Friday, December 20, 2019

American Jewry and the Trump impeachment
 Many were the Jews in America who certainly applauded the decision to impeach Trump on Wednesday. Many, as well, are the Jews concerned – as Jews have been throughout history in times of crisis and change – about how this will impact on antisemitism and on the Jewish community.

And, as the Ami poll showed, there are also Jews in the US – an integral part of the fabric of the American Jewish community – who think differently. American and Israeli Jews are not the only ones divided on Trump. There is a split – though by no means an equal one – on the matter within the US Jewish community as well.

Israeli-American backpacker loses appeal in Russian drug smuggling case

 A Russian court on Thursday rejected the appeal of Naama Issachar, a US-Israeli woman who was sentenced to over seven years in prison in the country for a minor drug offense.

Issachar, who has been held in Russia since April, was arrested after a small quantity of marijuana, some 9 grams, was found in her luggage during a layover in Moscow.

The judges discussed the decision for roughly 20 minutes and ruled against the appeal in a one-sentence statement, Channel 12 reported. The rejected appeal means her years-long punishment will be upheld.

URGENT: danger of govt sponsored service - for both genders - Last Call: Submit a Public Comment by December 31

Kislev 5780 /  December '19

URGENT: Danger of gov't mandated "national service" etc. - for both genders - potentially becoming obligatory, that too for boys and girls.  

° Imagine the leftist influence over what types of policies volunteers will need abide by.... even hospital volunteers could eventually be compelled to somehow participate in assisted killing, for example. 

° Imagine the LGBTQ Tolerant Tyranny regime at work within National Service...

See below: Last Call: Submit a Public Comment by December 31.


Follow Up Alert Re National Service


21 Kislev, 5780

[Follow-Up] Alert: 

Public comments are urgently needed by Dec. 31, addressing, among other things, "Should all Americans be required to serve?"

The "National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service" is taking public comments addressing questions about whether America should encourage or even require various types of public service, including Military, National, and Public Service.

The moral hazards are formidable, see a previous post:

This is from their email of  about a month ago:

"One month left to share your thoughts on the following:

Does service have inherent value?

If so, what is it?

How does the U.S. increase the desire for Americans, particularly young Americans, to serve?

What are the barriers to participation in military, national or public service?

How can the U.S. increase participation in military, national, and public service by individuals with critical skills to address national security and other public service needs of the nation?

Is the military draft or draft contingency still a necessary component of U.S. national security?

Are modifications to the selective service system needed?

Is a mandatory service requirement for all Americans necessary, valuable, and feasible?

Submit a public comment by the December 31, 2019 deadline via:

mail your comment or any material you see fit to 2530 Crystal Drive, Suite 1000, Box #63, Arlington, Virginia 22202, 

or email your response to:

The national conversation on these important issues begins with you. ..."

It's important our voices be heard. We're all for serving the country, but only in a manner consistent with serving G-d.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Man who refused wife divorce demands embryo in return for annulment

But the husband, knowing he can not father any more children, demanded, in return for granting a divorce, his wife either undergo fertility treatment herself to have the last remaining embryo implanted, or to give him ownership over the embryo so he could have another child through a surrogate mother.

The judges of the rabbinical court, rabbis Avraham Shemen, Avraham Avidar, and David Grozman issued a ruling that the embryo did not belong to either parent and the husband’s demand his wife get pregnant from the embryo was not reasonable.

The unique life story of Rabbi Berel Wein, a scholar of the past

Throughout his stories and lectures, Wein attempts to impart one basic message. “In my opinion, Jewish history is the key to faith and to belief, and to explain what we’re doing here in Israel. If you have no idea of where you are coming from, you have no idea where you are going.”

‘Jew coup’: The anti-Semitic conspiracy theories surrounding Trump’s impeachment

While the president himself has never suggested that a Jewish conspiracy is the root cause of the impeachment process, experts on anti-Semitism and the relationship between hate and violence say that he has fostered an environment in which that type of discourse has been deemed acceptable.

Righteous Women Saving Klal Yisroel


Righteous Women Saving The Jewish People:

The Ongoing War Against the Anti-religious Israeli Draft of Women and Girls

Parshas Vayaishev, 21 Kislev, 5780 °° Dec.19, '19

By Binyomin Feinberg, Contributor to The Jewish Press*

* The perspectives and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the ownership or management of The Jewish Press.


To check for updates throughout the week please visit ("Updates for Kislev" at: )


° The Yalkut Shimoni (606, end) on Megilas Rus (4:11) quotes the Medrash Rus, stating that throughout the generations, Jews are redeemed through the merits of the righteous women of that time. See Talmud tractate Sotah 11b, quoting Rav Avira, that we were redeemed from Egypt (similarly) in the merit of the righteous women of that time (cf. Kav HaYashar).

