Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Two more cases of babies' herpes linked to metzizah

CNN   Editor's note: The content of this story may disturb some readers.
update 4/9/13 JPost is reporting that the initial report was incorrect and that only one additional baby - not two - has herpes.
update 4/10/13 I am not poskening. I am providing a forum for people to discuss issues. There seems to be two approaches here. There are those who are saying "you are a moron for endangering your child for a practice which has absolutely no religious significance." These people's major goals are showing 1) MP has not religious significance 2) It is dangerous 3) no intelligent person would do it.
update 4/16/13 U of Penn issues disclaimer and says study was misquoted
update 4/11/13  U of Penn study finds no increased danger for MP
Jewish leaders this week pointed to a recent independent study by Penn Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania that found little evidence to support the claim that a circumcision practice known as Metzitzah B'Peh (MBP) leads to an increased likelihood of herpes in infants.
 In a study published in December last year, University of Pennsylvania's Center for Evidence-based Practice reviewed several studies linking circumcision with oral suction, a common ritual for many Orthodox Jews, and herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1. Though four published studies since 2000 suggested that such a link does exist, Penn doctors found the evidence to be "small and significantly limited."
The study was cited in an appeal filed Monday in the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals challenging a New York City Department of Health (DOH) regulation that seeks to place limits on the practice.
My approach is to try to provide cognitive empathy. I want everyone to understand the basis of thought underlying the two sides. So while Doc-J has provided an excellent example of those who are convinced that only delusional nut cases would do MP - I wanted to explain that it is possible not to be stupid or irresponsible and do MP. I am not advocating or rejecting it.

Historically MP was disavowed to the degree to which it was shown to the poskim that it is dangerous. See Sheilas Dovid cited in the Sdei Chemed's kuntres on MP. Very little is accomplished by telling frum people who have a clear mesora for many generations in their family and communities that they are ignorant savages and are violating halacha. Once this need for defeating the opponent fades it is easier to have a discussion and find a solution..[see comments  for the rest]

New York (CNN) -- Two more infants have contracted the herpes virus after undergoing an ultra-Orthodox Jewish type of circumcision, which has been linked to the spread of the potentially deadly virus to newborn boys, according to the New York City Health Department.

In the ritual, known as metzitzah b'peh, after removing the foreskin of the penis the person performing the procedure places his mouth briefly over the wound, sucking a small amount of blood out, which is discarded. Antibacterial ointment is applied and the wound is bandaged. The health department says the procedure is dangerous because the contact with the mouth could transmit diseases such as herpes.

Most adults are infected with the herpes simplex virus type 1, and while they may have no symptoms, the virus may be present in their saliva, according to the health department. (It is different from herpes simplex virus type 2, which is usually transmitted sexually.)

"While HSV-1 in adults can cause the common cold sore, HSV-1 infection in newborns is very serious," a department statement says.[...]

Doheny meat scandal - a story of betrayal by those who were respected & trusted

This describes all the disturbing details regarding the recent meat scandal in Los Angels prior to the store being sold. The article clearly indicates that perhaps the greatest problem is the alleged betrayal of the community by someone who was highly respected and trusted for years as  well as the failure of the kashrus supervision to aggressively follow up on rumors of wrong doing.

Jewish Journal    On Thursday, March 7, at 6:10 a.m., a van and an SUV sit in adjacent parking spaces, in the lot of a McDonald’s near the junction of the 101 and the 405 freeways, their rear lift-gates open. 

Mike Engelman, the driver of the SUV, with the help of the driver of the van, loads something into the back of the SUV. Then Engelman, who owns Doheny Glatt Kosher Meat Market, one of Los Angeles’ largest distributors of kosher animal products, drives off, headed to Pico-Robertson to open his shop. 

Almost exactly one hour later, in the parking lot behind Doheny Meats, the mashgiach (rabbinic overseer) from the Rabbinical Council of California (RCC), who had unlocked the doors to the store and the distribution center just 10 minutes earlier, is nowhere in sight.  Engelman signals to an employee to unload the SUV. The employee takes out eight boxes, hundreds of pounds of unidentified meat or poultry, and wheels them into the store through its rear door.

This entire sequence was captured on video by a private investigator, and on Sunday afternoon, March 24, Rabbi Meyer H. May, president of the RCC, watched the video in horror. What he saw wasn’t just Engelman undermining the supervision of his agency; he also saw the rabbinic supervisor, who is never supposed to leave the premises, break with RCC protocol. [...]

The once-beloved butcher

Mike Engelman used to be known as the butcher with the highest-quality kosher meat and poultry in Pico-Robertson. His store is located within a 10-minute walk of four major kosher markets, and Doheny Meats serves as both a supplier and a stand-alone shop that carries animal products — including rare meats like bison and elk — and little else. The  employees’ white hats and aprons, the sparkling white display case, the thick white paper in which cuts of meat are wrapped — the entire shopping experience there feels like a throwback to a time when most people knew their butchers by name.

