Saturday, November 13, 2021

Greg Gutfeld: The Men Kyle Rittenhouse Killed Were Violent ‘Dirtbags’ and He Did ‘What the Government Should Have Done’ - more Fox nonsense

 Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld went off Thursday defending Kyle Rittenhouse and arguing his vigilantism was the result of the government not stepping up.

In response to all the commentary that Rittenhouse should not have gone to Kenosha in the first place, Gutfeld said, “The dead guys shouldn’t have gone there either. One was a convicted pedophile who again had anally raped a child. Another was a serial domestic abuser. They should not have been anywhere on a street, right?”


  1. I have a general question, which may apply to the content of these posts, but it is not specifically aimed at anyone in particular. it is in 2 parts -

    a) does a Rabbi, posek, or dayan have to keep to higher halachic standards than a regular baal habayit?

    b) and specifically, somebody who is engaged in Torah as a Rav or posek, are they required to avoid all matters irrelevant to Torah? it doesn't matter what these are, eg watching sports, collecting fine wines, racing cars, politics, comedy, classical music or any other pastimes. Should they be totally serious and completely attached to torah study and practice all the time?

  2. “Greg Gutfeld:” Sorry not reading these posts. Allow me to answer KA’s brilliant questions. I quote from:


    (A) Judicial duties in general. The judicial duties of a judge take precedence over all the judge's other activities. The judge's judicial duties include all the duties of the judge's office prescribed by law. In the performance of these duties, the following standards apply.
    (B) Adjudicative responsibilities.
    (l) A judge shall be faithful to the law and maintain professional competence
    in it. A judge shall not be swayed by partisan interests, public clamor or fear of criticism.
    (2) A judge shall require order and decorum in proceedings before the judge.
    (3) A judge shall be patient, dignified and courteous to litigants, jurors,
    witnesses, lawyers and others with whom the judge deals in an official capacity, and shall require similar conduct of lawyers, and of staff, court officials and others subject to the judge's direction and control.

    A judge must never pervert the law nor to promote wrongdoing of grounds of family connections, friendship, jealousy , malevolence, or fear, nor in response to bribes or gifts or for any other reason of no matter what nature; never to impute guilt when there is innocence, nor innocence when there is guilt. I’m reading now Henning Mankell The Man from Beijing.

    KA, a rav or a posek who makes rulings should never pervert the law from Sinai. This is what the Talmud teaches.

    This week’s parsha וישלח on what basis Jacob felt it possible: “Deliver me, I pray, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; else I fear, he may come and strike me down mothers and children alike.” (Genesis 32:12) ?
    בראשית פרשת וישלח פרק לב פסוק יב
    הַצִּילֵנִי נָא מִיַּד אָחִי מִיַּד עֵשָׂו כִּי יָרֵא אָנֹכִי אֹתוֹ פֶּן יָבוֹא וְהִכַּנִי אֵם עַל בָּנִים:
    רש"י בראשית פרשת וישלח פרק לב פסוק יב
    מיד אחי מיד עשו - מיד אחי שאין נוהג עמי כאח אלא כעשו הרשע:

  3. This week’s parsha וישלח on what basis Jacob felt it possible: “Deliver me, I pray, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; else I fear, he may come and strike me down mothers and children alike.” (Genesis 32:12) ?
    My theory. Esau was a rotten scoundrel fraud his whole life. I thought only Rebekah knew this. No. Leah and Rachel knew this. My source?

    “I am the God of Beth-el, where thou didst anoint a pillar, where thou didst vow a vow unto Me. Now arise, get thee out from this land, and return unto the land of thy nativity. And Rachel and Leah answered and said unto him: Is there yet any portion or inheritance for us in our father’s house?” (Genesis 31:13-14).

    God commands Jacob return to Israel. On plain reading Rachel and Leah are talking red herring. Here Rachel and Leah wise up Jacob that Laban and Esau are rotten scoundrel frauds. Jacob always thought Laban and Esau good honest people like Biden/Harris, Adam Shiff, Comey, Mueller .