° In another post, we briefly address the antireligious nature of the Israeli female draft policy, see There we discuss, by way of example, the plight of a recently religious girl (now learning in a religious seminary in Jerusalem) who is being mistreated by the Army, which already set her draft date for April 1. Please daven and/or learn be'retzifus for Dinah bas Galit. ("Dana" was recently changed to "Dinah.")

° B"H, many girls, and others, are fighting this antireligious draft policy. Moreover, we're witness to many monumental acts of mesiras nefesh ("self-sacrifice"), by Israeli girls - of all backgrounds - refusing to submit to this anti-Torah edict. Some of these girls are newly observant. Their mesiras nefesh is truly remarkable. Clearly, the Soton too is well aware of the immense spiritual potential of Jewish women. Perhaps for that very reason, religious girls specifically have been increasing targeted for the military draft, especially over the past year or two. Of course, nothing happens without Divine Province every step of the way. These epic nisyonos ("tests") undoubtedly will play a major role in the Ultimate Redemption.

° The caseload of religious girls in distress is growing, and more assistance is clearly needed. Even just clarifying the facts of each case, and dissemination thereof, is not a simple matter, in light of the sheer volume of work involved.


1. We begin here with a brief response to a reader's query regarding last week's post about the attempted-suicide of an Israeli girl incarcerated in Military Prison Four, Shir ( (Dec. 12), titled "Facilitating Suicide?," with a question mark).

Q: Do we claim that the Israeli Army intentionally tries to facilitate suicide in the military prisons?

A: No. The Army (presumably) does NOT want girls incarcerated in Military Prison actually committing suicide.

2. What the Army does in fact do is subject many incarcerated girls to unbearable psychological - and sometimes physical - abuse, abuse which could predictably trigger suicide attempts in the more susceptible girls. [Realize that we're not addressing intent, as much as actual acts and policies.] According to multiple, unrelenting, independent accounts, the government is persecuting girls refusing to serve in the military to the point that some break and enlist, some physically collapse, and, in the case of Shir, some even attempt suicide. [It must be emphasized that, B"H, others do prevail.]

3. As our Sages teach, the pain of (prolonged) torment can actually be more unbearable than death itself (see Talmud tractate Kesubos 33b, top). The management and staff of the Israeli military prison system apparently understand that principle all too well, and, unfortunately, perform accordingly. This trend of subjecting incarcerated objectors (religious girls and others) to terrible abuse has reportedly manifested, in various ways, in the cases of Shir, Donna bas Hadas, Hila bas Adina (Military Prison 4), and of Miri N., Adina, and others (in Military Prison 6), to cite some current or recent examples. It's important to mention that our latest information about Shir is that she's STILL being mistreated, rather than being released from prison for medical treatment.

4. What benefit would breaking resistant girls provide the Army brass? Enforcement of compliance, or, at the very least, as we explained last week, deterrent to others considering resisting the military draft.

5. However, girls insistent on refusing to enlist need not suffer so terribly, or cower in fear. Help is available, often at no cost. It is critical to seek guidance from those with experience, and most capable and willing to fight for your rights. While no promises as to results can be made, proper publicization of the plight of a girl suffering incarceration, or facing a threat thereof, generally helps alleviate her plight significantly.

6. Free information is available by calling the volunteer ladies at "Chomosaich" 03-545-6770 (24/6). They provide information and advice to girls in danger of Army enlistment, harassment or persecution. Girls are urged to call before even considering stepping foot into the Draft Office. In fact, it's advisable to contact Chomosaich even before problems arise, to prevent many costly errors made out of sheer ignorance.

7. This approach also helps one avoid running into other people at the Draft Offices, or Military Court, individuals who may (even with the best of intentions) refer girls to assistance that may prove disappointing, or even considerably worse. We've received multiple reports of girls who have needlessly suffered from neglect or mismanagement of their cases. One erroneous referral can inadvertently wreak havoc.

a) One indicator of a problem is an overzealous recommendation to obtain a "quick" Petur Nafshi (PN), rather than fight on principle for a religious exemption. The PN, according to a recent article in Maariv, is coming under increasing scrutiny. Many of those who obtained a PN may be shocked to hear that their PN is being revoked or reexamined, and needs to be redone.

b) Another danger is the increasingly common phenomenon of frum ladies sending girls into the Draft Office, or even actually recommending submitting to a "Rayon Das" (a religiosity interrogation). This occurs in cases of girls newly observant or studying in a non-religious school for any reason. Entering the Draft Office is assur, and quite dangerous, especially for the newly observant and those who've studied in a non-religious school.

c) A third indicator may be a seemingly inexplicable aversion to engaging in proper pirsum in English, even when that can be done without divulging the name of the girl.