Which is what it was: Doheny has been around for more than 50 years, and Engelman made good service a selling point. Whole chickens bought from Doheny, for instance, were passed through an open flame to singe any stray feathers off of the skin. Doheny delivered its products locally, but also drew customers from other cities. At one point in the early 1990s, Doheny was making monthly deliveries to a synagogue in the South Bay and, according to the store’s Web site, which, as of April 1, had been taken down, Doheny had scheduled a delivery to a buying club in San Diego in March and was set to make similar shipments to the San Francisco Bay Area as well.

It was Engelman’s success on the distribution side — selling to caterers, markets, restaurants and hotels, including luxury venues like the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, which made up the majority of the volume of his business — that raised suspicions. [...]

Rabbinical courts can lock up husbands indefinitely

Times of Israel   In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court ruled that husbands who refuse to grant a bill of divorce to their wives can be imprisoned for indefinite periods. A case that has been ongoing for 12 years brought about the ruling, which challenged a law that had only allowed for recalcitrant spouses to be slapped with up to 10 years behind bars.
The case in question involves a couple with four children who began divorce proceedings in 1995 after the woman alleged physical abuse. In 2000 the local rabbinical court handling the file ordered the husband to immediately grant his wife a Jewish bill of divorce, or get.

According to Jewish law, a woman who is refused a get by her husband is considered an aguna, a chained woman, and is forbidden to remarry.

When the man refused, he was arrested and imprisoned for 10 years, the maximum sentence allowed by the Law of Sanctions, which grants rabbinic courts the authority to apply pressure and impose punitive measures on recalcitrant husbands. Among other things, the court can revoke an offender’s driver’s license and passports, and even jail him, until he acquiesces.[...]

update - Rav Shlomo Dichovsky discusses the issue of get me'usa and various types of pressure [click link for full article]

