Saturday, February 5, 2022

Israel sees blood shortage amid Rabbi protest of LGBTQ

Magen David Adom (MDA) reported on Thursday its blood bank was suffering from a severe shortage amid a 4-months boycott by some in the Orthodox and National Religious communities

Rabbi Aviner who supported the blood donation ban to MDA also said that "sometimes the simplest things are forgotten, so you have to remind them to people. I have a mother and a father and I won't allow them to be erased. Without them, I wouldn't be alive and without them, I wouldn't be a blood donor."

When asked if their actions justify people not receiving surgery or blood when they need it, the Rabbi replied: " You should ask MDA why they are doing such things while putting people at risk, they have a responsibility. Second, we can also donate blood directly to the hospitals, and there is no need to go through MDA."


  1. This is senseless. All blood is screened for harmful viruses. So right now the LGBT123 community is performing the mitzvah of saving lives while the Orthodox are trying to prevent it.

  2. This is senseless. One can protest - forbid participation in their training programs. Divert donation of charity funds to United Hatzalah. But this is killing people..

  3. Torah thought this week’s parshaתצוה “Overlay it [The Altar of Incense] with pure gold, its top `את גגו, its sides קירתיו round about, its horns קרנתיו; and make a gold molding זר זהב for it round about.” (Exodus 30:3).
    שמות פרשת תצוה פרק ל פסוק ג
    וְצִפִּיתָ אֹתוֹ זָהָב טָהוֹר אֶת גַּגּוֹ וְאֶת קִירֹתָיו סָבִיב וְאֶת קַרְנֹתָיו וְעָשִׂיתָ לּוֹ זֵר זָהָב סָבִיב:
    רש"י שמות פרשת תצוה פרק ל פסוק ג
    את גגו - זה היה לו גג, אבל מזבח העולה לא היה לו גג, אלא ממלאים חללו אדמה בכל חנייתן:
    זר זהב - סימן הוא לכתר כהונה:
    Yoma 72b:
    “R. Johanan said: There were three crowns: that of the altar, that of the ark, and that of the table. The one of the altar Aaron deserved and he received it. The one of the ark, David deserved and received. The one of the ark is still lying and whosoever wants to take it, may come and take it [Aaron, the first high priest, obtained the crown of priesthood, symbolized by the altar; David, the crown of kingdom; but there is no hereditary crown of learning, it must be acquired by each individual. The aspirants. however, are not many, hence it is still lying unclaimed.]. Perhaps you might think it is of little account, therefore the text reads: By me kings reign [Prov. VIII, 15. Wisdom is identified with Torah, through which it is acquired.]. R. Johanan pointed out a contradiction. It is written: Zar [alien] and we read it: zir? i.e.,[crown] If he deserves it, it becomes a wreath unto him; if not it remains alien to him [The Hebrew spelling of wreath may include the letter yod, without it the word might be read zar, stranger, hence the illustrative suggestion.]. R. Johanan pointed out another contradiction. It is written: Make thee an ark of wood [Deut. X,1], and it is also written: And they shall make an ark of acacia wood [Ex.XXV, 10]? Hence one learns that the inhabitants of his city are obliged to do the work of the scholar for him. Within and without shalt thou overlay it [Ibid. II]. Raba said: Any scholar whose inside is not like his outside, is no scholar [Inside and outside there should be the same golden character]. Abaye, or, as some say, Rabbah b. Ulla said: He is called abominable, as it is said: How much less one that is abominable and impure, man who drinketh iniquity like water [Job XV,16; rendered, one who drinketh the water of the Torah and yet has iniquity in him]. R. Samuel b. Nahmani, in the name of R. Jonathan: What is the meaning of the scriptural statement: Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool, to buy wisdom, seeing he hath no understanding [Prov. XVII, 16. Wisdom is knowledge of the Torah, understanding is moral rightness, based on fear of heaven. Hence this interpretation.], i.e., woe unto the enemies of the scholars [euphemism for scholars], who occupy themselves with the Torah, but have no fear of heaven! R. Jannai proclaimed: Woe unto him who has no court, but makes a gateway for his court [Fear of the Lord is the court, the goal. Learning should lead to it. Learning (the gateway) without reverence (the goal) is wasteful, sinful]! Raba said to the Sages: I beseech you, do not inherit a double Gehinnom [The Mishnah, Aboth VI, indicates that acquisition of the Torah depends upon a frugal way of living, a reduction of the margin of joy to a minimum. The reward is to come in after-life. Such reward depends upon reaching the goal of study; fear of heaven. One who now engages in Torah-study without possessing fear of heaven, suffers in this world, wherein he denies himself pleasure for the sake of his study, as well as in the other world, where because he had no fear of heaven, reward will be denied, punishment inflicted.]!”

    Hertz Chumash p. 349: “Incense had a symbolic significance, as is evident from" “Take my prayer as an offering of incense before You, My upraised hands as an evening sacrifice.” (Psalms 141:2).

