Monday, March 30, 2020
Donald Trump: Says N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo “rejected buying recommended 16,000 ventilators in 2015 for the pandemic, for a pandemic, established death panels and lotteries instead. So, he had a chance to buy, in 2015, 16,000 ventilators at a very low price, and he turned it down.”
Our ruling
Trump said Cuomo "rejected buying recommended 16,000 ventilators in
2015 for the pandemic, for a pandemic, established death panels and
lotteries instead. So, he had a chance to buy, in 2015, 16,000
ventilators at a very low price and he turned it down."
A 2015 state report said that in the case of a "severe" pandemic, the
state would be short about 16,000 ventilators during peak week. But the
report did not recommend buying 16,000 ventilators, and did not
indicate whether the state was at a fiscal position to purchase them.
The state did not plan to increase its stockpile because it
anticipated that in the event of a severe crisis, there would be
shortage of trained staff to operate them and demand would outweigh any
emergency stockpile. The report said the state had to balance the likely
ventilator shortage with the need for adequate funding for current and
ongoing health care expenses.
The report issued guidelines on ventilator allocation if there
weren’t enough for everyone and suggested that hospitals designate a
triage officer or committee. It explored a lottery system, but did not
recommend it as the primary option. Cuomo did not establish one.
Trump’s statement is inaccurate. We rate it False.
Society – importance
Berachos 58a): . Ben
Zoma once saw a crowd on one of the steps of the Temple Mount. He said, Blessed
is He that discerneth secrets, and blessed is He who has created all these to
serve me. [For] he used to say: What labours Adam had to carry out before he
obtained bread to eat! He ploughed, he sowed, he reaped, he bound [the
sheaves], he threshed and winnowed and selected the ears, he ground [them], and
sifted [the flour], he kneaded and baked, and then at last he ate; whereas I
get up, and find all these things done for me. And how many labours Adam had to
carry out before he obtained a garment to wear! He had to shear, wash [the
wool], comb it, spin it and weave it, and then at last he obtained a garment to
wear; whereas I get up and find all these things done for me. All kinds of
craftsmen5 come early to the door of my house, and I rise in the morning and
find all these before me
הוראות גדולי ישראל: האם מותר לקיים מנייני תפילה בחוץ?
מרנן הגר"ח קנייבסקי, הגר"ג אדלשטיין, הגר"ש כהן והגר"ש בעדני - אסרו על תושבי בני ברק לקיים מנייני תפילה ברחוב, הגר"ג אדלשטיין הוסיף כי הוראתו זו - לכל הארץ. ומה דעת יתר הרבנים?
FACT CHECK: N.Y. Governor Slams Trump Ventilator Claim As 'Ignorant' And 'Uninformed'
President Trump claimed during Friday's White House coronavirus
briefing that the federal government shipped droves of ventilators to
New York. What did New York officials do in response? According to
Trump, they ignored the new supply and instead attacked the White House
for not doing more to assist the state.
"We sent thousands of
ventilators to New York, and they didn't know about it at the time they
were complaining," Trump said. "They were going there in large numbers."
An aghast New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had this reply to Trump's accusation: "That is incorrect and grossly uninformed."
President Trump Extends Federal Social Distancing Guidelines Until End of April
President Donald Trump said Sunday that he would extend national social distancing guidelines until April 30. They were otherwise set to expire Monday.
The virus and the plague of moral superiority
If you follow current events you will notice that this virus has become politicized. Republicans take it less seriously than Democrats. Religious less than Secularists. The young less than the old.
It seems that people think this is a punishment primarily against the deviant other. Thus religious Jews continue with minyan, weddings etc because they are protected by Torah and the absence of the sins of Internet, homosexuality,abortion and sheitel - and besides they give to the right charities.. Republicans are protected by loyalty to Trump and rejection of Clinton, Leftists and CNN and the New York Times. Submersion in Fox News is believed to be a very strong weapon against the virus.
The young view this as a process of getting rid of the previous generation which restrict their lives.
Trump has stated that the hysteria is a Democratic and Media hoax directed against his reelection
As the mayor of Bnei Brak stated "people need to wake up" and realize
the virus ignores religious and political affiliations as well as
loyalties and information preferences. As the Rambam notes hasgocha protist only is releavant for the few tzadikim who are truly davek with G-d. The majority of people live their lives according to the reality of Nature,Science and Medicine. Therefore if you don't listen to the doctors there can be bad consequences. And to firmly believe this virus is only against the sinful is going to lead to something unpleasant.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
"אין להתפלל במניין": מאחורי הקלעים לפסק הדרמטי של גדולי הדור
פרסום ראשון: המכתב הדרמטי שפורסם בשעה האחרונה עם ההוראה על איסור קיום מניינים הגיעה לאחר שהבוקר הגר''י סילמן חייג לרה''י הגרי''ג אדלשטיין והביא בפניו את קצב ההדבקה המסוכן בעיר, הפסק הועבר למרן שר התורה שהורה להוציא את המכתב
בשעה זו יוצאים רבני העיר בני ברק במכתב חריף בו הם פוסקים בצורה נחרצת כי על דעתם של מרן שר התורה הגאון רבי חיים קנייבסקי שליט"א ומרן ראש הישיבה הגאון רבי גרשון אדלשטיין שליט"א "יש להחמיר את אמצעי הזהירות ואין לקיים כלל מנינים לתפילה גם לא במקומות פתוחים, וכמו"כ אסור ללמוד בבתי כנסת ובתי מדרש רק כ"א ילמד בביתו".
הרב אלימלך פירר קורא לכם: "אנא, הישארו בבתים!"