גט מעושה
בעיית גט מעושה מתעוררת לפני שלב סידור הגט – בדיון על עצם ההסכמה לתת או לקבל גט. כששני הצדדים מסכימים, אין בכך שום בעייה; למרות שיש בתי דין המנסים גם במקרים כאלה לשלוח את הצדדים לשלום בית. לדעתי מדובר ב'ברכה לבטלה', בהקשר זה אני נוהג לומר ש'שלום בית עושים בבית', ולא בבית הדין!
כשאחד הצדדים מסרב לסידור הגט, והמקרה המצוי הוא שהאשה מבקשת להתגרש ובעלה מסרב, אז מתעוררת הבעייה. כאן יש מדרגות שונות בפסיקת הדין:
האפשרות הנמוכה ביותר היא דחיית התביעה לגירושין. כשבית דין פוסק כך, הוא למעשה קובע שהצדדים ימשיכו להתדיין בינם לבין עצמם, עד שאחד מהם יוותר.
כשבית הדין מחליט שעל הבעל לגרש את אשתו, לפעמים המסקנה היא שאי אפשר לחייב גט, ואז רק 'ממליצים לתת גט'. ברור שמדובר בפסק כמעט חסר שיניים לחלוטין, שכן מה תקפה של המלצה זו? רבים מעדיפים לא לקבל את ההמלצה, ולהשאר בסרבנותם העיקשת.
הדרגה הבאה היא 'חיוב גט' – פה מדובר בפסק בעל שיניים, יש לו משמעות כלכלית, למשל לגבי חיוב מזונות או צווי הגבלה.
הדרגה החמורה ביותר היא 'כפיית גט'. בעבר היו 'כופין בשוטים', בימינו רק מכניסים למאסר (ואולי חבל שכן). עד שמגיעים לשלב זה שני הצדדים כבר מרוטים, סחוטים ומותשים; ובית הדין נוקט בצעד החריף ביותר שברשותו, כדי לשבור את עקשנותו וקשי ערפו של הסרבן, בתקווה שהמאסר יועיל.
ברוב המקרים לא מגיעים לדרגה האחרונה, אלא נשארים באמצע.
השו"ע )אבה"ע קנ"ד כא) הביא את מחלוקת הראשונים, אם ניתן לכפות גט במקומות בהם הגמרא לא כתבה בפירוש שכופים, אלא רק 'יוציא'. הרמ"א מסיק, שמאחר ויש מחלוקת בין רבותינו, אין לכפות בשוטים, אך ניתן לגזור על הציבור שלא ישאו ויתנו עמו. כלומר – כפייה עקיפה מותרת, מדובר במניעה של החברה לסייע לאותו עברין, ולא בפגיעה ישירה בו.
הלכה זו הייתה במשך שנים רבות ללא יישום מעשי, שכן איך נוכל לגזור על כל הציבור, וגם אם נגזורמי ישמע לנו? אך בחמש-עשרה השנים האחרונות המצב השתנה, שכן נחקק החוק ליישום פסקי דין רבניים, הקובע סנקציות רבות כנגד סרבני גט, ברוח הכפייה העקיפה שהרמ"א התיר: חסימת חשבון בנק, שלילת רישיון נהיגה, או שלילת רישיון עסק (למי שצריך רישיון כדי לעבוד, כגון רופאים, עורכי דין, וכדומה). באופן זה ניתן, לכאורה, לכפות גט בלי לחשוש לגט מעושה, כשהוחלט שהבעל חייב לתת גט לאשתו.
אלא שברבים מהמקרים הגבלות אלו לא יעילות: יש אנשים שלא מחזיקים חשבון בנק, או שמנהלים את ענייניהם הכספיים על-ידי אדם אחר; על-פי-רוב נהגים הנוהגים ללא רישיון נהיגה (מכל סיבה שהיא) לא נתפסים; ברוב המקצועות אין צורך ברישיון עסק; וממילא אין בהגבלות אלו כדי להכריחו לגרש.
בעייה נוספת, הקיימת ברבים מתיקי הגירושין, היא בעיית 'מאיס עלי'. מדובר בסוגייה שלמה בהלכה, השייכת בכל מקרה בו הצד התובע גט הגיע למסקנה שאינו מסוגל לחיות יותר עם השני, ללא בעייה אובייקטיבית שניתן לשים עליה את האצבע. בנושא זה קיימת מחלוקת בראשונים – הרמב"ם (אישות י"ד ח) פסק שכופים את הבעל להוציא אם האשה מאסה בו, שכן 'אינה כשבויה שתיבעל לשנוי לה'; אך רוב הראשונים דחו דין זה על הסף, וכדברי המגיד-משנה שם:
"וכל מי שראיתי דבריו כתב שבדין הגמרא אין כופין את האיש להוציא, אף באומרת מאיס עלי; ועל זה הרבו בראיות ברורות, וקראו תגר על כל הנוטה מדבריהם, והם סבורים שאפילו נישאת בגט שנתן מחמת כפייה זו – תצא. וכבר פשטה הוראה הזו בכל ארצותינו...".
ואכן, הן לשו"ע והן לרמ"א, אין לכפות על טענת 'מאיס עלי', אלא רק על המקרים המפורשים בגמרא (מומים, ניאוף וכד'). ברוב המקרים היום, הטענה היא בדיוק זו – הצד התובע חש מאיסה נפשית, בחילה נפשית וכדומה. לכאורה מדובר במקרים ללא פתרון, כיוון שכאמור אי אפשר לכפות באופן ישיר, וגם הכפייה העקיפה לא יעילה ברבים מהמקרים. הצדדים ממשיכים להתכתש, בבחינת 'ירעו עד שיסתאבו'.
כאן ניסיתי להוביל מהלך של 'כפייה ללא כפייה'. פרסמתי את דברי ב'תחומין' ט"ו, תחת הכותרת 'מידתיות בכפיית גט'.
טענתי התבססה על דעות באחרונים, שאונס ממון לא נחשב אונס גמור, וברגע שאדם מוכן לגרש את אשתו כדי להיפטר מתשלומים, מסתבר שאכן הקשר ביניהם רופף ונפשו לא קשורה בנפשה. הרב הרצוג התייחס למקרה זה, כשישב כדיין בבית הדין הגבוה לערעורים, ודייק מהרמ"א שאונס ממון לא נחשב אונס. גם הסברה מובאת בדבריו (ב'היכל יצחק'), שכמו שאדם עשיר יעדיף לשלם סכום סמלי ולא לגרש את אשתו, כך גם כל אדם; 'גט מעושה' שייך דווקא בפגיעה שאי-אפשר לסבלה, כמו ייסורי גוף או עונש ממוני כבד ש'מהרס אותו' וממוטט אותו לגמרי.
מכאן שקנס שלא ממוטט את הבעל – אף אם מדובר בסכומים גבוהים דיים – לא נחשב כאונס לגבי כתיבת גט, והגט אינו מעושה!
דברים דומים מצאתי ב'תורת גיטין' (קל"ד ד) וכן ב'אגרות-משה', לגבי אדם שהסכים לגרש על דעת שיתן סכום מסויים, ולבסוף הצריכוהו הערכאות לשלם יותר. הגדיל לעשות ה'צמח צדק' בתשובתו, שאפילו אם יש הפרש עצום בסכום המדובר, אין בכך כדי להפוך את נתינת הגט לנתינה פגומה ('קט"ו לעומת תקט"ו לא מחשיב אונס'). אדם שאוהב את אשתו וחפץ בה, יסכים אף לקבל מספר סתירות לחי (או קנס) ולא לגרשה. לגבי אדם שמוכן לגרש את אשתו כדי להימנע מקנס כזה (במידה ולא מדובר בהקרבה עצומה, זה לא קנס שהורס אותו!), מסתבר לומר שממילא לא חפץ באשתו ונכון לגרשה מרצונו.
ניתן לצעוד אף צעד נוסף – הרב ישראלי, ב'עמוד הימיני', טען שבימינו מאסר הוא רק הגבלת חופש התנועה ולא הרבה מעבר לכך. אמנם, ברור שלא מדובר בחוויה נעימה, אך גם ברור שלא מדובר בסכנת חיים כבעבר (ואפשר שאכן היוצא מבית האסורים כיום, פטור מברכת הגומל). כשם שברגע שנפתח תיק גירושין מוגבלת יכולת היציאה מהארץ של שני הצדדים, כך גם מאסר (לזמן מוגבל!) יכול להחשב להגבלה גרידא. לכן לדעתי ניתן להציע לסרבן לא רק קנס, אלא גם עונש מאסר לשלושים יום, ובכך ייבחן: אם חפץ באשתו באמת ובתמים, יסכים לקבל על עצמו מגבלה זו; ואם הוא מוכן לגרשה על-מנת להימנע מישיבת בית הסוהר, כנראה שמלכתחילה רצונו היה לגרשה, וסירב רק כי רצה לצערה או לסחוט ממנה סכומים אלו או אחרים.
דברי אלו עוררו התנגדות אצל חברי. כשהרציתי את הדברים בכנס לאחרונה, ניגש אלי דיין צעיר ואמר לי שלדעתו כל הנחת היסוד שלי שגויה – ברבים מן הבתים, כך טען, מלכתחילה לא קיימת תחושת דבקות חזקה בין האיש והאשה, וממילא כל צער קטן יכול להחשב כאונס גמור! במקום תגובה, סיפרתי את דבריו לאשתו; הנחתי שהיא כבר תסגור איתו את החשבון...