    Beautiful. I love that the gold altar of incense symbolizes זר זהב - סימן הוא לכתר כהונה the crown of priesthood. In my shul in Bnei Brak I bless the Priestly Blessings Numbers 6:24-26.

  4. Torah thought this week’s parsha תצוה. "In the tent of meeting, outside the veil פרכת which is which is over [the Ark of] the Pact אשר על העדות Aaron and his sons shall set it in order יערך אותו אהרן ובניו, [to burn] from evening to morning before the Lord. It shall be a statute for all time throughout the ages חקת עולם לדורתם from the Israelites מאת בני ישראל.

    On it Aaron shall burn incense of sweet spices והקטיר עליו אהרן קטורת סמים; every morning בבקר בבקר, when he tends the lamps בהיטיבו את הנרות, he shall burn it יקטירנה.” (Exodus 27:21 and 30:7).

    Haftorah “When they are ashamed of all that they have done, make known to them the plan of the Temple and its layout, its exits and entrances---its entire plan, and all the laws and instructions pertaining to its entire plan. Write it in down before their eyes, that they may follow its entire plan and all its laws. and do them.” (Ezekiel 43:11).

    Hertz Chumash p. 178: “Ezekiel, the son of a priest, was among those who were carried off into exile in Babylon. He became one of the spiritual agencies that kept Israel’s soul alive in those years of despair. He is at once priest and prophet, preacher and writer, inspirer of the nation and pastor of individual souls.”

    My theory. Ezekiel served as a priest in the First Temple along with Jeremiah. He was Jeremiah’s student and may have been his son. Ezekiel tended the lamps, burnt incense, did sacrifices in the First Temple as written in parsha תצוה. Parsha תצוה and Ezekiel keep Israel’s soul alive today.

    We started daf hayomi Chagigah:
    “Mishnah. all are bound to appear [at the temple] [I.e., at the Temple Court (עזרה), on the three Pilgrim Festivals of Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles; cf. Ex. XXIII, 14, 17; Deut. XVI, 16. The word ראייה (rendered in our text, to appear) is understood by Rashi, Maimonides, Jastrow, Danby etc. in the sense of ראיית פנים, the personal appearance of the pilgrim in the Temple. But R. Tam (in Tosaf. a. l.) regards it as referring to the burnt-offering (v. Lev. I, 3f) brought by the pilgrim on his visit to the Temple i.e. it stands for עולת ראייה; cf. end of Mishnah, 4b, 6b et seq.], except a deaf man [heresh], an imbecile and a minor, a person of unknown sex [tumtum], a hermaphrodite, women, unfreed slaves, the lame, the blind, the sick, the aged, and one who is unable to go up on foot.”

  5. Torah thought this week’s parsha תצוה
    שמות פרשת תצוה פרק כז פסוק כ
    וְאַתָּה תְּצַוֶּה אֶת בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וְיִקְחוּ אֵלֶיךָ שֶׁמֶן זַיִת זָךְ כָּתִית לַמָּאוֹר לְהַעֲלֹת נֵר תָּמִיד
    Menachoth 86b
    “Command the children of Israel that they bring unto thee pure olive oil beaten for the light. R. Samuel b. Nahmani said, Unto thee, but not unto Me, for I am not in need of light.”

    Allow me my motion today to the NYS Court of Appeals. I write:
    2.The NYS Constitution states: New York State Constitution As revised, including amendments effective January 1, 2022 ARTICLE I BILL OF RIGHTS \S5. Excessive bail shall not be required nor excessive fines imposed, nor shall cruel and unusual punishments be inflicted, nor shall witnesses be unreasonably detained
    3.It is inappropriate and wrong for Judge Prus to issue in 2013 20 years after the Get a NYS contested civil divorce 2013 Aranoff v Aranoff based on a heap of lies of Ms. Serlin and Susan. It is not possible to issue a contested civil divorce, over the man's objections, after the man gives his wife a Get. It is not possible for Judge Rigler to order a freeze on a man's TIAA pension early 1994 over the man's objections, after the man gives his wife a Get.
    4.I'm hereby making application to Chief Judge Janet DiFiore. I request her to immediately suspend the QDRO that orders TIAA to pay 55% of my pension to Susan with no end in sight. I request her to immediately suspend the $25,000 fines Judges Rigler and Garson imposed on me. I have nothing further to add on this matter besides SCOTUS #'s 21-6561, 20-8096, 20-7892, 20-6525, 18-9390, and 18-7160 and NYS CoA Motion numbers 2021-981, 2021-850, 2021-359, 2021-54, 2020-352, 2019-266, and 2018-840.
    7.I ask that the NYS Court of Appeals calendar the present motion. We're coming to NY, maybe in April or May, whole family (me, my wife Yemima, our daughters Hadassah, Tamar, and Sapphire Rivka) to convince Susan to accept the house and what she got 55% of my TIAA pension from early 1994 as payment in full of my obligations to her. I need the Court to stay the $25,000 sanctions so I don't get arrested for non-payment of the crazy $25,000 sanctions. Allow me to skip the Appellate Division 2nd Department since they denied me poor person relief and made a motion on behalf of the Court to my detriment. I hear no response from NYS Commission of Judicial Conduct.

