Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Sacred space

 Religious Jews are welll aware of the idea of holinesss regarding objects. But the idea also applies to space. For example the requirement to stand up when a rosh yeshiva or Torah is close by

We also know that certain areas belong to others and thus can not be violated. Prayer requires having restricted access to the area in front or behind someone praying. 

I am interested in the fact that in many situations frum people feel it their right or obligation to interfere with others so they have maximal space. It is not only those who dig out illegal and unsafe spaces under their apartment or neighbor's apartments

Today the sidewalk in front of the shul was blocked by a car parked up against the entrance because someone was late coming to minyan because his wife needed to get to hospital to give birth and since he would have missed the minyan if he looked for a normal parking space 

Also someone brought their child to minyan because his wife was tired and the child screamed all during tefila. 

In addition are the tzadikim who insist on praying in the aisle or entrance so they have enough space for three steps before and after. My son told me he witnessed at Ponovich, that one rosh yeshiva's way to the bathroom was blocked by a tzadik saying a very long Amida in the isle. The gabbayim simply lifted him and stood him on a nearby bench while he continued talking with G-d. Some people seem to think' if they need something they  should take it. 

Trump’s apologists say it doesn’t matter if he’s guilty of insurrection. That’s not true

Proponents of law and order – who, for decades, railed against judicial decisions that freed from criminal sanction suspected and convicted criminals based on due process rights that are unconnected to guilt or innocence – now celebrate the possibility that a contemporary Benedict Arnold may hold the highest office of the land. They rejoice that the supreme court kept the former president on the ballot in all 50 states by relying on alleged constitutional rules that do not require Trump to defend himself against treason allegations.

Trump and His Apologists

July 19, 2015

The summer Trump polling spurt has nonetheless been instructive in exposing a growing problem on the political right. All too many conservatives, including some magazine editors, have been willing to overlook his hucksterism as he’s risen in the polls. They pretend that he deserves respect because he’s giving voice to some deep disquiet or anger in the American electorate.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Fox News Quietly Deletes Hunter Biden ‘Mock Trial’ Series

Fox News appears to be taking Hunter Biden’s lawsuit threat quite seriously.

The network has quietly pulled down its six-part “mock trial” series from its digital streaming service Fox Nation after lawyers for the presidential scion warned the network of their intention to sue for defamation.

Besides quietly taking down The Trial of Hunter Biden from its streamer, the network also deleted a promotional video promising Fox News viewers an “inside look” at the “mock trial,” which was presided over by former reality-TV star Judge Joe Brown.

The scrubbing of the series, which debuted in October 2022, directly complies with the demand from Biden’s legal team—powerhouse celebrity law firm Geragos & Geragos—to delete the content immediately.

Why Are Prominent Republicans Who Despise Trump Voting for Him Anyway

If you want to understand why Donald Trump could win in 2024, look no further than Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, former Attorney General Bill Barr, and New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu. These three top Republican voices who previously condemned Trump now say they plan to vote for him again this November.

G-d's partnership with tzadikim

 Da'as Tevunos (158) Partnership between tzadikim and G-d in the perfecting of the world. G-d effects the world only to the degree it is prepared. Therefore the tzadikim go about making small corrections in the darkness of this world, since according to their preparation G-d provides new influence and benefits to the world.

Tzadikim are like G-d!

 Bereishis Rabbah (77:01) AND JACOB WAS LEFT ALONE, etc.. It is written, There is none like unto G-d, O Jeshurun. There is none like G-d; yet who is like G-d? Jeshurun, which means the noblest and best among you. You will find that G-d anticipated in this world through the agency of the righteous everything that He will do in the Hereafter. Thus G-d will resurrect the dead, and Elijah resurrected the dead; G-d shuts up the rain, and Elijah shut up the rain; G-d will bless the little [in quantity], and Elijah blessed the little [in quantity]. God resurrects the dead and Elisha resurrects the dead; G-d remembered childless women, and Elisha remembered childless women. G-d blessed the little and Elisha blessed the little; G-d sweetened the bitter and Elisha sweetened the bitter; G-d sweetened the bitter through the agency of bitter, and Elisha sweetened the bitter through the agency of bitter.

Devarim Rabbah 10:3) The G-d of Israel said, The Rock of Israel spoke to me: Ruler over men shall be the righteous, even he that ruleth in the fear of G-d And what means, ' The righteous, even he that ruleth in the fear of G-d’? The righteous have power over the same things as G-d, if one may say so. In which way? Everything that G-d does, the righteous do.3 How is this illustrated? G-d remembers barren women; Elisha, too, remembered the Shunammite woman. G-d quickens the dead; and Elisha, too, brought back to life the son of the Shunammite woman. G-d parts the seas, Elijah and Elisha, too, parted seas. G-d heals without emollients, and Elisha healed Naaman without emollients. G-d sweetens the bitter waters, and Elisha sweetened the bitter waters G-d withholds the rain, and Elijah withheld the rain.G-d causes rain to fall, and Samuel caused rain to fall,. G-d sends down fire, and Elijah brought down fire from heaven., 