Chief Rabbi of France under attack for plagiarism & deception

JPost   Gilles Bernheim, the grand rabbi of France, refused to quit on Tuesday despite admitting to several counts of plagiarism and to deception about his academic credentials.

The revelations have shocked France's 600,000-strong Jewish community and he has come under pressure to quit, but Bernheim said that resigning would be a "desertion" as he came clean on one of the faithful's main radio stations in the country.

Gilles Bernheim, the grand rabbi of France, refused to quit on Tuesday despite admitting to several counts of plagiarism and to deception about his academic credentials.

The revelations have shocked France's 600,000-strong Jewish community and he has come under pressure to quit, but Bernheim said that resigning would be a "desertion" as he came clean on one of the faithful's main radio stations in the country. 

"It would be an act of pride and against the collegial structure that presides over decisions. I assume my functions fully," Bernheim, 60, a modern Orthodox Jew who was elected grand rabbi in 2008, told Radio Shalom.[...]

Bernheim's troubles began last month when a blogger accused him of copying a 1996 text by the late French post-modernist philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard to use in his 2011 book Forty Jewish Meditations.[...]

Last week, another blogger accused Bernheim of plagiarism in a 2002 book and L'Express magazine revealed he had not earned the prestigious rank of philosophy professor that was often attached to his name.[...]

Sunday, April 7, 2013

What is music?

 Guest post by Yehuda Z.
It is customary during Sefiras HaOmer and the 3 weeks to refrain from listening to music. In addition, the prohibition against music at weddings in Jerusalem is well known.

In recent years, many music groups have produced a capella albums. However, many of them have people imitating the sounds of musical instruments. Some of these people are extremely talented, and it can be hard to distinguish between the sounds they are making and music produced by instruments. This has led me to seek a Halachic definition of music.
To clarify this, I ask a number of questions:
  • Is a sound music only if it is produced by a musical instrument? And what exactly is a musical instrument? A number of instruments are mentioned in TaNa"Ch including metal horns (valveless trumpets and the like), stringed instruments (lyres and harps of sorts), and drums (mentioned in conjunction with Miriam at the Red Sea). But are instruments limited to these?
  • Must a musical instrument create sounds mechanically or is an electric organ also considered a musical instrument? How about a synthesizer where the musician literally shapes the sound wave?
  • Although drums are mentioned as instruments, they are permitted at weddings in Jerusalem. Would steel drums be permitted? If not, why are various percussion instruments such as cymbals permitted?
  • If one were to prohibit all instrument-like sounds as music regardless of their source, would an album of singing with no accompaniment be permitted? What if the album had people singing harmony lines?
  • Finally, how does the Halacha look at music that is reproduced electronically where the sounds are really just bits of paper resonating to an electric signal in a speaker? Is this music? Are the sounds a kazoo make considered music? After all, the difference between a symphony coming through a speaker and a kazoo music is just a question of degree. Otherwise, they are essentially the same.
In trying to define music, I find myself returning to two texts: 
  • The Gemara in Sukka 51b, לוים עומדין בכלי שיר ואומרים שירה, the Leviim standing with their musical instruments and saying Shira.
  • The Gemara in Erachin 33b, השיר שהלוים היו אומרים במקדש, ביום הראשון היו אומרים וכו', the Shir that the Leviim said in the Mikdash, on the First Day (Sunday) they said, etc.
It appears that the Gemara in Sukka clearly refers to the Leviim making music with instruments, but the Gemara in Erachin seems to use the same language to describe singing, with no mention of musical instruments. If so, perhaps music is Halachically defined so that there is no distinction as to the source of the sound at all. If music is prohibited, so too would singing. On the other hand, if singing is permitted, than so too would be music.
I would be glad to hear your insights. If you have sources, even better.

