Sunday, August 7, 2016

I Ran the C.I.A. Now I’m Endorsing Hillary Clinton.

During a 33-year career at the Central Intelligence Agency, I served presidents of both parties — three Republicans and three Democrats. I was at President George W. Bush’s side when we were attacked on Sept. 11; as deputy director of the agency, I was with President Obama when we killed Osama bin Laden in 2011.

I am neither a registered Democrat nor a registered Republican. In my 40 years of voting, I have pulled the lever for candidates of both parties. As a government official, I have always been silent about my preference for president.

No longer. On Nov. 8, I will vote for Hillary Clinton. Between now and then, I will do everything I can to ensure that she is elected as our 45th president.

Two strongly held beliefs have brought me to this decision. First, Mrs. Clinton is highly qualified to be commander in chief. I trust she will deliver on the most important duty of a president — keeping our nation safe. Second, Donald J. Trump is not only unqualified for the job, but he may well pose a threat to our national security.

I spent four years working with Mrs. Clinton when she was secretary of state, most often in the White House Situation Room. In these critically important meetings, I found her to be prepared, detail-oriented, thoughtful, inquisitive and willing to change her mind if presented with a compelling argument.

I also saw the secretary’s commitment to our nation’s security; her belief that America is an exceptional nation that must lead in the world for the country to remain secure and prosperous; her understanding that diplomacy can be effective only if the country is perceived as willing and able to use force if necessary; and, most important, her capacity to make the most difficult decision of all — whether to put young American women and men in harm’s way.

Mrs. Clinton was an early advocate of the raid that brought Bin Laden to justice, in opposition to some of her most important colleagues on the National Security Council. During the early debates about how we should respond to the Syrian civil war, she was a strong proponent of a more aggressive approach, one that might have prevented the Islamic State from gaining a foothold in Syria.

I never saw her bring politics into the Situation Room. In fact, I saw the opposite. When some wanted to delay the Bin Laden raid by one day because the White House Correspondents Dinner might be disrupted, she said, “Screw the White House Correspondents Dinner.”

In sharp contrast to Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump has no experience on national security. Even more important, the character traits he has exhibited during the primary season suggest he would be a poor, even dangerous, commander in chief.

These traits include his obvious need for self-aggrandizement, his overreaction to perceived slights, his tendency to make decisions based on intuition, his refusal to change his views based on new information, his routine carelessness with the facts, his unwillingness to listen to others and his lack of respect for the rule of law.



  2. Of all the traits he cites as disqualifying Mr. Trump he ends with the one that applies for more strongly to Hillary, "lack of respect for the rule of law".

  3. He neglected to mention "I'm currently working for Hillary Clinton's former press secretary."

  4. Morell is one of the most corrupt political hacks around. He totally supported the all the distortions of Benghazi put out by liar in chief Hillary. His endorsement is a total negative and his criticism is pure political refuse.

  5. aside from name calling - do you have anything to contribute to the discussion?

  6. Why are the Hillary supporters not worried about the debt and the many near bankrupt programs such as social security which are bound to come down crashing one day soon? Why are they not worried about the liberalizing of the entire traditional value system to the point that anyone with old time values has lost his freedoms including freedom of speech? Why were they not freaked out listening to the Democratic convention speeches promoting every radical left idea you can think of, every second word being Muslims or LGBT or similar words, including bashing the founding fathers?

  7. Rabbi Eidensohn,name calling is only a problem if it's not deserved,anyone having the gall to say that "Hillary would be a highly qualified commander in chief" is either a delusional idiot or a fellow leftist America hating swine who cannot wait for the destruction of his own country.
    Only a blind fool would not realize that this pathological liar and criminal and evil leftist witch would be a disaster for our country.
    Having said all this,i do agree with his assessment of this insane narcissist and childish ego maniac Trump,he certainly would be a danger and an embarrassment to all of us if he were elected President.
    Bottom line is,we have a choice either electing a evil criminal pathologicaly lying socialist America hating criminal,or an absolute ego maniacal narcissist MESHUGANER who absolutely has no qualifications whatsoever serving as President,,GOD help us.


  8. The difference being that most of the people surrounding and advising the meshugana are decent

    people like Rudy Giuliani, Ben Carson, Newt Gingrich and Yael Kushner. Who has the crooked, lying (b)(w)itch got?

  9. "Black Lives Matter" calls Israel an apartheid state, endorse anti-Israel boycott.

    More anti-Semitism from what is a vital part of the Democratic party. And yet, deluded fools (one of them commenting here regularly) avert their eyes from this Jew-hatred.

  10. Do you believe the narrative that Hillary put out about Benghazi? What about the blatant lies about the movie? What about the lack of military support for the personnel during the attack? Stevens was killed because he would prove that Hillary was arming Isis and Al Qaeda.

    Morell supported all this evil and is supporting Hillary and lying about Donald to save his own skin. Why should anything he says carry any weight?

