Monday, September 2, 2024

On Day 330, Rachel Goldberg-Polin’s Long Fight to Free Her Son Ended in Tragedy

Speaking with Arutz Sheva-Israel National News last month, Rachel, Hersh's mother, recounted the last time she saw her son: “We are a religious family and Hersh came to us a couple of years ago and said he's not going to be keeping Shabbat the way that we keep Shabbat for now. He's always been very respectful, and he had said on October 6th, ‘I'm going to come with you to beit knesset (synagogue), I'm going to come with you to Shabbat dinner.’ He came with us and he said, ‘But I'm bringing my backpack, because after dinner I'm going to go with Aner, who was his best friend, and we're going to go do something fun. We're going to go camp somewhere.” We said fine. I'm very happy that he still wants to do things like that, so he came with us to beit knesset. He danced with the Torah. He came with us to Shabbat dinner. At 11:00 pm he kissed John, he kissed me. He turned around in the doorway, and he looked at me and said, ‘I love you, see you tomorrow.’ That was 311 nights ago.”


  1. Doesn't sound like a "Tinok Shenishba", rather a "Gadol Shenishba". I hope that he did Teshuva before he was murdered.

    1. He was murdered al pi kiddush HaShem. His teshuva is taken care of.

    2. It's not that simple.

    3. I once aske3d Rav Sternbuch whether tshuva was a condition to be a kodosh? He replied that was clear and obvious that all those who died because they were a Jew had the status of kodesh

    4. Granted that a person can be labeled as a "Kodosh", even without Teshuva, but did Rav Sternbuch also say that this "Kodosh" gets a free pass, and all his sins are automatically forgiven, even without Teshuva?


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