And may we all be zocheh to hear the Shira of the Leviim in the Beis HaMikdash bimheira.

Rav Sternbuch attacks Mizrachnikim for hating religion

  Major update 4/10/13 Rav Sternbuch says the media distorted and added to his words

Bhol  Translation by RaP:

The Ra'avad [speaks out] Against the Mizrachnikim:
They are haters of the faith [Judaism]. Now they revealed their "true faces". First explicit [public] criticism. The Ra'avad [Rosh Av Beis Din] of the Eidah HaChareidis, the Gaon Rav Moshe Shternbuch, chose to speak out against the entire Religious Zionist [Mizrachi] sector: "The Mizrachnikim are haters of Judaism [sonei das]. Today they revealed their true faces." By way of distancing from the [Religious Zionist] entity he did not [even] agree to mention the name of [Naftali] Bennett [head of the HaBayit HaYehudi party]: "In holy places one does not mention such names."
From the time of the pact between Lapid and Bennett, for the first time a Chareidi leader comes out with a sharp [verbal] attack against the Religious Zionist community.
During a memorial meal [seudas  hillula]  in memory of the [second Satmar Hasidic Rebbe, Rav Moshe Teitelbaum] ADMO"R 'Beirach Moshe' of Satmar ZT"L [may his saintly memory be a blessings] that was held last night Motzei Shabbos [Saturday night] in the Bais HaMedrash of Satmar at Rechov Yonah in Jerusalem, the Ra'avad of the Eidah HaChareidis the Gaon Rav Moshe Shternbuch spoke out [nosei devarim], and [verbally] attacked Naftali Bennett and the Religious Zionist community. The Ra'avad distanced himself from [that] group/sect [kat] and did not even [stoop] to mention the [actual] name of Bennett: "In holy places one does not mention such names, but someone with a knitted kippa [kipa seruga] has [now] appeared before us [tzamech lanu] and has joined [in friendship] with people who rejected the yoke [of Torah and Mitzvos]. And [Bennett] has decided to lead a war. Not only with us but also with HaKadosh Baruch Hu [God]."
The Ra'avad did not leave it at that, but he [Rav Moshe Shternbuch] also chose to attack the entire Religious Zionist community: "For years we knew that the Mizrachnikim were haters of [our] faith [sonei das], but they were always careful to display themselves as "lovers" of [our Jewish] faith and that they themselves are "religious" [dati'im] and they came to preach [lidrosh] in synagogues, today they revealed their true [hypocritical double] faces because they have joined with the haters of the [Jewish] religion [sonei hadas].

[DT RaP left off this paragraph which I translate here] "The Zionists and the deniers are the Amalek of this generation that want to destroy religion. The Satmar Rebbe was against the Zionists and deniers from the beginning and he said that it is prohibited to join with them. This that some of them wear a kipa has absolutely no significance.

בהמשך חזר אחר האג'נדה האנטי ציונית המנחה את העדה החרדית: "הציונים והכופרים הם העמלק שבדור הזה שרוצים להחריב את הדת. "הרבי מסאטמאר זצ"ל היה מהתחלה נגד הציונים והכופרים ואמר שאסור להתחבר איתם, מה שיש להם כיפה על הראש זה 'שמעטקלה' כלום".  

Rav Yitzchok Hutner: Holocaust Jewish Observer 1977

Saturday, April 6, 2013

How to run a sting operation to catch online child predators

Time   Online sexual predators are among every parent’s worst fears, and protecting children from them is difficult — by the time a parent learns of the issue it can often be too late. But one Detroit father decided to take matters into his own hands to keep his 13-year-old daughter safe from a man who was allegedly seeking to take advantage of her.

