Sunday, April 5, 2020

Rush Limbaugh So Mad At Deep State Coronavirus Liars Like Dr. Fauci, He Just Might Die!

Rush Limbaugh is telling your Republican parents that it's cool to go outside and play right now, because the so-called "experts" in the White House are actually just Deep State plants sent (probably by Hillary Clinton) to make Donald Trump look bad.
You know, Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer and he's not dead yet -- clearly -- but if he keeps going like this, ignoring the actual science about coronavirus, he might end up killing himself at least seven minutes before God planned to, and he might take a bunch of his old-balls-ass listeners with him in the process.


Right-Wing Influencers Are Convinced Dr. Anthony Fauci Is Working With Hillary Clinton To Undermine Donald Trump

 Right-wing influencers and QAnon supporters are waging an information war against Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and top-ranking member of the White House's Coronavirus Task Force. They are falsely claiming that Fauci is working with Hillary Clinton and the deep state to cause an economic collapse and discredit President Donald Trump.

Coronavirus: Fox News host criticises top health expert for 'national suicide plan'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has criticised infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci over his national recommendations to help curb the spread of the coronavirus.
Mr Carlson used time on his show on Friday evening to release a diatribe against the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and his suggestion of a nationwide lockdown.
"More than 10 million Americans have already lost their jobs," Mr Carlson said. "Imagine another year of this. That would be national suicide, and yet, that is what Anthony Fauci is suggesting, at least."

Anthony Fauci becomes a fringe MAGA target

The far-right’s most zealous Trump supporters have set their sights on Dr. Anthony Fauci.
To the vast majority of Republicans, the entire medical community and the country at large, Fauci is the government’s leading infectious disease expert, respected for providing Americans with consistent, factual information about the coronavirus pandemic — even if it means contradicting President Donald Trump while he hovers feet away.
But to a vocal minority of right-wing blogs and pro-Trump pundits, Fauci is the embodiment of the establishment forces that have been arrayed against the president since he came to Washington. And those voices are getting louder amid rumblings about Fauci’s standing with Trump as the president itches to get the economy restarted in the coming weeks.

Another Thing to Fear Out There: Coronavirus Scammers

The white banner with images of red crosses had been hastily erected in front of two pop-up tents at a convenience store parking lot in central Louisville, Ky. “Covid-19 testing here,” it read.
A clutch of workers in white hazmat suits swabbed the mouths of drivers, who had each forked over $240 to learn whether they had been infected with the coronavirus.
“I have managed hospitals for years,” a man in charge told journalists and skeptical community activists at the scene on Wednesday. “We are doing things the right way.”

Jared Kushner and his shadow corona unit: what is Trump's son-in-law up to?

His vast responsibilities include weighing requests from governors for aid and coordinating with private companies to obtain medical equipment, work he carries out from a special post created for him inside the Federal Emergency Management Agency, where his team is called “the Slim Suit crowd” for their distinctive tailoring, the New York Times has reported.

Saluting the Heroes of the Coronavirus Pandumbic | The Daily Show

First shipment of emergency eggs arrives in Ashdod

 The first shipment carrying millions of eggs arrived at Ashdod Port on Sunday, after the government worked to import millions of eggs from Spain after Israel was hit by a nationwide egg shortage.
The second ship is expected to arrive on Tuesday. Government agencies prepared trucks and logistics centers in order to bring the eggs to stores starting on Sunday.

Trump spars with reporter over Kushner's 'our stockpile' remark

 President Trump defended his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner on Friday for suggesting the federal stockpile of medical resources was not for states, lashing out at a reporter for asking about the comments and accusing her of having a “nasty tone.”
CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang asked Trump what Kushner meant when he referred to the national stockpile as “our stockpile” and implied it wasn’t for states while appearing at the administration's daily coronavirus press conference the previous day.

Donald Trump's murder math: Any death toll under 2 million is a "very good job"

The only thing more stunningly dumb than the willingness of Donald Trump's disciples to die for the sake of their cult leader's approval poll numbers is the fact that Trump, this past weekend, established a new and terrifying benchmark for "success" in fighting the COVID-19 outbreak. 
During a presidency that's beyond satire, no one really anticipated that Trump's Red Hat militia would end up being a death cult, but here we are. The cult's warped calculus is basically this: Trump will only be re-elected with a prospering economy, but if COVID-19 decimates the economy, Trump could lose. So we have to save the economy, literally at any cost, even if it means we have to sacrifice older Americans (who typically vote Republican).

That was the starting point — the first idea floated by several of Trump's propaganda flacks, including Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Glenn Beck and Fox News' Brit Hume
However, during the Sunday edition of the Trump Show, the president swerved into Mad King territory once again with a remarkably desperate and perhaps psychotic attempt to rescue his chances for re-election. As the U.S. death toll nears 9/11 territory, Trump blurted out that forecasts suggested the death toll could have been as high as 2.2 million Americans had nothing been done to mitigate the spread of the virus.
From there, he landed on a startling new range for acceptable pandemic deaths in America.
"So you're talking about 2.2 million deaths, 2.2 million people from this," the president began. "And so if we could hold that down, as we're saying, to 100,000 — it's a horrible number, maybe even less — but to 100,000. So we have between 100 and 200,000, and we all together have done a very good job." Cutting through his usual refrigerator-magnet sentence structure, Trump preemptively congratulated himself for presiding over the deaths of 100,000 to 200,000 Americans.


Fox & Fiends

Police Impersonators 'Up to No Good' as Quarantine Rules Are Used to Defraud and Harass

People are impersonating police officers during the coronavirus pandemic to defraud and harass others, law enforcement officials have warned.

Orthodox EMS’ ventilator transfer solves hospital’s conflict with Jewish patients — for now

Brooklyn’s biggest hospital has made concessions to the Orthodox community in its neighborhood by allowing for broader and longer use of ventilators amid the coronavirus crisis, in contrast with other New York City hospitals who might increasingly need to start deciding who gets a ventilator and who doesn’t due to the combination of more patients and equipment shortages.