Monday, November 7, 2022

Aveira LShma - voting for Republican election deniers?

 As is well known Tuesday  Nov 8 is election day

Various gedolim have said to vote Republican because they were told that they would support the yeshiva system. No indication they are more competent. But even more relevant is the question of why these politicians should be naively believed? There are a number of other issues being ignored in the desperate hope to believe the one who promises the most on one issue. 

In other words Jews are selling their vote for mere promises about chinuch - without a realistic evaluation whether these promises can be kept or will be kept. Everyone knows politicians always keep thei promises!


  1. The flip side is that voting Democrat , because of whatever reason, is a mitzvah she lo lishma. Even if they are slightly less corrupt than the RePubs, they are more anti-semitic and anti-Israel. It is not a question of Hareidi voters being Zionists, but that they have ties, both family and in learning, with E'Y.

    So as the Gemara says - Gedola Aveira lishma, m' mitzvoh she lo lishma!

  2. which Democreatic candidates are anti-Semitic or anti-Israel?
    Sounds like you are simply accepting the Republican attack line without actually knowing facts!

  3. Squad, Saunders etc.

  4. But not any of the candidates actually running - thus you acknowledge your original comment was totally irrelevant

  5. I dunno, I still think gender deniers are worse than election deniers.

  6. Oh, I thought you knew what was going on in American matters

    Seems they are running

  7. So fox news is your source - no wonder you don't know what the facts are!

  8. Right, because CNN and the others on the left are factual and only tell the truth.
    You know Nixon's old saying "He's an SOB but he's our SOB"? It's like that with the media now. You like CNN's lies, we like Fox's lies but the bottom line is both sides lie. You're just deluding yourself into thinking that your side doesn't.


    Seems like everyone is conspiring against you , even Michigan radio is making such claims!

  10. Conservatives have a big echo chamber or are you saying if a lie is believed by many people it is called truth,
    They clearly are trying to turn the claim that the election was stolen into "truth"
    Looks like you agree with them even though you claim to reject the Kuzari principle

  11. Repeating your nonsense since you present no evidence just keep repeating the right screaming the media lies

  12. Stop oil fanatics are worst

  13. Only when they get preachy. And my point stands - people who deny biological facts are worse than folks who think the electoral process was flawed. The latter is entirely possible, the former is not so who's got the bigger delusion?


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