    Allow me my letter today to the NYS Court of Appeals:

    "3,Exhibit A: Proof there never was a Rigler 1995 Order of Separation. If there were a Rigler 1995 Order of Separation Susan would've sent me a copy.

    4.Exhibit B: Letter to Agostino with attached bank data on my selling Judaica on the internet is proof that Susan does respond and does send documents to the Court when she wants to.

    6.I quote from:


    (A) Judicial duties in general. The judicial duties of a judge take precedence over all the judge's other activities. The judge's judicial duties include all the duties of the judge's office prescribed by law. In the performance of these duties, the following standards apply.
    (B) Adjudicative responsibilities.
    (l) A judge shall be faithful to the law and maintain professional competence
    in it. A judge shall not be swayed by partisan interests, public clamor or fear of criticism.
    (2) A judge shall require order and decorum in proceedings before the judge.
    (3) A judge shall be patient, dignified and courteous to litigants, jurors,
    witnesses, lawyers and others with whom the judge deals in an official capacity, and shall require similar conduct of lawyers, and of staff, court officials and others subject to the judge's direction and control."

  4. Torah thought daf hayomi Ta’anith 2a:
    “Whence do we know that mention of Rain is to be made in the Prayer [The Tefillah]? - It has been taught: “If, then, you obey והיה אם שמע תשמעו the commandments that I enjoin upon you this day, loving the Lord your God, and serving Him with all your heart and with all your soul, I will grant the rain for your land in season, the early rain and the late יורה ומלקוש. You shall gather in your new grain דגנך and wine and oil ותירשך ויצהרך.” (Deuteronomy 11:13-14) To love the Lord your God and to serve Him with all your heart. What is Service of Heart? You must needs say, Prayer. And the verse following reads, That I will give the rain of your land in its season, the former rain and the latter rain. R. Johanan said: Three keys the Holy One blessed be He has retained in His own hands and not entrusted to the hand of any messenger, namely, the Key of Rain, the Key of Childbirth, and the Key of the Revival of the Dead. The Key of Rain, for It is written, “The Lord will give you abounding prosperity in the issue of your womb, the offspring of your cattle, and the produce of your soil in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers to assign to you. The Lord will open for you His bounteous store, the heavens to provide rain for your land in season and to bless all your undertakings. You will be creditor to many nations, but debtor to none. The Lord will make you head, not the tail; you will always be at the top and never at the bottom---if only you obey and faithfully observe the commandments of the Lord your God that I enjoin upon you this day,” (Deuteronomy 28:11-13).”

    Exquisitely beautiful blessings, if we keep the Torah.