    With all her anti Semitic moves such as supporting the Iranian deal, Huma Abedin, the Blumenthal anti Semites etc. is she better than Trump?

  11. You know, with comments like this one it is clear that a significant factor in your antipathy toward Clinton is plain old misogyny.


  13. Asher Kaufman, you have a good point
    that is why i myself will be holding my nose and vote for the MESHUGENER

  14. It's so comforting NOT to be American or live in America, the problem is that whoever ends up in the White House wields world power so, I really think we're living a moment of Ein Oid Milvado... on this corner we have rabid Trump, who makes a habit of taking revenge against anyone who disobeys, disagrees of "offends" him, personifying the concept of Nekomah and the issur of bearing a grudge and on the other corner we have Mrs Clinton, who embodies (with her husband) the concept of lying for a living, as the Torah says, miDavar Sheker Tirchak... so, there you go, anyone who thinks there is a decent choice to be making in this election is completely off... chareidi yidn who waste their time in campaigning for one or the other in the chareidi community are really being machshil es harobbim... zuh treifah vezuh neveilah.

  15. That's not "name-calling." It's a statement about the credibility of the person making the endorsement. Read the article linked to by Jewish Observer.

  16. Excellent article.

  17. Why she has huma abedin. J street'ers. 'Bama. Suha arafat and the kiss. BDSers. Clinton (payoff / money laundering) foundation.

  18. If Hillary becomes president, c"v, Jewish interests will become totally insignificant especially since the influx of Muslims will radically increase. The supreme court will turn totally leftist and religion will go down the drain as radical lgbtxyz will become the dominant force. The US will diminish significantly as an economic force as much of the money will be used to pay to appease Leftist needs at the expense of the economy. If the dollar ceases to be the reserve capitol of the world, because of pushing to pay for votes at the expense of other priorities, the American economy will be under severe pressure to collapse. The military will become even more diminished as less money is spent on supporting it and American will be become a joke in the world and will be pushed around by governments like Iran which just received a $400 million dollar ransom. Israel will have to look elsewhere for military support even though that may not be such a bad thing. There will be many more Detroits, Baltimores, Camdens and others.

    If this happens, it will be ratzon Hashem to either maanish for abandonment of morality or a big step in the direction of the final golus of Yishmael prior to the ultlmate geula.. Boruch Hashem you live in Israel. May you and all other bnei bris continue to be safe and secure.

  19. It has absolutely nothing to do with misogyny. If Hillary were a man she would still be the same wicked crook. Show me when either of the Clintons ever did a great mitzvah for a Jewish as Trump did for 3-year old Andrew Ten, a"h, in 1988. I REMEMBER THAT FROM WHEN IT HAPPENED BECAUSE MY FAMILY KNOWS THE TENS AND I HAD BEEN A CLASSMATE OF THE CHILD'S FATHER!

    So next time time you talk of Trump, remember that he helped add ten years to a Jewish child's life while Hillary the Bitch didn't say a word when a Muslim murdered a Jewish child in her bed.

  20. The fact you think anything from the repugnant ny times is worth be factored in any decision,says it all.To all those trying to pursued Rabbi eidenson, keep this in mind and it will save you from wasting energy.

  21. With two words "unfortunately yes" you lost all credibility someone who supports clinton or even thinks she is only better than trump has serious issues

  22. The usage of the slur (b)(w)itch belies your claim that there is no misogyny.

  23. Actually, he does not have a good point. Whether or not he has good people advising him is debatable, but it is certainly irrelevant. He has demonstrated time and time again that he does not listen to his advisers. Remember, when asked who he consults with about foreign policy (about which he knows even less than the other issues) he said: Myself. I have a very good brain." Anyone following his campaign knows that all of his people keep trying to stay focused on Clinton and the issues and not get involved in petty fights with anyone who he gets upset at, and he is constitutionally incapable of following their advice.

  24. Good to know. Even if all of your prophecies come true, I would take that over a nuclear war because some third-world dictator made a joke about the size of Trump's bank account.
    In addition, based on their stated positions about foreign aid, Clinton is much more likely to continue past policies of military aid to Israel than Trump is, as he sees everything in terms of "what financial benefit are we getting from them."
    And by the way, it was not a ransom payment. That was the U.S. returning money that Iran under the Shah had paid the U.S. for weapons that were never delivered. It was part of the deal and was covered in the press seven months before it was transferred. But don't let the facts get in your way.

  25. You really need a new moniker. There have been several congressional investigations into Bengahzi, and none of them support the ridiculous allegations you are stating.

  26. someone who doesn't accept the fact that we have two really bad candidates but one is worse than the other - has really serious issues

  27. ...and whom did Hillary help in the last 30 ( or 60) years?