Zohar (1:9b - 10a): R’ Shimon told his son that once a non-Jewish philosopher challenged him by saying: You claim that G d rules over the height of heaven and that all the angels cannot approach Him and don’t know His place. If so Yermiyahu (10:7): “Amongst all the sages in the world none can compare to You G d” does not constitute high praise since He is just being compared to mortal man? … Can I infer from this verse that only among the sages of the non Jews is there no one like G d but amongst the Jews there are those like G d? If that inference is correct that the Jewish sages are like G d - doesn’t that mean that G d is not omnipotent? If you look carefully at the verse you will see that my inference is in fact correct! R’ Shimon replied: Your deduction that some Jewish sages are comparable to G d is in fact true. Only G d can resurrect the dead - yet we find that Eliyahu and Elisha resurrected the dead. Only G d can make it rain - yet Eliyahu controlled the rain through his prayer. G d made heaven and earth - yet they were firmly established for the sake of Avraham. G d determines the course of the sun - yet Yehoshua made it stand still. G d makes decrees but so did Moshe and they were fulfilled. Furthermore G d makes decrees which are nullified by the tzadikim as we learn from Shmuel 2 23:3). In addition G d commanded them to literally follow in His ways and to be like Him in every way. The philosopher went and converted to Judaism at K’far Shekalim and he was given the name of Yossi Kattina. He studied Torah very diligently until he became one the leading sages and righteous people of that location.

Kollel required deserting family for years

 The original Kollel system in Europe required the scholar leave his family for years so he would not be disturbed in his learning. according to the biography of Rav Moshe Landynski who became rosh yeshiva in Radin before being replaced with Rav Naftoli Trop.

The first kollel – in the modern sense of the term – in the Jewish diaspora was the Kovno Kollel ("Kolel Perushim"[2]) founded in Kovno (Kaunas, Lithuania) in 1877.[3][4] It was founded by Rabbi Yisrael Salanter[5] and directed by Rabbi Isaac Blaser. The ten students enrolled were required to separate from their families, except for the Sabbath, and devote themselves to studying for the Rabbinate. There was a four-year limit on one's membership in the kollel.

The question is why the mitzva of marriage and family were displaced?

The Chofetz Chaim and the Eclipse

And the Chofetz Chaim taps again with his right hand on the table with an expression of victory, and smiling he adds, “They should come to see. It is a mitzvah to see the sun eclipsed, to actually see that a creation was actually formed [by the Creator] … And he taps lightly again with his right hand, a quiet smile …

Monday, April 29, 2024

Hunter Biden Threatens Fox News With Defamation Suit

The notice demands that Fox News—whose obsessive coverage has mentioned Hunter Biden more than 13,000 times in the last four months alone—take immediate steps to remedy scads of coverage over the last five years that Biden’s attorneys say has falsely maligned him.

Star Scientist’s Claim of ‘Reverse Aging’ Draws Hail of Criticism

Dr. Nir Barzilai, the new president of the Academy for Health and Lifespan Research and the director of the Institute for Aging Research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, said Sinclair’s comment about the dog research and his commercial interest in Animal Biosciences crossed a line. “The data is not good, you’re calling it the wrong thing, and then you’re selling it,” he said. “The selling is a step too far.”

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Donald Trump is no saint, but I know why evangelicals love him

Justified or not, white evangelical Christians increasingly believe they are the most persecuted demographic in the US today. But I don’t believe that evangelicals are interested in rectifying their status as a hated demographic, and would never protest for better treatment (or consciously demonize any racial minority the way the white supremacists do). For them, being despised by the world is a badge of honor that will ensure them a heavenly reward.

No, ‘Russiagate’ Wasn’t the Hoax That Team Trump Claims It Was

The bottom line is that, as Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz concluded in his own 2019 probe—to Durham’s and Barr’s displeasure—the FBI investigation was amply justified. True, it ultimately found no evidence of acts that rose to the level of criminal conspiracy, and neither did the Mueller probe. But let’s not forget what did happen: Russian agents did conspire to influence the election, undermine Clinton and help Trump, and Trump as well as people close to him eagerly welcomed the help. (We didn’t need the FBI or Mueller to tell us that Trump was thrilled by the WikiLeaks disclosures of hacked documents from the DNC and the Clinton campaign: he said so openly and more than once.) What’s more, some people in the Trump campaign actively worked to take advantage of Russian meddling. Mueller’s indictment of Roger Stone states that after the first WikiLeaks dump, Stone and other “senior Trump campaign officials” made moves to find out what other compromising material WikiLeaks had. The charges against Stone, on which he was ultimately convicted, had to do with obstructing the investigation; but the only reason he couldn’t be charged with conspiracy for his attempts to establish contact with WikiLeaks is that WikiLeaks is not officially classified as a Russian asset.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

In war-battered Gaza, residents grow angry with Hamas

 More than six months into the war in Gaza and with dimming hopes for a cease-fire deal, Palestinians there are growing more critical of Hamas, which some of them blame for the months-long conflict that has destroyed the territory — and their lives.