If girls encounter these red-flags, they should politely leave and call Chomosaich immediately, before being harassed into a potentially hazardous, and hard-to-reverse situation.

8. Chomosaich provides information and guidance to girls from across the spectrum, independent of their level of religious observance. Thousands have benefited from their painstaking work. (For more details, see .)

9. In these situations, it's often accurate to say that the only thing girl need fear is fear itself. Armed with an unwavering Emunah and commitment to the Torah prohibition against enlistment in the military as Yai'horaig Ve'al Ya'avor, and assisted by legal help and the employment of intelligent pirsum (PR), a girl can often transform her status from being a victim to a victor.

10. Girls resisting military service, their families, and their advocates should take inspiration from the many girls and families standing strong against the antireligious, often coercive conscription campaign of the IDF Draft Offices, (as well as resisting the misguided efforts of some others to help them).

11. One of many examples is the family of Avigail Leah H., a 17 y/o Chabad girl harassed by the Army since February '19.

12. In fact, in February, her mother, Dr. Rus Ester Leemor bas Tzipora (a Ba'alas Teshuva, and previously an Israeli Air Force captain, who also needs our tefillos for a speedy recovery), was told explicitly by Keren Levy, now heading the Jerusalem Draft Office, that she (Ms. Levy) will "decide" if Avigail is religious. Moreover, with almost unbelievable temerity, Levy (now promoted to Colonel) added:

"I will profane (or "violate") "The Vineyard" ("acha'lail et ha'Kerem") - and I'll start with your daughter(!)"

13. In the face of this unmitigated anti-Jewish antipathy, Avigail's family remained steadfast in her demand for a religious exemption. They braved months of Army threats of arrest (despite Avigail being below 18, the Army technically could have arrested her, albeit just to force her down to the Draft Office for a religious interrogation). She remained unwavering not only in her refusal to enlist in the IDF, but also in her refusal make any Halachic compromises in the process, including submitting to a "Rayon Dat."

14. And in her persistence, BE"H she prevailed, recently receiving written notice of her Religious Exemption. (See for more details and links to her story.)

15. Their fortitude to battle against what appears to be an overtly antireligious vendetta, where many others failed to help, stands as an example for all Jews to emulate. Over 21 centuries ago, the spiritual progenitors of the modern day Hellenists similarly sought to draw Jews away from their fidelity to the Torah. And it was in the merit of righteous women, along with the saintly men who fought for them, that the Jewish People were saved from the terrible, antireligious edicts of those endarkened days.

16. It's interesting that the spiritual heirs of the ancient Hellenists, in what may be seen as an effort to establish their historical claim to the Land of Israel by emulating the policies of their earliest known forebears, similarly strike incessantly at the purity of Jewish women (as if channeling the spirits of depraved Greek "Hegmon" rulers).

17. However, as the saintly Chazon Ish warned Israeli PM Ben Gurion, our strength is greater than all of his governmental power and military might, because our strength lies in the unrelenting fortitude of righteous Jewish women, who remain intent on giving up their lives - if need be - rather than submitting to the draft.

°°° May we all merit, through our undeterred support for these brave souls, the Final Redemption very soon.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

"Making Jew-Hatred Great Again"


20 Kislev, 5780 °° Dec. 18, '19

Making Jew-Hatred Great Again:

Anti-Religious Coercion by the Israeli Army, Targeting Yet Another Ba'alat Teshuvah.

By Binyomin Feinberg, Contributor to The Jewish Press*

* The perspectives and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the ownership or management of The Jewish Press.


To check for updates throughout the week please visit ("Updates for Kislev" at: )

Israeli government officials are known for being outspoken in their criticism of Diaspora Jew-haters - real, imagined, and/or exacerbated, from England to Turkey, and beyond. But the domestic, home-grown variety seems to evade their eagle-eyes. Moreover, our Sages exhort us that those who cause us to sin pose a graver danger than those who threatened our physical survival, "Gadol hamachatiyoh yosair min ha'horgoh." The actively antireligious elements in Israel - intent on drawing Jews away from Torah - are thus more of a concern than those bonafide Jew-haters who pose only a physical danger.