Antoine Martin told WJBK-TV that he suspected a one-time volunteer for a local youth organization was attempting to lure his daughter. But Martin set up a sting operation that turned the tables on the alleged child predator, and delivered the unnamed suspect into the custody of the Detroit Police.
Here’s how Martin saved his daughter “To Catch a Predator” style, in five easy steps:
4) Know the Law.
Martin had earlier looked up the Michigan Penal Code for citizens’ arrests and followed them to the letter. He also had witnesses present, and was careful not to coerce a confession out of the suspect. However, Charlie Langdon, a legal expert, told WJBK-TV that the confession could possibly be challenged in court. “Can the father do what he did?  The short answer is yes.  Now, does the suspect have some rights?  Yes.  I would say the first thing would be entrapment.”
5) Inform the Police as Soon as Possible.
After the confession, Martin promptly called Detroit police and explained the whole story. Cops took the suspect into custody, where he awaits arraignment. Martin also gave copies of the online conversations he had with the man while posing as his daughter to the police as well. A spokesperson for the Boys and Girls Club of Southeastern Michigan said the suspect has not been a volunteer there in three years and that they conduct background checks of all their staff.
“Just being around the kids, you’re supposed to be there to help the kids… to me it seems like he was taking it as an opportunity,” said Martin.  ”It’s not just for my daughter, it’s for my daughter’s friends, the other members of the club. I had to make sure that this stops.”

Friday, April 5, 2013

Cars and Sefira by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

5 Towns Jewish Times    New car sales, according to estimates, are going to be up this year.  Industry professionals are predicting that some 15 million new cars will be sold this year.  But many of the new car models are being packaged a little bit differently.  Both the AAA and Consumer Reports are warning consumers that many of the 2014 models have an air compressor and tire sealant instead of the standard spare tire.

All this new car chatter, however, brings up the question as to whether one may plan to purchase a new car during the first 33 days of the Counting of the Omer.

The Shulchan Aruch (OC 493:1) tells us that during this period it is our custom not to conduct weddings.  The Mishna Brurah explains that one should not partake in matters of great joy.  “Nonetheless,” he writes, “if it happens that one has the occasion to recite a Shehecheyanu, then he may do so.”

This sentence written by the Chofetz Chaim in the early twentieth century has developed a surprising amount of halachic literature over the years.  What exactly did he mean by the term “if it happens?”  Rav Nissin Karelitz in his Chut HaShani halachic work explains that the Chofetz Chaim means that one should not plan one’s happy purchases to occur during this time.  In applying his reasoning to our case, one should not a the outset plan to purchase a car during the Sefirah period.  If, however, one’s previous car has developed problems and a new car purchase is necessary, then, of course, one may make the purchase. [...]

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A person should always strive to be like others - Me'urav im habrios?

While researching the issue of the obligation to be a nice person, the question occurred as to how does one understand the concept of me'urav im habrios. We see here in Kesubos it means that one should even lie so as not to upset others. The Rambam (Hilchos De'os 6:1) presents it as an inherent property of human nature to be like others and thus one should be careful in selecting one's friends. Such an idea seems to be diametrically opposed to the gemora's understanding. I would appreciate some discussion - especially with relevant texts.

update   Toldos Yitzchok (Bereishis 37:2-3): Our Sages say that a person should not stand when everyone else is sitting nor should he sit if everyone else is standing. He should not be sad when everyone else is happy nor should he be happy when everyone else is sad. Rather a person should always have the attitude to do what everyone else is doing (Kesubos 17a). We see also that Yosef acted self‑centered and conceited when he was with others who were that way. He acted as an immature adolescent when he was with other adolescents and as a wise man when he was with other wise men. Thus when he was with his conceited brothers who were the sons of Leah he would supervise and direct them and dominate them. In contrast when he was with the sons of Bilah and Zilpah he would act immaturely and be concerned with his hair. We also know that his father loved him more than any of his brothers since he was the son of old age. In other words he acted as if he were a comrade of his father – he behaved with the wisdom and maturity of his father

update Avodas HaMelech (Hilchos De’os 6:1): It is an inherent characteristic in man to be drawn after the views of others….and to act like others in society. Look at Derech Eretz Rabba (end of chapter 7), The general principle is that a person should not be different than his comrades and other members of society. Thus it states in Kesubos (17a), The attitude of a man should always be to get along  and fit in with other people. The Migdal Oz alludes to this. It also says in Shemos Rabba (47:5), If you go to a city, you must act according to their customs.[Moshe did not eat or drink when he was in Heaven while the angels ate and drink when they descended to earth]

Kesubos(17a): Beis Hillel said to Beis Shammai, Someone who made a bad purchase in the market, should one praise it in his eyes or deprecate it in his eyes? Surely one should praise it in his eyes! From here our Sages say that the attitude of a man should always be to get along 
and fit in with other people [me’urav im habri’os].

Rambam(Hilchos De'os 6:1)
[translation Rabbi Tougher] It is natural for a man's character and actions to be influenced by his friends and associates and for him to follow the local norms of behavior. Therefore, he should associate with the righteous and be constantly in the company of the wise, so as to learn from their deeds. Conversely, he should keep away from the wicked who walk in darkness, so as not to learn from their deeds.

This is [implied by] Solomon's statement (Proverbs 13:20): "He who walks with the wise will become wise, while one who associates with fools will suffer." Similarly, Psalms 1:1 states: "Happy is the man who has not followed the advice of the wicked."