  28. My use of the particular slur is indicative of the gender of the person I intended to slur. In your case my slur that you are a nincompoop stems from the fact that you are a nincompoop. And if you want to look at recent events to determine who is fit to be president, her actions about Benghazi and her and repeated lies about her email server demonstrate what a crook (gender neutral slur) she is.

  29. And yes, the fact that Trump came to the aid of a Jewish child 30 years ago is indicative of his inner nature. The problem is that clowns like you and the drive-by media conflate his TV personality with the man who managed to raise decent children and build a business. I'll bet if you lived in Iowa years ago you never would have voted for Fred Grandy.

  30. Based on your judge of character, I will accept your insult as a compliment. By the way, you forgot to mention that Clinton is also responsible for your problems with Young Israel, and for supporting the Las Vegas eruv.

  31. I have no idea if I would or wouldn't have voted for Fred Grandy. And I think that we have many demonstrations of Trump's (lack of) character from the interceding 30 years. Relying on a loan incident from 30 years ago is foolish. Think about it, if someone would tell you how Hillary Clinton performed an act of kindness 30 years ago, or even last week, would that make her any more or less qualified to be president?
    And I would wait until seeing his tax returns before deciding if he built a business or not. Some have claimed that he would be richer had he taken the tens of millions he inherited and just put it into S & P stocks.

  32. Your comment indicates that you know very little of her personal history. Read something other than Breitbart and you will find out. As opposed to Trump, one only needs to look at her public record to see examples of people who she has helped (you can start with her work at the Children's Defense Fund).

  33. Whoever donated to the clinton foundation.

  34. I agree. It is obvious that Rabbi Eidenstein thinks the NYT has integrity and is trustworthy. To some of us it is apparent that the NYT is shill paper for Hillary.

    The latest Hilliary disaster:
    Hillary Clinton recklessly discussed, in emails hosted on her private server, an Iranian nuclear scientist who was executed by Iran for treason, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said Sunday.
    "I'm not going to comment on what he may or may not have done for the United States government, but in the emails that were on Hillary Clinton's private server, there were conversations among her senior advisors about this gentleman," he said on "Face the Nation." Cotton was speaking about Shahram Amiri, who gave information to the U.S. about Iran's nuclear program.

    The senator said this lapse proves she is not capable of keeping the country safe.

  35. Your fevered fantasies and reckless claims about Trump's nuclear ambitions just prove definitively the irrational nature of your point of view and your continued unhinged slander to advance your crooked candidate.

    Hillary's proven anti Semitic views and her continuation of Obama's anti Israel viewpoint will guarantee that she will stop supporting Israel and continue to advance the increase of the anti Semitic Muslim population to bolster her viewpoint.

    Your weird facts make no sense. America is now paying back a 37 year old debt from the time of Shah instead of paying a ransom? Go back to your fairy tale books and come up with a better story.

  36. I guess you believe the movie story. Chazal say milse davida ligluyey lo mishaker. People don't lie when it's obvious that the truth will soon come out an prove the lie to the public. That didn't prevent Hillary from pushing the lie through Rice even though she told her daughter that it wasn't the movie almost immediately.

    The congressional investigations were failed mockeries due to the obsequiousness of the indentured slave Republican congress. The testimony of the players and those that survived the fight reveal the truth to the public interested in it.

  37. I live in America. Politics here means lying and fighting. Peacemakers and truth tellers don't last long in the arena. Elections are messy knock-down-drag-out affairs. The job of the voter is to sift through all the detritus and then enter the battlefield of the voting booth and fire off some votes. It's great fun, if not exactly in line with the tastes of those in other countries.

  38. Wow, I get to be called a deluded fool and a nincompoop in one day! How exciting.
    Ben Shapiro (among other Jewish political writers) calls out Trump supporters for virulent anti-Semitism. Yet, deluded fools (some of them commenting here regularly) avert their eyes from this Jew-hatred.

  39. 1: It is the director of the CIA under bush (Hayden) who expressed concern about Trump and nuclear weapons.
    2: Believe it or not, I don't believe that Obama has been anti-Israel, or that Clinton is anti-semitic.
    3: About your "ransom" payment, see here:

  40. We'll start with Vox. First of all it's extremely fishy that the repayment came just in time to coincide with the release of American hostages.


  41. I can't reconcile lying and fighting (with lies) with great fun and I don't think the average voter - taking into account the mass of ignorant voters voting for nonsensical reasons and only very few highly informed voters - have the capacity to sift through all the rubbish that is thrown at them.
    But it's not just an American phenomenon (although it's far more dangerous in America), you have the same in Israel, most countries in Europe, the UK has just been through intensive months of lying, deceit and fabrications...
    8 years ago Obama trashed Hillary and all she stood for, then he appointed her his Sec. of State, now he says she's the best thing that could ever happen to America...
    As for Trump, by the way things are going it does look like he can buy anything and anyone he wants... any piece of real estate, even on Pennsylvania Ave.
    Ikvsa deMeshichoh.

