Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Hegseth readies actions against Trump foe Mark Milley - Baby Trump's revenge

Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has decided to remove retired Gen. Mark A. Milley’s security detail, suspend his security clearance, and order an inspector general inquiry into his behavior as the Pentagon’s top officer, senior defense officials said Tuesday, taking extraordinary action against a frequent target of President Donald Trump.

Shortly after Trump was sworn in as president this month, administration officials sent a message by having a portrait of Milley memorializing his time as Joint Chiefs chairman removed from a wall in the Pentagon. Fox News reported Tuesday that another portrait of Milley recognizing him for his previous role as chief of staff of the Army was to be removed soon. The senior defense official confirmed that is the case, too.


  1. Trump spent 4 years getting hit by revenge attacks from the Democrats. What did you think he'd do when he got into power?

    1. What revenge attacks?
      OhI I forgot Trump is the pure victim who is so totally innocent. of all wrong doing He was impeached twice for revenge?!
      He was convicted of fraud and rape because of revenge.
      He is a convicted felon - no crime was done?!
      His Trump university scam was invented by the Democrats as was his theft of top secret documents he stored in his bathroom etc etc.

    2. The issue is not whether he's a tzaddik, by halachic standards.
      He's president of America now.
      Most right wing prefer him to Kamala.
      The issue is whether. He is good for the security of the west, and if he will boost the economy or wreck it.
      Conservatives in Britain and in Israel agree with his policies.

    3. KA you think he is above the law?

    4. You seem to forget that biden pardoned a number of people in accordance with the law.

    5. KA a better question is Trump merely seeking revenge for mistreatment as Garnel seems to believe or is he actually a thin skinned tyrant and ego maniac demanding absolute loyalty and is punishing or trying to destroy all who disagree with his views?

    6. He's certainly an egomaniacal tyrant. Hence he is turning on his own party members like John Bolton, Mike Pompeo...

    7. He's seeking revenge because he's a thin skinned egomanic. The two are not exclusive.
      But really, Trump has become the symbolic Jew. Was he mistreated? Who cares! He deserved it so he can't justify seeking revenge!

    8. Garnel you can't claim that even though he was guilty as charged he is still a victim!?

    9. Absolutely he is. Yes, one trial convicted him and they were so desperate they turned 1 crime into 32 just to say "Look how bad he is!" Even Democrat lawyers rolled their eyes at that one. As there's the Russian collusion, two assassination attempts, and the sustained lawfare campaign that produced absolutely nothing outside of that one conviction.

    10. My view is that presidents don't change the course of the economy to the extent they would like to think they do because America as the world's biggest economy and it actually drives the country rather than the other way around.
      What is important is security and relations with Israel.
      For example, the treacherous British under labour have said they will arrest netanyahu if he sets foot in this country. And on the other hand, Trump has invited BB the first foreign leader to visit him.

    11. Garnel again you dismiss reality as irrelevant!
      He was not exonerated despite his claims .
      What Democrat lawyers?
      A jury did not make up crimes

    12. KA you say morality law and decency need to be sacrificed in the name of protecting Israel !

    13. Morality, law and decency....
      As I've explained before - trump has faced the judges who work within American law. Not the law of the jungle or dalet amot that you purportedly have in har not.
      As for morality, decency - if you have a trans gender frum patient is it the moral thing to support their choices or will you try to convert them back?
      Because Dems, and UK labour have made LGBTQ and Muslims the am hanivchar in law and the justice system is skewed to give them easy justice.

    14. ‘Gender-affirming care’ is the greatest medical scandal of the 21st century. Children have been sterilised and mutilated thanks to this activist-driven junk science. Trump’s executive order will help put a stop to these horrors, says Andrew Doyle

    15. Given our history, survival trumps all.
      I'd rather be alive in questionable moral circumstances than a virtuous corpse.


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