A person who lives in a place where the norms of behavior are evil and the inhabitants do not follow the straight path should move to a place where the people are righteous and follow the ways of the good.

If all the places with which he is familiar and of which he hears reports follow improper paths, as in our times, or if he is unable to move to a place where the patterns of behavior are proper, because of [the presence of] bands of raiding troops, or for health reasons, he should remain alone in seclusion as [Eichah 3:28] states: "Let him sit alone and be silent."

If they are wicked and sinful and do not allow him to reside there unless he mingle with them and follow their evil behavior, he should go out to caves, thickets, and deserts [rather than] follow the paths of sinners Jeremiah 9:1 states: "Who will give me a lodging place for wayfarers, in the desert."

Does Dov Lipman have foot in mouth disease - or "let them eat cake!"

The following was posted today by Dov Lipman on his Facebook page   See Kikar Shabbat concerning reaction to his comment. One obvious question is why he hasn't volunteered to sweep the streets yet? He did offer clarification which didn't help. If he simply wanted to suggest that people who have extra time on their hands should do chesed - he didn't have to refer to yeshiva students. Also please explain why he suggested that student volunteers do jobs for those who are paid to do the work. In short - his message was a classic example of misspeaking. This is especially misfortunate for a politician and one who is trying to convince chareidi world that he is not out "to get them"

His explanation of his words simply made no sense
By Dov Lipman
רציתי לשתף אתכם במחשבה שעברה לי הבוקר בזמן ריצה ברחובות בית שמש. ראיתי 3 מטאטאי רחוב - כולם בני 70 ולמעלה. חשבתי לעצמי - למה בחורי ישיבה מתוך עזרה לזולת לא יכולים בחודש חופש שלהם בניסן (בין הזמנים) לעזור להם בהתנדבות כדי לתת לקשישים הללו מעט חופש, או לפחות להקל עליהם מעט? סתם מחשבה...
I want to share a thought I had this morning as a I jogged through the streets of Bet Shemesh. I saw 2 street cleaners working - all over the age of 70. Why aren't yeshiva students, who are on their month long vacation during Nissan, volunteering to provide these older men with some vacation or to at least make their jobs a bit easier? Just a thought

Schlissel Challah – An Analysis by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

Five Towns Jewish Times   The custom of Schlissel Challah has become very widespread, not only in the Chassidish world but in many other communities as well.  Two years ago, an article written by Shelomo Alfassa appeared ( that attempted to connect the custom known as Schlissel Challah to Christian or pagan sources. The Alfassa article, entitled “The Loaf of Idolatry?” stated that fulfilling this custom was, in fact, a Torah violation of following in the ways of the gentiles.   In this article, an attempt will be made to trace the origins of the custom and to examine the alleged connection to non-Jewish sources that appeared in the Alfassa article.  With due respect to Mr. Alfassa, it is this author’s contention that the allegations are quite spurious, error-filled and misleading, and have no connection whatsoever to this Chassidic custom. [...]

While Alfassa is correct in his assertion that the custom is not found in the writings of the Rishonim or earlier, for some reason he fails to point out the Chassidic origin of Schlissel Challah.  As a general rule, we do not find Chassidish customs in the Rishonim because the movement itself only began in 1740.  We, however, do find mention of the custom to bake Challah in the shape of a key in many, many Chassidish Seforim.  These Seforim were written by genuine Torah scholars, and it is difficult to propose that a Christian practice somehow entered into their literary oeuvre.  The Klausenberger Rebbe, the Satmar Rebbe, the Belzer Rebbe, Rav Moshe Aryeh Freund, and numerous Chassidishe Rebbes and Poskim all punctiliously observed this custom. [...]

In conclusion, there is no evidence whatsoever that this Chasidic custom was derived from or influenced by Christian practice.  The scholarship behind this allegation is faulty and error-filled.  This is a custom that has been practiced by the greatest of our Chasidic brethren and it is wrong to cast such aspersions on their practice.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sources that it is permitted to rebuke a major talmid chachom

 Just received the following question

Do you have a sources on this. That if someone is m'zalzel in the Torah, Kavod HaTorah, Limud Torah, etc that one may "rebuke" such a person (perhaps a bad word, however at least point out that perhaps they are doing the wrong thing.) Even if this person is a "zakan" or "chacham"?

I replied:

Don't understand your question?
סנהדרין ו:

רבי יהושע בן קרחה אומר: מניין לתלמיד שיושב לפני רבו וראה זכות לעני וחובה לעשיר, מניין שלא ישתוק - שנאמר לא תגורו מפני איש, רבי חנין אומר: לא תכניס דבריך מפני איש.

בבא מציעא לא

אמר ליה ההוא מדרבנן לרבא: ואימא +ויקרא י"ט+ הוכח - חדא זימנא, תוכיח - תרי זמני? - אמר ליה: הוכח - אפילו מאה פעמים משמע, תוכיח - אין לי אלא הרב לתלמיד, תלמיד לרב מנין - תלמוד לומר הוכח תוכיח, מכל מקום.

