5tJewish Times
Geirus is an issue that plays an important role in Yiddishkeit, especially in these times of massive Jewish assimilation. No one is in disagreement with this point. There is a perception, however, among Rabbonim and the lay public that the organization known as the Eternal Jewish Foundation (EJF) has somehow, and in some way, insinuated itself improperly onto the Geirus scene.
There are three main issues that are of grave concern.
The first issue is that the EJF has, somehow, changed the rules of the game and has not been very forthcoming about it. Throughout Jewish history, Yiddishkeit has never been a missionary religion. Christianity and Islam have - but not, lehavdil, Yiddishkeit. True, there have been Poskim that permitted a conversion of a spouse of a Jew who is already married to a gentile - but the EJF has actively advertised for and involved itself in situations even when the Jewish person and non-Jewish person have not yet married. And yet even an ad placed in last week's religious papers neglected to mention this. The quote of this ad is below and the offending line is in bold.[...]