following response:

“We’ve said from the start that protecting our most vulnerable populations, including nursing home residents, is our top priority. The Department of Health has conducted more than 1,300 COVID-19 focus inspections — at least one onsite visit to every single nursing home and adult care facility in the state — since March 1. As the Department’s in-depth analysis of nursing home data found, COVID-19 fatalities in nursing homes were related to asymptomatic nursing home staff. We continue to support and protect those frontline nursing home workers with more than 14 million pieces of PPE.”

 As the CDC itself has said, this virus had likely already reached community spread in NYS by the time the feds banned travel from Europe.

As Dr. Zucker said previously, if you want to blame someone, blame the virus.

The following are releases and video pertaining to Dr. Zucker’s July 6 briefing. Please click here and here.

The Department’s report was validated by independent reviewers as indicated here.


ICYMI: Independent Nursing Home, Hospital & Medical Representatives Support and Validate DOH Report Findings on Covid-19 Infections and Fatalities In Nursing Homes

 Reisman: The March 25th order that allowed, that required nursing homes to take in COVID positive patients from hospitals – partially reversed in May – there was something of a criticism that was leveled against the Governor, against the Department of Health, for having this regulation in place. The Governor has called this kind of politically motivated criticism. But I am curious, has that played a factor at all in the fatalities in nursing homes?

Clyne: You know, we never thought that was the driving, or most of my members did not think that was the driving force up for COVID infections in nursing homes. As the report shows, over 80 percent of the nursing homes had already had infections, or that downstate nursing homes already had infections prior to that order. I don't think you can say that not a single person who was taken from a hospital contributed to the infection rate, but the driving force was asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic staff who are working in the facilities not knowing that they were infectious. The other thing that obviously contributed to it was the lack of protective equipment. No one could foresee that there was going to be this shortage of goggles, facemasks, gowns, gloves. That was just not something that we understood was going to happen.

Alan Dershowitz Files $300 Million Lawsuit Against CNN for Portraying Him as an ‘Intellectual Who Had Lost His Mind’

 The defamation lawsuit against CNN comes at a time when Dershowitz is locked in a defamation lawsuit with Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who claims Dershowitz’s former client Jeffrey Epstein forced her to have sex with Dershowitz when she was a minor. Dershowitz has denied the allegations, saying Giuffre is a liar and that they have never even met.

Alan Dershowitz files defamation suit against CNN Fox News Video

Saudi Arabia and Israel: Who Needs Whom?

 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Extreme instability and mistrust are heightening tensions in the Persian Gulf, especially between Shiite Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia. America’s appetite for military engagement has waned after nearly two decades of war and the region lacks any form of collective security framework, leaving a considerable security vacuum. The Gulf states’ overtures to Israel are part of an effort to salvage America’s security commitment to the area while shoring up a relationship that can mitigate Tehran’s rising influence.

“The Occupation” – How the EU Discriminates Against Israel

 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Why does the EU single out Israeli “occupation” over other “occupations”? Because anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian positions are one of the few rallying cries that unite Europe.

Trump FALLS ON HIS FACE at town hall with bungled response

Trump Again Says Virus Will Disappear, Discusses 'Herd Mentality' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

New York yeshiva closes after 13 students test positive for coronavirus

At least 13 students at a yeshiva in Queens, New York, tested positive for COVID-19 just weeks into the new school year and days before Rosh Hashanah.

Yeshiva Darchei Torah will transition to distance learning temporarily while the Health Department conducts an investigation, according to Politico.

The cases come on the heels of school closures and quarantines of entire classes in several Jewish day schools in the New York area and rising anxiety over an uptick in COVID cases in Orthodox communities. One Orthodox high school in Manhattan shut down for at least two days after four students tested positive.




No new dawn in the Middle East after White House ceremony

 As thirteen rockets from Gaza rained down on the southern Israeli coastal cities Ashdod and Ashqelon leaders from two Arab Gulf States, Israel and the government of the United States sat down on the White House lawn in Washington to sign peace agreements.

The peace agreements between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are truly historical although there have never been any hostilities between the countries.

On the contrary, secret ties between the two Gulf States and Israel have existed for decades as Hebrew University Professor Eli Podeh pointed out in two articles for the Hebrew language press last week.



Dershowitz attempts to clarify controversial argument about presidential powers

 Responding to a question about how presidents conduct foreign policy, Dershowitz asserted Wednesday that “every public official that I know believes that his election is in the public interest.” Therefore, he continued, “if a president did something that he believes will help him get elected — in the public interest — that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment.”

But tweeting Thursday, Dershowitz insisted that he “did not say or imply that a candidate could do anything to reassure his reelection, only that seeking help in an election is not necessarily corrupt.” Concluding his string of posts, he wrote: “Critics have an obligation to respond to what I said, not to create straw men to attack.”

 “I hear he’s correcting it on TV today. That seems to be Mr. Dershowitz’s pattern,” Schumer said at a news conference in the Capitol. “He gives a statement on the floor and then spends the next day correcting it. What a load of nonsense.”

Alan Dershowitz Files $300 Million Lawsuit Against CNN Over Coverage of Trump’s Impeachment

 “Following the airing of that clip over and over again, the hosts, together with their panel guests, including CNN employees and paid commentators, exploded into a one-sided and false narrative that Professor Dershowitz believes and argued that as long as the President believes his reelection is in the public interest, that he could do anything at all – including illegal acts – and be immune from impeachment,” the lawsuit said. “The very notion of that was preposterous and foolish on its face, and that was the point: to falsely paint Professor Dershowitz as a constitutional scholar and intellectual who had lost his mind.”

Alan Dershowitz Sues CNN for $300 Million Over Impeachment Coverage

 Alan Dershowitz filed a libel suit against CNN on Tuesday seeking $300 million for what the lawsuit described as the news outlet’s portrayal of the lawyer as an “intellectual who had lost his mind,” according to The Wrap. Dershowitz alleges that CNN selectively left out some of his comments on President Trump's impeachment and subsequently created a false narrative. Dershowitz spoke on the Senate floor as a member of President Donald Trump’s defense team at his impeachment trial about what’s considered an illegal “quid pro quo.” He provided three different motives that political figures may have for re-election but alleges in the lawsuit that CNN triggered a “sea of lies” in the media by re-airing only one of his quotes multiple times. The lawsuit claims Dershowitz was framed as someone who thought “that the President of the United States could commit illegal acts as long as he thought it would help his reelection and that his reelection was in the public interest.”