  42. You can try to rebut the article if you want. I found it reasonable and convincing; if you don't, I can't force you to.
    I am not sure what you mean by "extremely fishy." First of all, coincidences happen all of the time. Conspiracy theorists such as yourself often see intent where there is randomness. Second of all, I would even be willing to grant that the precise timing what not a pure coincidence. But that is irrelevant to the main issue. Calling it a "ransom payment" connotes that the U.S. was giving them U.S. money for the release of the hostages. This is the Iranian's money that the U.S. had been holding, and was going to have to return one way or another.

  43. I addressed those arguments at length in an earlier thread. Agree or disagree with my position, I did not avert my eyes. You, on the other hand, as usual, deflect rather than respond, shoving your head ever deeper into the sand now that your BLM heroes have been exposed as the anti-Semites they are.

  44. Another point. Ben Shapiro may believe Trump is an anti-Semite. It's his opinion. He may be right, but I think he's wrong. But BLM's statement is not someone else's opinion; it represents the organization itself taking a public Jew-hating stance. Which you pretend not to see.



  46. And israel is different???

  47. Why should he mention it? No one wants to call Mr. Kahn on his financial interest in the hillary operations.

  48. The question is which is worse than the other? The liar, who regularly works in her per$onal financial interest, and whose policies we generally oppose, or the experienced businessman, whose policies we generally agree with.

  49. I'd like to find out how you arrived at your your derogatory opinion of the voters here. I think most American voters are highly informed. The news on TV, radio, online; discussions at work, on the street, at restaurants and bars; everyone everywhere seems to be talking up the candidates and the elections. The debates will be watched by tens of millions. A lot of people have people are conflicted. I know I am. I'm anti-fracking -- that issue alone might have swayed me to vote for Bernie Sanders if he'd become the Democrat candidate for president. Even though I vehemently disagreed with him on other issues. I'm planning to vote for Mr. Trump because he wants to temporarily prevent Muslims from entering the U.S. as the country reexamines what can be done to suppress domestic acts of terror. I don't like a blanket measure like that -- but my dislike is mitigated by the fact that I don't want to deal with the alternative. I have personally on two occasions been attacked verbally and vociferously by people who had all the appearances of being Muslims who had travelled to the U.S. Both cases had an edge of violent threat behind them. Enough.

  50. From the letter signed by 50 Republican foreign policy officials:
    “He is unable or unwilling to separate truth from falsehood,” the letter says. “He does not encourage conflicting views. He lacks self-control and acts impetuously. He cannot tolerate personal criticism. He has alarmed our closest allies with his erratic behavior. All of these are dangerous qualities in an individual who aspires to be president and commander in chief, with command of the U.S. nuclear arsenal.”

    So do all of them also have "fevered fantasies and reckless claims"?

  51. And from a Republican senator from Maine, who will not be voting for Trump:
    I am also deeply concerned that Mr. Trump’s lack of self-restraint and his barrage of ill-informed comments would make an already perilous world even more so. It is reckless for a presidential candidate to publicly raise doubts about honoring treaty commitments with our allies. Mr. Trump’s tendency to lash out when challenged further escalates the possibility of disputes spinning dangerously out of control.

  52. That is one of the odder articles I have read in a while. The premise and heading of the article is "Trump spent a week offending everyone — and supporters still love him." Does this author not know that Trump has totally tanked in the polls over the last two weeks? And if he means that the 40% of Republican primary voters who are his die-hard supporters "still love him," well, that will not get him very far in November.

  53. First of all, this is not "Black Lives Matter." If you would actually read the article that you linked to, you would see that it is about a group that is "one of over 50 black-led organizations in the coalition." So we are talking about less than 2%, maximum, of what is know as the Black Lives Matter movement.
    Second of all, while I identify with the goal of bringing awareness to and trying to lower the amount of systemic racism faced by black people at every level of the U.S. justice system, that does not mean that those in that movement are my "heroes," or that I agree with all of their policy positions, especially concerning matters that have nothing to do with their primary focus.

  54. These are the compatriots of Jeb who are taking revenge for him. Additionally, the Bush presidency was the worst Republican presidency and led to the disastrous ascent of Obama. Their poor judgement and lack of leadership are just coming to the forefront again.

    Hillary is the master of the Arab spring that has led to the ascent of ISIS and the resurgence of Al Qaeda. She sold off at least 20% of US Uranium, a central nuclear asset, to Russia. Her Clinton foundation has used the State department as her own personal tool to concoct illicit deals which have enriched her at the expense of America and the countries she was supposed to help. See the Clinton Cash documentary about how she helped rape Haiti when they had a disastrous earthquake. She is a proven liar and she failed in her 3 am call about Benghazi. I couldn't imagine a worse candidate than her.

