Thursday, January 23, 2025

 A Eulogy for my Father   by Rav Shalom C. Spira

  My father, Dr. Alexander Spira (Yeshayah Zvi ben Avraham Eliezer), ascended to the Heavenly Academy on 8 Shevat, 5784, and his aron was brought to Eretz Yisrael four days later on 12 Shevat. Hence, I recently completed the requisite twelve months of mourning with a eulogy delivered on this past Leil Asarah be-Tevet (corresponding to Jan. 9, 2025). The hesped, which took place at the beit midrash of R. Ephraim Chaim Crémisi [one of the dayanim of Jewish Community Council of Montreal] is audio-recorded at <>. Special thanks are hereby extended to Reb Shmuel Yisrael (Sheldon) Keesel for enhancing the eulogy with his Siyum Mishnayot Seder Kodashim [commencing at 39:52 into the recording.]

      My father was born on March 17, 1941 in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia. Miraculously, he survived the Holocaust with his parents and siblings (be-chasdei Ha-Kadosh Barukh Hu, Yishtabach Shemo) and subsequently moved to Montreal, Canada, where my father overcame the foreign language barrier to become certified as a dental surgeon and serve the public oral health for 50 years. My father's commitment to loving Ha-Kadosh Barukh Hu via the Maimonidean path of studying both Torah and science was recognized by the late R. Moses J. Burak in a personal inscription that I read at 13:46 during the eulogy (a photo of which accompanies this column).

 A true hero, my father ultimately gave his life al Kiddush Ha-Shem rather than accept a heart-transplant that could have reversed his terminal cardiac failure, for the reason identified at <>.
      My father also generously supported my publications analyzing the agunah problem, which have appeared on this blog. He enabled me to plead before the Chief Justice of Quebec to explain my prenup agreement that ameliorates the plight of agunot. Importantly, at 32:15 into the eulogy recording, I call the audience's attention to my related essay "Response to R. Shmuel Kamenetzky on the Methodology of Resolving Cases of Iggun." The essay was already showcased on this blog [at <>] as flowing from the legacy of the late R. Joshua H. Shmidman [himself tangentially mentioned at 7:08 into the eulogy recording]. My father was indeed a devotee of the late Rabbi Shmidman. [To that effect, Rabbi Shmidman would invite my father to commence birkot ha-shachar on the Days of Awe, apparently because "all beginnings are difficult" (as per Rashi to Exodus 19:5), such that my father's musical talent was required to inspire the congregation to duty.] Hence, my father derived nachat ru'ach from my aforementioned essay which clarifies how the Orthodox Jewish faith considers Ms. Tamar Epstein as still being the wife of Reb Aharon Friedman. 
      As referenced in my essay, the Beit Din Tzedek of Edah ha-Charedit of Jerusalem has asked all rabbinical judges throughout the globe to announce the same. And on p. 15 of Contemporary Halakhic Problems Vol. 4 (which my father purchased for me as a gift soon after its release), Rabbi J. David Bleich identifies that Beit Din Tzedek of the Edah ha-Charedit as the gold standard Beth Din in the world. Ergo, pursuant to the Gemara, Kiddushin 31b that a son is obligated to honour his father even after the latter's ascent to the Heavenly Academy, the values of my father are now perpetuated by my essay which upholds the sanctity of marriage.

Rabbi Spira works as the Editor of Manuscripts and Grants at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, a Pavilion of the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, Canada.

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