  5. Torah thought this week’s parsha וישלח. Jacob was decidedly against what Simeon and Levi did: “All (i.e., all his fellow townsmen) who went out of the gate of his town heeded Hamor and his son Shechem, and all males, all those who went out of the gate of his town were circumcised. On the third day, when they were in pain, Simeon and Levi, two of Jacob sons, brothers of Dinah, took each his sword, came upon the city unmolested, and slew all the males. They put Hamor and his son Shechem with the edge of the sword, took Dinah out of Shechem’s house, and went away.” (Genesis 34:24-26)
    בראשית פרשת וישלח פרק לד פסוק כה
    וַיְהִי בַיּוֹם הַשְּׁלִישִׁי בִּהְיוֹתָם כֹּאֲבִים וַיִּקְחוּ שְׁנֵי בְנֵי יַעֲקֹב שִׁמְעוֹן וְלֵוִי אֲחֵי דִינָה אִישׁ חַרְבּוֹ וַיָּבֹאוּ עַל הָעִיר בֶּטַח וַיַּהַרְגוּ כָּל זָכָר:
    מלבי"ם בראשית פרשת וישלח פרק לד פסוק כה
    ויהי ביום השלישי. עפ"ז נתחייבו הריגה כדין, א] מצד שלא עשו משפט בשכם, שגזל בפרהסיא ולא מיחו בידו, ובני נח נצטוו על הגזל, כמ"ש הרמב"ם בה' מלכים, ב] כי שכם לא רצה לשלח את דינה בטוב ועצרה בביתו, ואם לא היו נותנים לו בטוב היה נלחם בם, והותר ליעקב להוציאה מרשותו ע"י הריגת אנשי שכם שהיו הורגים אותם כי היו נכונים למלחמה. ג] שנתבאר שנתנו עיניהם בעושר של יעקב ומלו א"ע רק כדי שיוכלו לגזלו בכל עת כנ"ל, לכן ביום השלישי בהיותם כאבים ומתחרטים על המילה והיה בדעתם לנקום מבני יעקב על שגרמו להם הכאב הזה, לקחו שמעון ולוי מצד שהם בני יעקב, ולהם להלחם בעד יעקב, ומצד שהם אחי דינה ולא יכלו להוציא את דינה באופן אחר, לכן הרגו כל זכר ואת שכם וחמור, ועי"כ השיגו מגמתם להוציא את דינה מבית שכם, שזה היה עיקר מגמתם:
    תורה תמימה בראשית פרשת וישלח פרק לד פסוק כה
    שמעון ולוי וגו' איש חרבו - לא מצינו בכל התורה שיהא קרוי איש בפחות מבן י"ג שנה, אבל בבן י"ג מצינו שקראו הכתוב איש, כדכתיב שמעון ולוי וגו' איש חרבו, וגמירי דההיא שעתא בני י"ג שנה הוו) [נזיר כ"ט ב' ברש"י]:
    My theory. Simeon and Levi were 13 years old; acted entirely on their own. Jacob later reprimands them: “Simeon and Levi are brethren; Weapons of violence their kinship. Let my soul not come into their council; Unto their assembly let my glory not be not united; For in their anger they slew men, And in their self-will they houghed oxen. Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce, And their wrath, for it was cruel; I will divide them in Jacob, And scatter them in Israel” (Genesis 49:5-7).

    Jacob as Abraham and Isaac saw only good in all the nations about. The Matriarchs knew Ishmael and Esau to be rotten scoundrels frauds. Jacob thought that those in Shechem that circumscribed themselves---did it to become good Jews.

    No. Simeon and Levi knew better. The whole town, all the males, were rotten scoundrels frauds. Anyway, they’re dead. Who was right, Jacob or Simeon and Levi? Are Comey, Adam Shiff, Mueller, Biden/Harris rotten scoundrels frauds?

    “Please accept my present which has been brought to you, for God has favored me and I have plenty כי חנני אלקים וכי יש לי כל. And when he urged him, he accepted.” (Genesis 33:11)

    Jacob saw only goodness everywhere. Jacob was living, as it were, in the Garden of Eden. Jacob doesn’t attack people. Simeon and Levi attacked the evil city of Shechem. This is my theory. Like, even if you don’t agree, KA?

  6. More on parsha וישלח. See WSJ Frantzman Israel Is at the Center of a New International Security Order An alliance that spans from the U.S. through Europe to India is emerging to combat belligerent actors in the Middle East. “Israel faces daily threats from terrorists, from the fighting in Gaza in May to its frequent airstrikes in Syria against Iranian arms shipments to Hezbollah. Military units that practice with Israeli forces gain real combat expertise and signal that Jerusalem has allies increasingly working to confront potential threats in the region. This military diplomacy is knitting together an alliance that connects further-flung countries like India or Germany through regional partners like the U.A.E. and Bahrain or Cyprus and Greece.”

    Plain reading of the Bible threats from rotten scoundrel frauds averted. Thank you God. Sarah saw evil Ishmael threatened Isaac. Rebekah saw evil Esau threatened Jacob. Simeon and Levi saw that the evil city of Shechem threatened Dinah: “But they answered: Should our sister be treated as a whore?” (Genesis 34:31).

    Hertz Chumash p. 129 “Jacob’s sons reply that the dishonor of their sister had to be avenged, and there was only one course of action to follow. High-spirited and marital men have among all nations and throughout history often yielded to blind cruelty when dealing with an outrage of this nature.”

    My theory. Simeon and Levi were dealing with a terrorist threat, the kidnapping of Dinah and the miserable future likely she would have in the kingdom of Shechem.