  55. There are many Rinos abusing the Republican name for their own advantage that are panicked about being brought to task for their betrayal of the American people. Their disavowal of Trump proves that they should be replaced. No one has been less under control and running ragged over the constitution than Obama.

  56. This is such a far out coincidence of paying up the Shah's bill to the ones that brought down the Shah's regime just at the same time as the release of the hostages, that it defies belief. Why didn't the wait a little bit to disconnect the event? The obvious answer is that it was ransom.

  57. Firstly let me apologize if you found my comments derogatory. They were not aimed at American voters in particular but voters in general wherever they may be. It is a historical, socio-political fact that the majority of voters are ill informed at best when casting their vote, tend to vote on emotional issues, as you've just exemplified, rather than long term rational objectives.
    Re Trump's promise to bar muslims from entering the US, it will be a frozen day in gehinom before he can do that.
    Let me explain: The POTUS does not have the authority to unilaterally ban a specific group of people from entering the US as that is an immigration matter and immigration matters are legislated by Congress. He can send it to the House, then it would be down to Congress to approve it (in both houses), after approval it would go back to the POTUS who would then sign it into law. That would NEVER happen.
    If he makes it a matter a foreign policy, over which he can legislate without Congressional approve, he is free to break off or severely scale down diplomatic ties with any country and make it hard or impossible for citizens of those countries to enter the US.
    Do you see that as a viable possibility? Break off ties with the Saudis? With Indonesia? With 2/3 of the African continent? With countries accounting for 1.5 Billion individuals?
    Do you really think that Trump would be able to block a Muslim Russian from entering the US while granting a tourist visa to an Orthodox Christian?
    I empathize with your personal experiences and I daven that there should be a solution and that there should be no more islamist terrorism anywhere in the world, including violence against Yidn, of course, but can you really, in all honesty, believe that Trump will ban muslims? build a wall along the Mexican-American border (and make Mexico pay for it)?
    Do you think he would be able to ban a British Muslim from entering the US? America's best friend and closest ally? There is already a programme in place for anyone who has dual nationality of a visa waiver country and a "problematic" country, i.e. a country considered to be a terrorist hotbed ( and that's as far as it goes.
    In short (we could write a whole PhD thesis on this) anyone who votes for Trump because he's promised to ban muslims from entering the US is in for great disappointment when he says that "he really wanted to do it but was prevented by Congress", which is a great answer as it reaffirms his earlier intentions and lays the blame somewhere else.
    But again, my apologies if you found my previous comments derogatory... far from my intentions.

  58. Ah, now you are showing your true colors. My "troubles" with Young Israel stem from people like you who overlook blatant crimes like forgery . Trump may be a boor and poor at avoiding stepping into muck but is still far more sincere and open than Bill the Rake's wife. I would rather have someone who is open about his than a sneak like Hillary who takes money under the table.

  59. Do you know who Fred Grandy was?

    Loan incident? I wouldn't call providing a private jet a loan. He never asked anything back from the Ten family. Can you even show ANY similar acts of kindness from Hillary? All I see is her selfishness.

    You want to see Trump's tax returns? Let's see yours here.

    Let's make something clear. I am not thrilled with the possibility of Donald Trump being POTUSA. But I am absolutely horrified that Hillary could be behind the desk of the Oval Office. We have a lousy choice of candidates this year. But I would sooner choose Mussolini than Hitler.

  60. Trust you to miss the point, which is about why so many people support Trump. Hint: It's not his hair.

  61. Again, I am not refusing to accept the possibility that the timing was not a total coincidence. But the main point is that this is their money that the U.S. was returning, and that they would have to return in any event. On the contrary, if they were able to ensure the release of captured soldiers by paying the Iranians money they anyway owed them, hats off to them.

  62. all of their policy positions, especially concerning matters that have nothing to do with their primary focus.

    Precisely the point. This has zero to do with what they are ostensibly about. Why then do they feel the need to make this statement? Doesn't it distract from their mission? Answer: B/c what they are really about is the leftist agenda, which includes a large helping of Jew-hatred. But you just close your eyes and swallow the kool-aid.

  63. And quit trying to pretend this is only a few individuals. This is the BLM coalition's official platform.

  64. That's the Leftist spirit! Bow down and pay the hijackers and they won't bother you again - until next time.

  65. Based on the Shalit exchange, that is also the rightist spirit.

  66. Well, if "so many" is less than 40% of less than 50% of the country, he can have them.
    As the great Bill James wrote: "I don’t think that Trump can win, frankly, because I don’t think there are enough morons to elect him. A certain percentage of the American public is just morons; that’s the way it is. When you divide the public in two and then divide the voters in one of those halves among five candidates or more, a candidate can win by dominating the moron vote because it only takes about one-seventh of the total population to take the “lead” under those circumstances. But when you’re talking about needing 51% of the WHOLE population, rather than needing 30% of half of the population, you run out of morons."

