Monday, March 30, 2020

rabbinic guidance

Trump Follows Science Over Economic Advisors | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Fauci reveals why Trump changed his mind about re-opening US

Stop all Minyan until Pandemic Passes

Police disperse hundreds of ultra-Orthodox from synagogues in Mea Shearim

Police forces dispersed hundreds of ultra-Orthodox men in the radical Mea Shearim neighborhood Monday morning, following efforts to convince the community to comply with social-distancing orders.

Use of fetal tissue in vaccine development

Most vaccines currently available were developed using cell strains cultured from two fetuses aborted for other purposes in the 1960s.[3] This has led some to oppose vaccination on religious or moral grounds.[1][2] However, vaccine experts and manufacturers state that vaccines do not contain any of the original fetal tissue or cells, that the abortions occurred decades ago and replenishment with new tissue has not occurred. Also, producing a safe vaccine for many diseases requires the use of these cell strains.[2] The Catholic Church, which opposes abortion, has stated that vaccination should not be refused on moral grounds because the public health benefits of vaccination outweigh the historical use of aborted fetal tissue to develop some vaccines.[1][2]

The new coronavirus can likely remain airborne for some time. That doesn’t mean we’re doomed

When a new virus blasts out of the animals that harbored it and into people, experts can usually say, thank goodness it’s not like measles. That virus is more contagious than any others known to science: Each case of measles causes an astronomical 12 to 18 new cases, compared to about six for polio, smallpox, and rubella. Each case of the new coronavirus is estimated to cause two to three others.

A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data

At a time when everyone needs better information, from disease modelers and governments to people quarantined or just social distancing, we lack reliable evidence on how many people have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 or who continue to become infected. Better information is needed to guide decisions and actions of monumental significance and to monitor their impact.
Draconian countermeasures have been adopted in many countries. If the pandemic dissipates — either on its own or because of these measures — short-term extreme social distancing and lockdowns may be bearable. How long, though, should measures like these be continued if the pandemic churns across the globe unabated? How can policymakers tell if they are doing more good than harm?

Jerusalem Haredim attack medics coming to perform coronavirus test, injure 1

Police crack down on violations of virus rules in ultra-Orthodox Mea Shearim neighborhood, arresting 4 , amid public outcry over perceived lack of enforcement

Haredi woman blames media for hatred of religous Jews

A haredi resident of central Tel Aviv said that last Saturday she saw dozens of people walking in the streets with their children contrary to Ministry of Health orders but that police were summoned only when haredim were reported to be holding a prayer service.
In an interview with Arutz Sheva, the woman said that during half an hour at the window, she observed a couple taking a walk with their kids, two girls conversing in violation of directives, two men taking a walk, and many similar cases. She said no one considered taking pictures of these events or calling police.
"But when my husband returned from morning prayers at the Belz synagogue in Tel Aviv, which was held according to all the rules provided by the Ministry of Health - ten people scattered in an open complex - he said that the neighbors repeatedly called police who arrived at the scene but [couldn't do anything] after one of the worshipers presented an official permit to pray in the specific open area according to the strict rules of the Ministry of Health."
"A day earlier," she says, "there was a small minyan in the open space according to all the rules. And again, police were called. They weren't aware that permission had already been granted to pray there - and worshipers fled in the middle of the prayer for fear of arrest."


נתונים דרמטיים: רוב הנדבקים ב'קורונה' בביה"ח - חרדים

בבדיקה שנערכה בבתי החולים במרכז הארץ ובירושלים, עולה תמונה עגומה, מלבד החולים הנמצאים ב'מעייני הישועה', מתברר כי אחוזים גבוהים מהנדבקים ב'קורונה', משתייכים למגזר החרדי


Conservative Pastor: Spread of coronavirus in synagogues is divine punishment;postID=3857840852310449591

Rick Wiles, the Florida pastor who claimed that the effort to impeach President Trump was a “Jew coup,” said the spread of coronavirus in synagogues is a punishment of the Jewish people.

Yemeni scholar: Jews, Israel and US made coronavirus to shut down Mecca

In a video released by MEMRI, Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Ubeidi argues that Jewish people have plotted for centuries to take over the Islamic holy sites of Mecca and Medina.


Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn are fighting COVID-19 – and antisemitism

New York state has seen some 60,000 cases and nearly 1,000 deaths – the most in the US by far. "You could just lay in bed like you're almost dead for days and days – and there's nothing to do."