    Today we deal with terrorist threats from rotten scoundrels frauds in Iran. Are Biden/Harris and US State Dept helping or hurting Israel? Bravo Seth Frantzman,Jpost writer.

  7. “The Men Kyle Rittenhouse Killed Were Violent ‘Dirtbags” Wow, this makes Kyle Rittenhouse a domestic terrorist. This must be covered and discussed, not the rape of Dinah in parsha וישלח. I’m talking opposite, follow Garnel and KA?

    See WSJ Left-Leaning Media Seek a Misinformation Monopoly “The larger problem is that these people, even as they tell us their ideologically approved falsehoods, are trying their level best to drive the other side out of circulation completely. Not just the falsehoods; they’d like to drive out facts and arguments they don’t approve of too. And they think they can do it.”

    Wow the Jews made a pact of friendship with the kingdom of Shechem as a trick to attack them. The Bible is not clear on the moral teaching. God made sure nothing bad would happen to Jacob: “As they set out ויסעו, a terror from God fell ויהי חתת אלקים on the cities round about, so that they did not pursue ולא רדפו the sons of Jacob.” (Genesis 35:5).
    בראשית פרשת וישלח פרק לה פסוק ה
    וַיִּסָּעוּ וַיְהִי חִתַּת אֱלֹהִים עַל הֶעָרִים אֲשֶׁר סְבִיבוֹתֵיהֶם וְלֹא רָדְפוּ אַחֲרֵי בְּנֵי יַעֲקֹב:
    מלבי"ם בראשית פרשת וישלח פרק לה פסוק ה
    ויסעו וגו' ויהי חתת אלקים. שנפל על יושבי הערים פחד אלקים, שהאמינו שזה היה ענין אלקי ששני אנשים יהרגו עיר ומלואה, וכי זה היה להם עונש מה' על החמס אשר עשו וייראו מה' מרדוף אחרי בני יעקב, וגם שע"י שבני יעקב הכינו לבבם אל ה' ויראו מה' התפשטה יראה זו שיראו בני יעקב מה' והפילה יראה על כל הערים, ור"ל שחתת אלקים ויראתו שיראו ב"י התפשטה על כל הערים:

    My theory. Jacob knew he faced differing views. Jacob himself trusted all be well same as Abraham when Ishmael was bad and Isaac when Esau was bad. The Rape of Dinah after Jacob wrestles with angel whole night and ligament torn on Jacob’s left leg.

    Hertz Chumash p. 127: “This chapter is an exception to the series of peaceful scenes from Patriarchal life and character---a tale of dishonor, wild revenge, and indiscriminate slaughter ”

    I like the references to the marriage dowry, apparently well established in those times. We can argue the moral teachings.

    Allow me my new motion to SCOTUS yesterday:
    “3.I'm hereby making application to John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States. I request him to immediately suspend Judge Eric I. Prus right to practice law in NYS. I have nothing further to add on this matter besides SCOTUS #'s 20-8096, 20-7892, 20-6525, 18-9390, and 18-7160 and NYS CoA Motion numbers 2021-850, 2021-359, 2021-54, 2020-352, 2019-266, and 2018-840.
    5.John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States has authority to suspend the license to practice law of anyone practicing law in the U.S.
    6.Appendix A: Proof Jerusalem College Hired me EEJ 17 1 January-March 1991 states: Jerusalem College of Technology, 21 Havaad Haleumi Street, Jerusalem, Israel. Yes I was one a one way El Al flight to Israel with Susan, my wife at the time. This is proof I was not abandoning Susan. Susan abandoned me by reneging on her promises to live with me in Jerusalem.
    7.Appendix B: Best Researcher Award on New Science Inventions May 2021 is proof I am a successful research scientist with a good record. Fordham University refused to give me a PhD degree for no good reason. CUNY gave me a PhD degree June 11, 1991. Thank you God in heaven.
    12.Based on evidence in these papers I request the Court to immediately suspend Judge Eric I. Prus right to practice law in NYS.”


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