Saturday, October 2, 2021

Harris' office does damage control over student’s Israel 'ethnic genocide' comment 

 The incident involving Harris took place on Wednesday, when a student attending an event with the VP to promote voting, said that Israel was conducting an “ethnic genocide” in Palestine and felt that the U.S. was ignoring protests even though Harris had been discussing the power of demonstrating. Harris responded: “Your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth cannot be suppressed, and it must be heard.”

Israeli news outlets jumped on the comments. “VP Harris to student who accused Israel of 'genocide': Your truth must be heard,” went the headline in The Jerusalem Post. The Times of Israel also chimed in: “Kamala Harris doesn’t reject US student’s ‘ethnic genocide’ claim against Israel.”

Mellman quoted Harris’ senior staff as reassuring them that the vice president “strongly disagrees with the George Mason student’s characterization of Israel.”


  1. "Your truth must be heard!" is hardly an expression of strong disagreement.
    Imagine the student jumped up and said "Gays are an abomination!" Do you think that Harris would've said "Your truth must be heard!"?

  2. or "the election was stolen"
    sure, whoever made such a claim, their "truth" must also be heard!

    It is less untrue than ethnic genocide!

  3. Is there anything a Democrat could do that you won't defend?
    Another classic case of "Republicans/Israel stirs up trouble by complaining about tyrannical/antisemitic statement by a Democrat"

  4. what defense did I offer?
    I simply reported what Harris's staff said

  5. Someone out there really should do this: Take anti-Semitic statements and change "Jews" and "Israel" to "Gays" and "Blacks", then see how long before the harpies come out.

  6. More on my theory of parsha נח
    Ham, one of Noah’s 3 sons God blessed (Genesis 9:1), knew very well that Canaan stabbed Noah in the balls (or whatever we don’t know exactly) “When Noah woke up from his wine, and learned וידע what his youngest son had done unto him, he said: Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants עבד עבדים shall he be to his brothers.” (Genesis 9:24-25).

    My theory Ham was the Taliban and Canaan the jihadist suicide bomber that killed so many in Kabul airport. “Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father’s nakedness, and told his two brothers outside ויגד לשני אחיו בחוץ.” (Genesis 9:22).
    Sanhedrin 70a
    “[With respect to the last verse] Rab and Samuel [differ,] one maintaining that he castrated him, whilst the other says that he sexually abused him. He who maintains that he castrated him, [reasons thus;] Since he cursed him by his fourth son [The sons of Ham were Cush and Mizraim, and Phut and Canaan. Gen. X, 7. Noah cursed Canaan, his fourth son. Ibid. IX, 25ff], he must have injured him with respect to a fourth son [i.e., by emasculating him, he deprived Noah of the possibility of a fourth son]. But he who says that he sexually abused him, draws an analogy between and he saw written twice. Here it is written, And Ham the father of Canaan saw the nakedness of his father; whilst elsewhere it is written, And when Shechem the son of Hamor saw her [he took her and lay with her and defiled her] [Ibid. XXXIV, 2]. Now, on the view that he emasculated him, it is right that he cursed him by his fourth son; but on the view that he abused him, why did he curse his fourth son; he should have cursed him himself? Both indignities were perpetrated [He both castrated and abused his father.].”

    Ham is the Taliban determined to take over Afghanistan, the world. Canaan is the Jihadist bomber doing the will of his father Ham. Garnel, KA, IsraelReader, Conservative Mom---agree to my theory?

  7. Torah thought daf hayomi.
    Beitzah 37a:
    “ ALL THESE THINGS THEY FORBADE ON A FESTIVAL [etc.]. But the following contradicts this. One may let down fruit through a trap-door on a Festival but not on a Sabbath! [Whereas from the end of our Mishnah it is to be inferred that no difference exists between Sabbaths and Festivals except in the preparation of food alone.] Said R. Joseph: There is no contradiction: the one [Our Mishnah which teaches that every action forbidden on a Sabbath on account of shebuth is also forbidden on a Festival, implying even though it entails a monetary loss.] is according to R. Eliezer, the other is according to R. Joshua. For it was taught: If it [an animal] and its young fell into a pit [On a Festival, when one may bring up the animals for slaughtering only. On the other hand, it is forbidden to slaughter an animal together with its young on the same day. Lev. XXII, 28.], R. Eliezer says: He may bring up one of them in order to slaughter it and must slaughter it; and as for the other, he feeds it in the very place [it fell], so that it should not die. R. Joshua says: He brings up one in order to slaughter it but does not slaughter it, and he uses subtlety לאערומי [by preferring the other animal for slaughter] and again brings up the second [animal]; and he may slaughter whichever he desires [V. Shab. 117b, 124a]. Abaye said to him: Whence [do you know that it is so]? Perhaps R. Eliezer said so only there where one can feed the animal [So that no monetary loss is incurred.], but not here where no feeding is possible [Perhaps in such a case even R. Eliezer would permit it on a Festival, and yet not on the Sabbath]. Or [perhaps] R. Joshua ruled thus only there, where one can make use of subtlety לאערומי, but not here where it is not possible to make use of subtlety לאערומי [ i.e., where it is impossible to give the pretense that the proposed action is entirely permissible in itself, even R. Joshua may forbid it.]? ”

    Fascinating conversation/debate in the Talmud. Today progressive/socialist Left using tricks and gimmicks to overcome Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D., Ariz.) and Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.). Wow tricks and gimmicks in the Talmud !


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