Thursday, June 8, 2023

Worldly occupation is an illusion

 Derashas HaRan 06:19) And it is in this area that most people go astray, their error extending in all directions. For the plain person, when he sees good, saintly men occupying themselves with the affairs of the world — as we see our forefathers to have placed great emphasis upon planting and upon the keeping of livestock (and our sages have stated [Chullin 91a]: "'And Jacob remained alone' — for some small vessels") — when the plain man sees this, he says in his heart: "The saints, in spite of all of their saintliness, preoccupy themselves with worldly affairs. Why should I not do so too?" Woe to those men who see but who do not know what they are seeing! For they see only the outward act but not the inner intent. For the righteous do all things towards a good, appropriate end, and the rest of mankind, towards no end whatsoever! 

Derashas HaRan 06:20) How reminiscent this is of Hippocrates' question in his treatise, Hanhagath Hamiddoth, as to why most people cannot discriminate between the good doctor and the bad one. His answer is that this is due to the latter's employing the same materials as the former. For just as the good doctor employs potions, drugs, salves, and powders, so does the foolish one make use of the very same things. It is just that the wise doctor does all things with the right intent and at the right time, whereas the foolish one acts without sufficient intent and at the wrong time. In the same way, both the saint and the plain person occupy themselves both with mitzvoth and with mundane activities, but whereas all of the activities of the saintly are perfect Divine service because of their perfect intent, the service of the latter, even when they serve the L-rd directly, is not perfect; for intent is what is uppermost in the performance of mitzvoth. 


  1. So the next shnorrer who shows up at my door, I can tell him that since my occupation is an illusion, so is the money he wants me to give him?

  2. Kalonymus HaQatanJune 8, 2023 at 4:12 PM

    There is nothing illusory about the occupation. Koheleth is critical of this attitude and calls the lazy one who folds his hands a fool.

  3. Kalonymus HaQatanJune 8, 2023 at 6:56 PM

    What he says about good doctors and bad ones _ I have a similar theory , in that just as some groups have mitzvah tanks, others may have aveirah tanks, . They are both using the kiruv label, but unfortunately some d o damage in the process

  4. Well (warning: sarcasm) you clearly didn't understand Koheles.

  5. Kalonymus HaQatanJune 9, 2023 at 7:02 PM

    Because it's simply not studied in certain circles

  6. "'And Jacob remained alone -- for some small vessels" Thanks for this post. Jacob wrestles with the angel after returning for some small vessel (Chillin 91a). Jacob knows well the high value of what God gives. Not like the sin of the spies in this week’s parsha שלח. Psalms 106-24: “Moreover, they scorned the desirable land, They believed not His word;”

    The 12 spies were the leaders of 12 tribes. Rashi says they were kosher. Joshua, leader of the tribe of Ephrayim and Caleb leader of tribe of Judah were righteous tore their tunics on hearing the report of the 10 wicked spies. These 10 wicked spies were kosher, my theory, didn’t believe God’s word on the high value of Israel. God gave the Patriarchs Israel. These 10 wicked spies persuaded the people, Israel is better off living in the desert eating Manna from heaven and drinking water from the well of Miriam and bringing sacrifices and leaning Torah etc. In Israel they would have to work the soil.

    Moses is hinting at tremendous holiness in yields from Israel soil: Numbers 13:20 “and what the land is, whether it is fat or lean, whether there is wood therein, or not. And be ye of good courage, and bring of the fruit of the land. .Now the time was the time of the first-ripe grapes.” Vastly greater blessings from God in Israel.
    Update on me. NYS Court of Appeals motion number 2023-398 return date June 5, 2023.


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