Saturday, June 11, 2022

Trump's election lies are not even a minority legal view - they are simply lies

 Someone claimed Trump's stolen election claims   have the status of a valid minority view

That is false! There is no evidence supporting the possibility,

It is thus a claim like saying any laws which cause suffering to an individual are not legitimate it is merely an assertion but not  a legitimate view

Please distinguish between assertions  and views!

1 comment :

  1. "Trump won the election."

    This is an assertion. This assertion may be viewed by some as "true". It may be viewed by some as "false."

    There are many people who view it as "true." So what?

    Well, viewing it as "true" has ramifications. Some hold Donald Trump was swindled out of a second term as President of the United States. They are fired up. They would vote for Donald Trump if he runs again.

    In a clever and calculated way, Donald Trump has consolidated power despite his leaving the White House.

    And everyone complaining about his strategy and tactics seem powerless to sway Donald Trump's supporters. Far from prying them away from supporting Mr. Trump, the complainers have served to help solidify the supporters' allegiance.

    Let's drop it, already, ok? Let's make a blog moratorium on American politics. Yeah?


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