Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Working Reduces Sinning

 Netziv (Haamek Davar Devarim 32:13) G-d established the land of Israel in a special way so that they would not come to sin. And this was primarily against the corruption that was in the second Temple that was the result of baseless hatred. And it is explained in the Tosefta that this was the because of their excessive love of money which was the consequence  of being too involved in commerce. And reality the love of doing business that we find in other countries is typically  either because of the scarcity of livelihood or on the contrary because of idleness when a person has nothing to do. Therefore G-d was good to the Jews and gave them a productive land which required a lot of work. This why the Torah says โ€œHe acquired for you a mighty harvest of grain and grapes and you will live securely in your land.โ€ 

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