ברכות יט:
אמר רב יהודה אמר רב: המוצא כלאים בבגדו פושטן אפילו בשוק, מאי טעמא +משלי כ"א+ - אין חכמה ואין תבונה ואין עצה לנגד ה' - כל מקום שיש חלול השם אין חולקין כבוד לרב. 

רמב"ם כלאים י:כט

הרואה כלאים של תורה על חבירו אפילו היה מהלך בשוק קופץ לו וקורעו עליו מיד, ואפילו היה רבו שלמדו חכמה, שאין כבוד הבריות דוחה איסור לא תעשה המפורש בתורה, ולמה נדחה בהשב אבדה מפני שהוא לאו של ממון, ולמה נדחה בטומאת מת הואיל ופרט הכתוב ולאחותו, מפי השמועה למדו לאחותו אינו מטמא אבל מטמא הוא למת מצוה, אבל דבר שאיסורו מדבריהם הרי הוא נדחה מפני כבוד הבריות בכל מקום, ואף על פי שכתוב בתורה לא תסור מן הדבר הרי לאו זה נדחה מפני כבוד הבריות, לפיכך אם היה עליו שעטנז של דבריהם אינו קורעו עליו בשוק ואינו פושטו בשוק עד שמגיע לביתו ואם היה של תורה פושטו מיד. 

רמב"ם דעות ו:ז

הרואה חבירו שחטא או שהלך בדרך לא טובה מצוה להחזירו למוטב ולהודיעו שהוא חוטא על עצמו במעשיו הרעים שנאמר הוכח תוכיח את עמיתך, המוכיח את חבירו בין בדברים שבינו לבינו, בין בדברים שבינו לבין המקום, צריך להוכיחו בינו לבין עצמו, וידבר לו בנחת ובלשון רכה ויודיעו שאינו אומר לו אלא לטובתו להביאו לחיי העולם הבא, אם קיבל ממנו מוטב ואם לאו יוכיחנו פעם שניה ושלישית, וכן תמיד חייב אדם להוכיחו עד שיכהו החוטא ויאמר לו איני שומע, וכל שאפשר בידו למחות ואינו מוחה הוא נתפש בעון אלו כיון שאפשר לו למחות בהם.

רמב"ם סנהדרין כב:ב

וכן תלמיד שהיה יושב לפני רבו וראה זכות לעני וחובה לעשיר אם שתק הרי זה עובר משום לא תגורו מפני איש ועל זה נאמר מדבר שקר תרחק, ומנין לדיין שלא יושיב תלמיד בור לפניו תלמוד לומר מדבר שקר תרחק.

שולחן ערוך חושן משפט הלכות דיינים סימן ט סעיף ז

תלמיד היושב בפני רבו ורואה זכות לעני, והרב רוצה לחייבו, חייב ללמד עליו זכות, ואם שותק עובר משום מדבר שקר תרחק (שמות כג, ז).

שולחן ערוך יורה דעה הלכות כבוד רבו ותלמיד חכם סימן רמב סעיף כב

ראה רבו עובר על דברי תורה, אומר לו: למדתני רבינו כך וכך. הגה: ואם רצה לעבור רק על איסור דרבנן, אפילו הכי צריך למחות בידו. (ת"ה סימן מ"ג). הרואה רבו עושה מעשה, ויש לו להקשות על זה, אם הוא איסור דאורייתא יקשה לו קודם המעשה, ואם הוא איסור דרבנן, יניחו לעשות המעשה ואח"כ יקשה לו, הואיל ואינו יודע ודאי שעובר, אלא שיש לו להקשות על זה (תא"ו נתיב ב').

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lashon HaRah: Repeating allegations from newspapers

Just received the following email from one of the readers of my blog:

I posted a comment to the article about rav berland and realized after that it had the email from the computer I was using.  I did not want that email address published because it was not mine. I do have a question. The article you put up was from Haaretz. There was no proof and no case. How could you post an article like that without it being lashon hora?  Thank you

I replied the following

The issue of lashon harah has already been discussed a number of times. Among the reasons that I publish it is 1) it is public knowledge already 2) there is a warning on the blog that comments on not necessarily true and must be further researched 3) Maharal states that something which is public knowledge if communicated in a way that you clearly are not concealing the transmission from the person being talked about is permitted 4) a person being a accused of such a crime is a possible danger to others and therefore it is necessary to warn others to at least be aware of the accusations.

You might also want to read Rabbi Menashe Klein's misguided and mistaken teshuva about not dealing with accusation of child abuse unless you have two witnesses as well as Rav Sternbuch's teshuva criticizing a principal who refuses to listen to accusations regarding teachers mistreating students because it is lashon harah.

here are some of the relevant links

Authorities that pasken that it is not lashon harah if it is public knowledge and you are publicly repeating the negative information