Wednesday, March 2, 2022

20 Funniest Presidential Gaffes of All Time

We’re all human and capable of making mistakes, but those who live their lives in the public eye are for more susceptible to feeling the pain long after the mistake has been made. Presidential gaffes are a dime a dozen, but here’s a collection of the funniest mistakes and moments of embarrassment ever encountered by a president or vice president while on the job.

1 comment :

  1. Reminds me of the 1992 election. The press decided to paint Dan Quayle as an idiot. Every mistake, every misspoken sentence made the headlines. What a fool! What a moron! Not like that stately Lloyd Bentsen who's running with Dukakis!
    Except near the end the campaign an independent paper came out with a list of gaffes from Bentsen and it turned out he'd made more than Quayle!
    So yeah, Biden threatens to run a reporter over with his car and "Well, the reporter was being annoying". Trump stumbles on an unfamiliar word and it's proof of how stupid he is!


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