    SCOTUS will vote on my 21-6561 next Friday and on Trump’s 21-932: DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 2/18/2022.

  6. I now sent a letter to the NYS Court of Appeals. I write there:
    6Ariel University denied me tenure March 2008. I haven't had a regular job since. I did internet sales of Judaica up until about 2015. I advertised low low prices for tefillin and Torah scrolls. Susan mistakenly argued that my application for poor person relief was far off. My customers for Judaica sent me $ checks and transfers which I withdrew to pay my suppliers. My profit margins were slim. I made from Judaica sales about what USA social security pays me today monthly. I always have an old but good motorcycle and my 1985 SAAB. My papers on poor person relief at SCOTUS and at the Appellate Division 2nd Department are accurate and truthful. All my years in Israel I was never able to save money. I had overdraft debts to the banks. In America married to Susan I also had overdraft debts for bank credit cards. I never cared about money and I still don't today. I believe that God will provide for me. The Appellate Div 2nd Department had no good reason to deny me poor person relief and to make that motion on behalf of the court to my detriment.
    7.Susan filed frivolous lawsuits against me from day 1.
    The frivolous lawsuit definition is any lawsuit that is filed with the intention of disturbing, annoying, or harassing the opposite party. It can also be defined as any lawsuit where the plaintiff understands that there is little to no chance of a successful lawsuit if pursued in a courtroom.
    8The $25,000 fines against me are excessive fines. Judges Rigler and Garson knew I could not pay such a huge fine. They had no good reason for fining me. They did it only to annoy me. All of Susan's court actions were only to annoy me. There were no good reasons behind them. The NYS Constitution bill of rights gives every NYS citizen a right against excessive fines and punishments. Judge Prus giving Susan the house and 55% of my TIAA pension is an excessive punishment.

  7. Torah thought This week’s parsha כי תשא. The big story is the sin of the Golden Calf. See my

    Today’s big news is and on the Biden/Harris USA administration. This week’s haftorah Elijah confronts King Ahab.

    Hertz Chumash p. 369: “In the Sedrah, the people worship the Golden calf. In the Haftorah, centuries later, their descendants in the time of King Ahab are wavering between God and Baal. Ahab was a generous ruler, but weak-willed and dominated by his Phoenician wife, who pursued the prophets with murderous cruelty. It was high treason to proclaim God of Israel.”

    “Elijah approached all the people and said ויגש אליהו אל כל העם: How long will you be hopping between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; and if Baal, follow him! But the people answered him not a word. Then Elijah said to the people: I am the only prophet of the Lord left, while the prophets of Baal are four hundred and fifty men. Let two young bulls begiven to us. Let them choose one bull, cut it up and lay it on the wood, but let them not apply fire; I will prepare the other bull, and lay it on the wood, and will not apply fire.” (1 Kings 18:21-23).

    King Ahab and Queen Jezebel were dangerous to the world in Elijah’s time. Today Biden/Harris is dangerous to the world. Yes, I support Trump and Netanyahu.

  8. Torah thought Daf Hayomi Chagigah 10a
    “Neither was there any peace to him that went out or came in [Zech. VIII, 10], Rab said: As soon as man goes forth from Halachic to Scripture study he no longer has peace [because the Halachah provides the ultimate ruling for conduct]. And Samuel said: It means one who leaves Talmud for Mishnah [without the Talmudic explanation and discussion the Mishnah may be misleading]. And R. Johanan said: Even [if he goes] from Talmud to Talmud [According to Rashi, from the Palestinian Talmud (or Jerusalmi) to the Babylonian Talmud which was more difficult; cf. Sanh. 24a and B.M. 85b].”

    “Thus said the Lord of Hosts: There shall yet be old men and women in the squares of Jerusalem, every with staff in hand because of their great age. And the squares of the city shall be crowded with boys and girls playing in the squares. Thus said the Lord of Hosts: Though it will seem impossible to the remnant of this people in those days, shall it also be impossible for me?---declares the Lord of Hosts. Thus said the Lord of Hosts: Behold, I will rescue My people from the lands of the east and from the lands of the west, and I will bring them home to dwell in Jerusalem. They shall be My people, and I will be their God---in truth and sincerity באמת ובצדקה. Thus said the Lord of Hosts: Take courage, you that now hear these words which the prophets spoke when the foundations were laid for the rebuilding of the Temple, the House of the Lord of Hosts. For before that time, the earnings of men were nil, and profits from beasts were nothing. It was not safe to go about one’s business on account of enemies; and I set all men against one another.” (Zechariah 8:4-10)

    “Do not boast of tomorrow, For you do not know what the day may bring.” (Proverbs 27:1). Are we entering World War III, Heaven forbid, or Zechariah’s prophecy, God willing speedily in our time ?


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