As a policy, an official decision by the Israeli government was made in the Summer (Av) of 2013 CE, making it an official priority to draft religious girls into the Military. It is absolutely prohibited according to all leading Torah authorities, across the spectrum, for women - religious or otherwise - to serve in the military. It is likewise prohibited to seek to convince girls, religious or not, to enlist. How much more wicked is it to FORCE girls, religious or not, into the military.

Besides being prohibited, it's also inhumane, for obvious reasons. To quote one victim of sexual abuse (who B"H escaped the military), it's known within the Army that "Ha'Banot ba'Tzavah hain Mizron Tzahali." (We will leave that untranslated here.)

The women are not needed in the Army to serve the country, but rather to serve the men running the Army. None of this is rocket science.

This background perspective accentuates the rish'us (evil) of persecuting girls and women who refuse to be forced to serve in the Army. But as a policy, the Israeli government does exactly that; it's persecutes those girls, including girls who articulate specific religious objections, objections incontrovertibly rooted in Torah Law. This is undeniably "antireligious persecution." If it would be perpetrated by non-Jews, abroad, Israeli officials would be tripping over themselves to grandstand in front of microphones against antisemitism. But over their own strains of Jew-hatred, the silence is deafening.

Case in point: Dana B., who lives in northern Israel, was recently required to enlist in the Army, despite being a recent Baalat Teshuva (returnee to observance of Judaism, aka "BT"). Her parents have been observant for about four years. They are similarly, and rightfully adamant against her enlistment in the military. She presented her religious certification in January ('19). Being only recently observant, and of course having studied in a non-religious school, the Army summoned her immediately to a "Rayon Dat," a religious interrogation, without allowing her the much-needed time to prepare - and without any legal counsel, advocate, or any accompanying party altogether. The latter protocol is standard Army policy, in defiance of common sense and deference to religious liberty (apparently a concept somewhat foreign to them). Predictably, she failed her religious test. Her application for a standard religious exemption was thus denied.

Since then, she has been harassed by the Army to follow enlistment procedures, and she's refused, with the strong support of her parents, who've hired their own attorney. However, the attorney has apparently not seen much success ("fighting City Hall"). She's recently reached out to activists to help her. Her case may not be an easy one. Her draft date has been set by the Army, and she needs our support and tefillos.

This neo-"Jihadist" sentiment against baalot teshuva, the recently observant, reveals a deep seated antipathy towards practicing, committed Jews. Judaism is like a marriage, it requires commitment. Once committed to follow the Torah, one is "Torah observant," even if at the moment still ignorant of the laws. Learning the practical laws is a process. Thus, demanding knowledge at the initial stages of commitment is unreasonable. Denying her religiosity is cruel. And denying her religious exemption is inexcusably biased. Even from a secular perspective, her position is fully understandable, and acceptable. But the perspective of the Army brass is not merely secular, but rather antireligious.
Netanyahu waxes eloquent about pidyon shevuyim - while his own government (or what passes for such) is tormenting untold numbers of unquestionably innocent Israeli girls in military prisons for their refusal to serve in the Israeli military.

On Tues., Netanyahu "vowed to secure the release of an Israeli-American backpacker who is serving a seven-year-plus prison sentence in Russia for a minor drug offense," according to an article in the Times of Israel.

“I am not a magician, but one thing I assure you. I will bring Naama Issachar home,” Netanyahu told supporters at a rally in Haifa where he was campaigning ahead of a leadership primary within his Likud party. Issachar, who’s been held in Russia since April, was arrested over a small amount of marijuana found in her luggage during a stopover in Moscow."

"Issachar was sentenced in October to seven and a half years in prison for drug smuggling after authorities in April found nine grams of marijuana in her luggage before she boarded a connecting flight on her way from India to Israel. She had not planned to enter Russia during the stopover," according to the TOI.

We are not commenting on the case of the young lady in Russian prison, or critiquing any legitimate efforts to free her. We're pointing out the rank hypocrisy of Netanyahu, to say: while grandstanding as a savior, clean your own house, as well.

The human rights atrocities committed by the Israeli government against undeniably innocent Israeli girls (religious or otherwise) remind us of the tyrannical regimes of the past, regimes whose Socialist mentality reverberates through contemporary Israeli "rightwing" (sic) leftists, channeling Stalin in their abuse of innocent girls, girls who refuse to submit to the hopelessness of mandatory exploitation under IDF officers.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Trump boasted that his polls are “through the roof.” Fox News quickly proved him wrong.

 A Fox News poll released Sunday morning shows that a majority of registered voters think Trump should be impeached (54 percent). Half of the survey’s respondents (50 percent) not only think Trump should be impeached, but that he should also be removed from office. By contrast, only 41 percent don’t think Trump should be impeached at all.