  67. 1: Fred Gandy was some television star who was later in Congress, as far as Wikipedia knows. Who cares?
    2: Do you really think that there is any sixty-five year old person on the planet who has not performed an act of kindness in their entire life? For one, you can look at her (released) tax returns to see her charitable contributions. I don't know if Hillary Clinton is more or less virtuous than the average person, but your view of her evilness is totally overdone.
    3: Unlike me, Trump is running for president. There has been a standard for the past 40+ years that those running for president release their tax returns. This is done to enable the voting public to see where conflicts of interest may lie; to gain a better insight into the character of the nominee, by allowing a window into their charity giving and the like; and to see if they are gaming the system by using questionable tax loopholes. Trump's stated "reason" that he is not releasing them, that he is under audit, is total nonsense. Every president is audited every year, and this has not prevented any of them from releasing them. I suspect he is not releasing them because A: It will show that he is not nearly as rich as he claims, and his ego can't handle that; and B: it will show that he gives next to nothing to charity. Many investigations have been done trying to find his charitable giving, with no success.
    Why is it in the public interest for a semi-anonymous commentator on this blog to release his tax returns?
    4: It would make a very interesting sociological study to try to get to the bottom of the visceral hatred that many Republicans have for Hillary Clinton.

  68. 1. Fred Grandy played a doofus character. A doofus like you would have thought his real-life character was the same as his TV role.

    2- Then show me an equivalent act of kindness by Hillar? Come on, tell me at least one instance where she did something of that caliber. You pooh-pooh his action but you give her allowance that she "might have" done something kind?

    3- I can understand that why he doesn't release his tax returns. Because people like you damn him if he is not as rich as people think or if he is richer than people think. As far as his charitable giving, what do you care? Do don't want to give him credit for helping a Jewish child. "Oh, that was 28 years ago". Yes? That is still more than you have probably done in your whole pathetic life.

    4- I'll sum it up for succinctly. People don't like a LIAR who used her position as Secretary of State for her own personal gain, i.e. the Clinton Foundation, who lies over and over again about her email server, who lied to the parents of those killed in Benghazi, who ignored the pleas from those in Benghazi, who thinks she is above the law by not being prosecuted for offenses that others have, etc..

    Why don't you explain your deep inward feelings rather than whatever intellect you have why you hate Donald Trump so much?

  69. The Israelis are unfortunately Leftist in regards to the release of hostages. They don't care that they are endangering the Israeli public at large with the release of hundreds of terrorists.

    In general, the Israeli armed forces are becoming more Leftist and anti Israel as time goes on and this is something that needs to change for Israel's security.

  70. I suggest you re-read your comment and ask yourself if it accords with the standards of bein adam lechaveiro as detailed by the Torah and Chazal.

  71. 1: I am fully willing to give Donald Trump credit for helping a Jew 28 years ago, and I am sure that he will be rewarded for that act in this world or the next (maybe he already has been). However, I do not think that it has any bearing in whether or not he will make a good, or even acceptable, president.
    2: I am not Hillary Clinton's biographer, and I don't think it would make any difference to you if I could illustrate a similar example. You can google the story of the woman who had a medical mess while Hillary was a NY senator if you want, and I am sure you can find many more acts of kindness if you look for them. Again, these are not the primary qualifications for being president.
    3: I did not "damn him" for being richer or poorer than he claims. I suggested that his desire not to be shown as less wealthy than he claims may be why he does not want to release his tax returns, as he has not given any reasonable explanation for his evading that step, taken by every candidate of both parties for over 40 years.
    4: The congressional investigations did not come to the same conclusions re. the substantive claims you have about Benghazi.
    5: I don't "hate" Donald Trump. As a reality-show host he was quite good, though not exactly my cup of tea. I do hold a bit of a grudge for his ruining the USFL, but am willing to overlook that. I do think that he has absolutely none of the qualifications, experience-wise, knowledge-wise, or personality-wise, to serve as president, and am in agreement with the many many people (including many of the top Republican foreign policy figures) who are alarmed at the prospect of him becoming president.

  72. How typical of the liberal mindset. Deriding those you disagree with or look down upon as morons. Disgusting, really.

  73. I see. Only you know how to run things properly. Not the Democrats, not the Republicans, not the Israeli government, only you (and Trump).

  74. And Hillary is qualified? Like I said, we have lousy choices this year but Hillary is lousier than Trump for one main reason and 70% of the country have this same opinion of her (though they don't all factor it in to their voting choice) : Hillary Clinton is corrupt and untrustworthy.

  75. Don't see the Trump supporters acting differently - so that shows that they are also progressive

  76. I guess you like the havoc that's released on the Israeli public when all the terrorists are released. The release is certainly against the Torah.

    In any case, I'm happy that you are wising up to who really has the solution to current problems.

