Thursday, April 2, 2020

Maddow: Lack Of US National Coronavirus Policy Is Insane. And Fatal. | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Aircraft Carrier Capt. Begs Navy For Help As 93 Sailors Test Positive For COVID-19 | All In | MSNBC

Cuomo to Dr. Gupta: You were right about this Covid-19 symptom

הידבקות ליצמן: הרבי מגור, נתניהו וראש המוסד - לבידוד

לאחר חצות לילה הודיעו בלשכת שר הבריאות כי השר ורעייתו חלו בקורונה וצמרת המדינה נכנסה לסחרחורת • ראש הממשלה וראשי מערכת הבריאות ייכנסו לבידוד, כך גם גם האדמו"ר מגור

Health Minister Ya'acov Litzman and wife diagnosed with coronavirus

 Health minister Ya'acov Litzman and his wife have been diagnosed with the coronavirus and will go into home-quarantine, according to a spokesperson for the Health Ministry.
"The health minister is feeling well," a statement by the Health Ministry informed the public on Thursday. 

 An epidemiological investigation is being carried out, and messages will be sent to those who came into contact with Litzman and are required to enter isolation. It is expected that the head of the National Security Council Meir Ben-Shabbat and Health Ministry director-general Moshe Bar Siman Tov, as well as several other senior officials, will be asked to home-quarantine.

Haredim have finally begun embracing social distancing. Why did it take so long?

Information took too long to filter into the insular ultra-Orthodox world, and some key rabbis didn’t grasp the pandemic danger. Now Israel braces for the consequences of the delay


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Pence blames China and CDC for any delay in Covid-19 response

Pelosi responds to claim that impeachment distracted Trump from virus

Experts do an about-face, begin recommending masks to fight coronavirus

 'If, in fact, a person who may or may not be infected wants to prevent infecting somebody else, the best way to do that is with a mask. Perhaps that's the way to go.'

 The World Health Organization stood by its position that masks should not be used by healthy members of the public because they are "commonly misused." Wearing a mask could provide a false sense of security and cause people to become lax with other important hygiene measures. Removing a mask so it doesn't cover your nose or touching the outside of the mask can make it less effective, according to the WHO.


Netanyahu: Wear masks in public

Prime Minister Netanyahu said tonight that he is working to curb the Corona pandemic, "We are all putting in a huge effort day and night to overcome the virus."
He announced new movement restrictions on the Bnei Brak area.
"I instructed all the offices to provide special assistance to the city of Bnei Brak. We decided to reduce to the minimum necessary entry and exit from the city."
"It is for the good of their lives and for the lives of all Israeli citizens. This is a time for mutual responsibility among all the state's citizens."
The prime minister also added the duty of wearing masks in public. "We ask the citizens of Israel to wear masks in the public domain. If you don't have a mask, use a scarf or any other covering that will reduce the possibility of infecting others."

What Explains The Bump In Trump’s Approval Ratings?

Trump may be experiencing what political scientists call the “rally-around-the-flag” effect, when national leaders temporarily get more popular amid international crises. Usually, you hear about people rallying around the flag after terrorist attacks or outbreaks of war, but the coronavirus pandemic could qualify in that it too poses an imminent threat to American safety. “When a country is faced with a common threat that touches everybody, there is a tendency to unify and to look toward the leader,” Shoon Murray, a political scientist who has studied the rally-around-the-flag effect, told FiveThirtyEight. “The sense of emergency is now so high and widespread that it’s possible people could rally around the president if he was perceived as taking steps in a nonpartisan way to mitigate the crisis.”

Despite Trump’s solid approval numbers on his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, Americans aren’t as enthusiastic about it as residents of some other countries are about their leaders’ responses. That could explain why Trump’s overall approval rating hasn’t risen nearly as much as some other world leaders’. According to Morning Consult, Trump’s net approval rating rose 5 percentage points from March 11 (the day the World Health Organization officially declared the coronavirus crisis a pandemic) to March 24,1 ranking sixth among the nine major world leaders Morning Consult polled. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau all experienced increases of more than 20 points in their net approval ratings.

Israel’s chief rabbis say Passover Seder can’t be held via videoconference

The Chief Rabbinate on Tuesday issued guidelines for Passover in the age of coronavirus, saying it was not permitted to hold the traditional Seder by videoconference and dismissing a previous ruling by several rabbis who said it was allowed.
In what may have been one of the boldest rulings issued on technology in recent years, 14 Sephardic Orthodox rabbis in Israel last week declared that families may conduct their shared Seder over videoconference, despite Orthodox religious law normally banning the use of electronic devices on Shabbat and festivals.
They also wrote that prayers should be held alone and at home, without a “minyan” [quorum of 10 worshipers]. However, they said each congregation should announce a specific time for everyone to start the prayer.
The chief rabbis said “mikveh” ritual baths for women would remain open and that they were under strict supervision regarding cleanliness and disinfection. Ritual baths for men are closed.

Prominent rabbi: Media trying to ‘slur’ Haredim in coronavirus reports

The Israeli media is trying to “slur” Haredim by creating the impression that they are responsible for spreading the coronavirus, a prominent Jerusalem rabbi claimed. 
“It’s one big lie from the media,” Nachum Eisenstein said, arguing that the phenomenon of Haredim flouting coronavirus rules is being exaggerated, while violations by others, such as beachgoers, are being downplayed.

Judge rules lawsuit alleging Trump threatened free press can move forward

A federal judge on Tuesday ruled that some of the claims in a literary advocacy group's lawsuit against President Trump over his threats to retaliate against critical media coverage can proceed. 
U.S. District Judge Lorna Schofield wrote in a 24-page opinion that PEN America had a "constitutional standing" to pursue claims for declaratory relief against Trump's practice of "selectively barring access" to the White House press corps, including by "revoking or threatening to revoke press credentials due to hostility to the reporters’ speech."
Schofield also ruled that the case could proceed on allegations that Trump revoked or threatened to revoke security clearances for government officials he dislikes. 

Schofield noted that PEN America's claims against Trump had merit, given that the White House has a history of barring press access and that it revoked CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta's credentials in November 2018. Acosta's press pass was later reinstated, though the development caused former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to release new guidelines for reporters.