על רקע התפרצות הנגיף בעוצמה - בפרט בערים החרדיות - מפרסם כעת היועץ הרפואי המוערך הרב אלימלך פירר פניה מיוחדת לכלל האזרחים: "התכנסות בבתים זו מניעה, שהוכחה בבירור"
מרן הגר"ח קנייבסקי הורה להתפלל ביחידות: "פיקוח נפש"
השו"ת המלא בכתב ידו של שר התורה
א. אדם שלפי הוראות
הרופאים חייב להיכנס לבידוד כדי שלא ידביק אחרים אם חלה, והוא עצמו חש בטוב
ואינו חש שום כאב או חולי, האם יכול לצאת מביתו, או שמצווה עליו להקשיב
לרופאים למרות שמרגיש טוב?
"לשמוע לרופאים".
אדם שטוען שהוא בוטח בה' שלא יחלה, ועל כן מזלזל בהנחיות הרפואה (בשמירת
מרחק זה מזה, וביציאה מהבית שלא לצורך דחוף וכדו') האם אפשר להגדירו
כ"רודף" כי עלול להביא אנשים אחרים לידי סכנה?
ג. ואם ח"ו זלזל בהוראות וגרם למישהו למות, האם נחשב מזיד או שוגג?
"קרוב למזיד"
ד. אם יודע על אדם שחייב להיות בבידוד שיוצא החוצה ומסכן אנשים, מותר לגעור בו בקול ובחריפות, אף שאולי יתבזה מכך?
מותר למסור את שמו של אדם שמזלזל בהוראות הרופאים ומסכן את האחרים,
לרשויות החוק? וכן האם מותר למסור מידע על בתי כנסת ומוסדות שלא נשמעים
להוראות הרפואה, גם אם יביא לקנס כספי גבוה או אפילו מאסר?
ו. האם יש להשאיר טלפון פתוח בשבת למקרה שהרופאים יצטרכו להשיגו ויוכל לענות בשל חשש פיקוח נפש?
ז. מה הציבור יכול לקבל על עצמו כדי לעצור את המגיפה הנוראה שכבר מתו בה רבים כל כך?
Report: Rabbi Kanievsky calls to pray without minyan
An order from Lithuanian-haredi leader Rabbi Haim Kanievsky,
according to which one should pray alone without a minyan in these days,
is expected to soon be released by the rabbis of the city of Bnei Brak.
The rabbis received the instruction from Rabbi Kanievsky, among other
reasons, in light of the outbreak of the coronavirus in Bnei Brak and
the very high number of diagnosed patients there in relation to the size
of the population.
According to reports, Rabbi Kanievsky explained his ruling by saying, “It’s pikuach nefesh [a matter of saving lives].”
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen EmissionsPotential Implications for Reducing Transmission of COVID-19
Owing to the forward momentum of the cloud, pathogen-bearing droplets
are propelled much farther than if they were emitted in isolation
without a turbulent puff cloud trapping and carrying them forward. Given
various combinations of an individual patient’s physiology and
environmental conditions, such as humidity and temperature, the gas
cloud and its payload of pathogen-bearing droplets of all sizes can
travel 23 to 27 feet (7-8 m).3,4
Importantly, the range of all droplets, large and small, is extended
through their interaction with and trapping within the turbulent gas
cloud, compared with the commonly accepted dichotomized droplet model
that does not account for the possibility of a hot and moist gas cloud.
Moreover, throughout the trajectory, droplets of all sizes settle out or
evaporate at rates that depend not only on their size, but also on the
degree of turbulence and speed of the gas cloud, coupled with the
properties of the ambient environment (temperature, humidity, and
Turbulent gas cloud dynamics should influence the design
and recommended use of surgical and other masks. These masks can be
used both for source control (ie, reducing spread from an infected
person) and for protection of the wearer (ie, preventing spread to an
unaffected person). The protective efficacy of N95 masks depends on
their ability to filter incoming air from aerosolized droplet nuclei.
However, these masks are only designed for a certain range of
environmental and local conditions and a limited duration of usage.9
Mask efficacy as source control depends on the ability of the mask to
trap or alter the high-momentum gas cloud emission with its pathogenic
payload. Peak exhalation speeds can reach up to 33 to 100 feet per
second (10-30 m/s), creating a cloud that can span approximately 23 to
27 feet (7-8 m). Protective and source control masks, as well as other
protective equipment, should have the ability to repeatedly withstand
the kind of high-momentum multiphase turbulent gas cloud that may be
ejected during a sneeze or a cough and the exposure from them. Currently
used surgical and N95 masks are not tested for these potential
characteristics of respiratory emissions.
הגר"ח קנייבסקי בהוראה דרמטית: אסור להתפלל במניין בבני ברק
התפשטות נגיף הקורונה בבני ברק: שר התורה הגר"ח קנייבסקי הורה בשעה האחרונה
לרבני העיר בני ברק, כי בעת הזאת יש להתפלל ביחידות ולא במניין • מדובר
בפסק דרמטי, שמגיע לאחר שבתחילת משבר הקורונה הורה הגר"ח קנייבסקי להמשיך
את פעילות מוסדות התורה בבני ברק
Haredi Jews in NY accused of 'spreading the virus'
"From pushing the idea that Jews created the coronavirus virus to sell vaccines to encouraging infected followers to try to spread the illness to the Jewish community and law enforcement, as the coronavirus has spread, we have observed how white-supremacists, neo-Nazis and others have used this to drive their own conspiracy theories, spread disinformation and incite violence on their online platforms," said Michael Masters, the head of Secure Communities Network, an umbrella group that coordinates security for Jewish organizations and synagogues around the country.
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