  77. Don't know if you noticed, but I was not the author of that piece. Had I written it, I would probably substitute something like "uninformed voters" or "uneducated voters" for "morons," as the polls show that people without a college education are the only ones supporting Trump more than they support Clinton, but that was James' choice of words.

  78. but Trump is incompetent and doesn't listen to advice.

    Would you prefer a plane flown by a corrupt pilot or one who ignores radar and instruments and turns off the radio because he doesn't want to be told what to do? or alternative version - would you prefer to be operated on by a top surgeon who is corrupt, cheats on his wife and taxes, kicks his dog etc versus one who never went to medical school but was successful on the stock market and thinks he can do any job based on his superior intuition and personal blunteness?

  79. 1- It sure does have bearing. It shows that he is essentially a decent human being even if he doesn't know how to keep every word he says from being twisted by media hacks out to get him.

    2- The fact that no kindness comes to mind is enough. What to you are the primary qualifications for being President? You think Hillary has them?

    3- No other candidate except for Ross Perot has jumped directly from the private sector into running for President. And Perot did not release his returns. I don't care how much he made as a private citizen. And why should you care?

    4- Yeah, right. Four men are still dead, what difference does it make?

    5- Those "top Republicans" are the reason Trump beat all the other "more qualified" candidates in the primaries. I am a registered Republican and I want to see the ineffective Republican "leadership" tossed out on their rumps for not helping to guide Trump. They should be doing that instead of criticizing him after the fact.

  80. You cited it very approvingly, calling the author "the great." Which means you agree with its sentiments. Now that I've called you out, you are attempting to backtrack, demonstrating that you don't even have the courage of your (lamentable) convictions.

  81. They are opposites. The Trump supporters are alienated by the prevalent liberal politics and culture (i.e. by the people who consider them "morons"), the progressives are its products. If you don't understand that, you don't understand anything about this election.

  82. wow! you are so convinced you know what you are talking about and self-confident and have such absolute visions of reality. Just like Trump

  83. You are confounding trustworthy with qualified. This is the latest poll on the issue:

  84. As any avid baseball fan knows, Bill James is certainly great. Once again, I agree fully with his analysis. I personally would not have employed his precise choice of words.

  85. You could be describing either one with exception of the word "corrupt". That only applies to one of the candidates. Hillary does as she wants too, how do you think she ended up with her own email server? Where does she have any qualifications for the job? As the carpetbagger senator? As the careless Secretary of State? As the "speaker" who commands huge fees?

  86. You mean that Hillary and her cohorts express doubts. I haven't seen any evidence of that at all especially since they are wrong about so much.

  87. Sorry if I offfended you, as it appears, but in fact, my statement is correct.

  88. Of course you would have. Since you are a progressive who looks down on those you consider your lessers, otherwise known as "morons."

  89. 1: One incident from 28 years ago does not show that someone is essentially a decent human being. Once again, that is not the main point. A willingness to perform a kindness for a stranger is not the determining factor in whether one is qualified to be president.
    2: Knowledge of world affairs and domestic issues, experience on the legislative side, an understanding of how government works, among other traits.
    3: Perot was not the nominee of a mainstream political party.
    4: If you think it doesn't make any difference whether or not Clinton was responsible for their deaths, then I have trouble understanding you. No one denies that Benghazi was a disaster; the issue is who is to blame (if anyone) for the security failures. Repeated congressional investigations have concluded that Clinton is not to blame.
    5: He has shown himself to be unwilling to accept guidance from anyone. How are foreign policy experts supposed to guide a candidate who, when asked who he consults with about foreign policy issues, answers: "Myself, I have a very good brain"?

  90. I would sure love to hear what they mean that she is "qualified". You have many people "qualified" to drive a car. Some will drive it well, but others will drive it lousy. If Hillary is as "qualified" as Obama was to be POTUSA, G-d help us if she is elected!

  91. 1- I would rather have someone who knows to perform kindness for a sick child than one who is overly kind to the advocates of cop-killers and refugees at the expense of the country's safety.
    2-Again to use the analogy of driving a car, her knowledge of issues and her experiences are practically identical to current President. He is lousy and she will be as bad or worse.
    3- What's the difference? And if he were running as an independent you would need to see his returns?
    4- I was paraphrasing Hillary's response to the investigative committee. Boy, you can't recognize sarcasm either.
    5- He has shown he DOES accept guidance from people like Newt , Rudy, Ben Carson, et al.

  92. Some interesting new information

  93. No need to apologize. I wasn't offended. This is a political discussion. Chips on the shoulder are checked at the door.

    I think, however, you have only a theoretical understanding of the governmental system here.

    Here's the operative principle: Presidents can claim "national security" to justify activities that are normally within the purview of the Congress or that are even an outright violation of the U.S. Constitution. Historically, the Congress and the Supreme Court go along. Either because they tacitly agree. Or because they are afraid to interfere and then be blamed for the consequences if they are wrong.

