Sunday, June 28, 2020

Trump Is OBSESSED With Convincing Voters That He's Not Mentally Unstable

White House admits Trump was involved in firing of top US attorney after Trump claimed he wasn't

 The White House on Monday admitted that President Donald Trump was involved in the removal of US Attorney Geoffrey Berman after Trump had claimed he was "not involved" in the process this weekend.
Speaking at the White House Monday, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Trump was "involved in the sign-off capacity" as she sought to explain the removal of Berman as a simple swap that would allow Jay Clayton, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, to take the post.

How Donald Trump's Mistakes Became Joe Biden's Big Breaks

It’s unusual for the challenger to be a clear favorite for the presidency at this stage in the election. Only three candidates have beaten an incumbent President since Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated Herbert Hoover in 1932, and the last time any candidate had such a large lead at this phase in the race was Bill Clinton’s re-election campaign almost 25 years ago. The only thing more remarkable than Biden’s advantage is how little he’s had to do to get it.
“Trump is just constantly serving up wins for him,” says Democratic strategist Jess Morales Rocketto. “All he has to do is nothing.”


Trump's brother fails in bid to block niece's tell-all book

 An attempt to block publication of a book claiming to tell the inside story of the Trump family by the US president’s niece has been dismissed by a court in New York.
Queens county surrogate court judge Peter Kelly said on Thursday “several improprieties” in the filing by Robert Trump, the president’s younger brother, meant the bid to stop the book was “fatally defective”.

Ted Boutros, an attorney for Mary Trump, said in a statement: “The court has promptly and correctly held that it lacks jurisdiction to grant the Trump family’s baseless request to suppress a book of utmost public importance and concern.

Michael Flynn: Former US national security adviser

Mr Flynn earlier this year requested immunity from the congressional committees investigating alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election, in exchange for his testimony.
"As a former military officer, you simply cannot take money from Russia, Turkey or anybody else," said Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz.
"And it appears as if he did take that money. It was inappropriate, and there are repercussions for a violation of law."

Lawmakers want answers from Trump Administration on reports Russia paid Taliban to attack US troops

Lawmakers on both sides the aisle in Washington want answers on new explosive reporting that a Russian spy unit paid the Taliban to attack U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan.
The New York Times first reported that American intelligence officials have determined a Russian military unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces, including targeting American troops. The Wall Street Journal and Washington Post also reported on the Kremlin's effort to orchestrate attacks on Western troops.

Cabinet to weigh reimposing restrictions amid rise in coronavirus infections

Israel’s “coronavirus cabinet,” tasked with leading the government’s response to the virus outbreak, is set to convene on Sunday to weigh reimposing some restrictions, as the infection rate in Israel continues to climb.
In an interview with Channel 12 news on Saturday, Deputy Health Minister Yoav Kisch said possible measures proposed by the Health Ministry would include limiting youth programs over the summer break, limiting the size of gatherings, and requiring “capsules” at educational institutions and at workplaces, with set groups of employees working the same shifts.


Afghanistan war: Russia denies paying militants to kill US troops

Russia has rejected as "baseless" accusations that it offered Taliban-linked militants rewards to kill US and other Nato troops in Afghanistan.
The New York Times and Washington Post cited US officials as saying a Russian military intelligence unit linked to assassination attempts in Europe had offered the alleged bounties last year.
The Russian embassy in the US said the claims had led to threats to diplomats.
The Taliban also denied there was any such deal with Russian intelligence.

New U.S. COVID-19 Infections Top 43,000 In A Single Fay, Far Outstripping Previous Peaks | MSNBC

Former U.S. Attorney Says DOJ Has Become A 'Tool' For Trump To use | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Neal Katyal On Barr Testimony: 'I'll Believe It When I See It' | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Chuck Rosenberg On Bill Barr: ‘What I See Is Incredibly Repugnant’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Trump wasn't briefed on report Russia paid Taliban to kill coalition forces in Afghanistan, White House says

The White House denied Saturday that President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence had been briefed on an intelligence finding that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants to kill American troops and other coalition forces in Afghanistan.
“The United States receives thousands of intelligence reports a day, and they are subject to strict scrutiny,” White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a statement.
While the White House does not routinely comment on intelligence or internal deliberations, “the CIA Director, National Security Advisor, and the Chief of Staff can all confirm that neither the President nor the Vice President were briefed on the alleged Russian bounty intelligence,” McEnany said.

EU to reopen borders to 14 countries starting July 1, Israel, US left out

 European Union members agreed to reopen their borders to citizens of 14 countries, with Israel excluded from the list as its situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic is more serious than in Europe, according to a report published by Le Monde.
Among other nations also excluded by the EU include the United States, Russia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.