    The Muslim ban is coming. At least, if I have anything to do with it. And I do. One vote.

  94. She's so corrupt, even CNN can't pretend not to notice.

    Unlike the NYT.

  95. I’m a Trump supporter. I’m a CPA PhD economist and supporter of Milton Freidman and John M. Clark. See

    Trump’s proposed lowering of the corporate income tax rate from 35% to 15% will get the US economy going again.

    May I tell a story? The IRS prosecuted me and my dear wife Yemima 2011 and 2012 for over many thousands of $, in the USA Tax Court in Washington DC. Why? I’ve been getting the $1,000 per year per child for our 3 daughters since about 2003. I made the mistake of checking the wrong box on status. I should’ve checked married filing separately and I would’ve gotten the same $1,000 per year per child. See, married filing jointly makes Yemima obligated to pay USA taxes vastly higher than what she paid to the Israel tax authority. How did I win, where the IRS sent me that I and Yemima owe $0.00 for 2011 and 2012 without me paying anything? Using Susan’s ridiculous NYS 9/10/2013 divorce. I did revised 1040 taxes for years 2011 and 2012 with Susan as my wife---with full explanations. God did a miracle for me. The USA IRS were anti-Semites to hound me. Yemima is a manager at Mizrachi Bank in Israel, works nights, and gets extra pay. I love her dearly.

  96. I think we are going around in circles. I disagree with basically all of the above; over and out.

  97. It is not my opinion. It is a fact. Clinton leads with every demographic other than white people without an education beyond high school.

  98. You may, of course, exercise your democratic right to vote for whomever you please.
    I assure you that your vote WILL NOT bring about a ban on muslims entering the United States and you'll remember our friendly exchange and say, yes... that non American had a point.
    Below is a link to the Powers of the POTUS. At no time in American history has a POTUS invoked national secutiry powers in the way you are proposing.
    At any rate, enjoy the reading:

    P.S.: I'm not in any way implying that you should vote for Hillary, just that we should all strengthen our Emunah and Bitochon in HKB"H because it's becoming as clear as day light during a north pole day in June that Ein Oid Milvado.

  99. The fact you didn't even know the "we had four dead Americans..What difference at this point does it make?" reference and your stretching to say she must have some kindness in her (though you don't seem to know of any) tells me that you are voting for her based on emotion, not logic nor reason. Just like the people who voted for Adolf Hitler 83 years ago. So goodbye sir and I hope you enjoy the next 4 years.

  100. You are, of course, completely wrong. I would be happy to tell you in great detail, and with the phone numbers of my lawyers, about a case I was involved in that we fought all the way to the Supreme Court, that supports my contention. Call me at (U.S.) 202-251-3866 or email me at I look forward to continuing our discussion off-blog.

  101. I direct this not to the one who made the comment, but to the other readers of this blog: Is this what we have come to? Comparing someone who supports Hillary Clinton to someone who supported Adolf Hitler? And in the days before Tisha B'Av, no less?

  102. I’m a Trump supporter as are the vast majority of American’s living in Israel.

    Support for my story of IRS – Obama hostility to Americans in Israel, see

  103. Where did you get your "vast majority of American’s (sic) living in Israel" statistic?

  104. It is obvious. "the vast majority of American's living in Israel are intelligent and informed about current events. Since all intelligent and informed individuals will obviously be voting for Trump - they also will be voting for Trump.

    It is only the uninformed pin headed biased intellectuals or those who are living off government programs and who don't understand that the world will be destroyed if Hillary gets elected who are supporting her.

  105. I am afraid that your sarcasm will be lost on many of the readers here.

  106. Yes in the days before Tisha B'Av!
    I said your support of her is based upon emotion. If you studied history you would see many parallels between political upheavals of the past (such as 1930s Germany and Poland in 1989) and the current election. The reason people are holding their collective noses and supporting Donald Trump for president is because we see that Hillary Clinton is a continuation of the bad old ways that Barack Hussein Obama and the feckless "Republican leaders" have dragged down the country with. Perhaps you don't see the other parallel that I do in the way Hashem is presenting us two bad choices to lead this country (one far worse than the other) when we as a supposedly Torah observing people acclaim a "gadol", a leader, to speak to Klal Yisrael on Tisha B'Av while he refuses to repair the damage HE CAUSED BY SETTING IN MOTION A MARRIED WOMAN TO LIVE WITH ANOTHER MAN!!

  107. I don't engage with those who call me Hitler supporters (sorry, just a hang-up of mine).

  108. Hey, if you want to equate Hillary with Hitler I won't stop you. For the record, I said: "you are voting for her based on emotion, not logic nor reason. Just like the people who voted for Adolf Hitler 83 years ago."
    I didn't even say Hillary is like Hitler. I said that just like the people in Germany voted for the charismatic house painter based on their emotions rather than logic, so are you.


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