Friday, January 8, 2021

Trump’s cabinet members discuss ousting him after Capitol stormed

 Members of US President Donald Trump’s cabinet on Wednesday discussed the possibility of removing Trump from office after his supporters stormed the Capitol, three US news channels reported. The discussions focused on the 25th amendment to the US Constitution, which allows for a president’s removal by the vice president and cabinet if he is judged “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”


  1. They definitely don't want to do that for 2 reasons
    1) If they eject him, Pence becomes president and comes under tremendous pressure to pardon him which is the last think you want
    2) Pence then becomes the 46th president of the US so all the "Biden 46th president" merchandise has to get thrown out. Imagine the bal tashchis

  2. It's all about controlling the narrative.

    The Trump narrative is that the election was stolen.

    He has successfully sold this narrative to millions.

    Those who have bought the narrative may now feel that America is no longer a democracy. They may feel the constitution is a sham. They may feel resorting to violence is the way to restore their perceived stolen rights.

    The breaking into the Capitol and chasing the Congress out of a chamber where it was gathered was a real move to capture, or at least trap, elected officials and possibly execute them.

    The revolution is percolating, if not actually brewing.

  3. “Trump’s cabinet members discuss ousting him after Capitol stormed” Joseph Orlow rightly says: “The Trump narrative is that the election was stolen. He has successfully sold this narrative to millions.”
    Torah thought on וארא. The first seven plagues. In every case Pharaoh refuses to free the Jews.
    1. 7:23
    2. 8:11
    3. 8:15
    4. 8:28
    5. 9:7
    6. 9:12
    7. 9:34
    My theory. Ancient Egypt knew with magic how to deal with all kinds of pests. I finished reading Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children. In India magicians performed shows and services with poison snakes, a danger in India. Ancient Egypt had crocodiles and snakes. Magicians taught even school children how to do magic shows with crocodiles and snakes. The plain reading of the text Moses did have hopes that Pharaoh would free the Jews after each plague. Moses grew up in Egypt, was a prince raised by Pharaoh’s daughter. Moses believed in free choice, especially for the wicked. Pharaoh did have free choice. God gives everyone free choice. Moses successfully sold this narrative in וארא.
    The narrative is the key; not the plot, in any good book What is the narrative with Trump and Netanyahu today? The narrative in וארא is that Pharaoh had free choice and was a sinner. Trump’s narrative is that Biden/Harris are the sinners. Surprised me that Biden says "big lie" re Cruz re Cruz speech in Congress.No. Cruz dd not lie. Biden/Harris fight dirty.

    Big Lie = “A big lie is a propaganda technique used for political purpose. The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Hitler believed the technique was used by Jews to blame Germany's loss in World War I on German general Erich Ludendorff, who was a prominent nationalist and antisemitic political leader in the Weimar Republic. The claim that Germany was not beaten in 1918 was itself called a big lie “

  4. I'm not sure if I should. Maybe the Constitution is robust and resilient enough to self-correct the damage that's been done to it.

    In theory, Amendments against abortion and homosexuality can be added to the Constitution. Alternatively, the Supreme Court can re-examine its past decisions finding the right to abortion and the right to same-sex marriage in the Constitution.

    But I think the only way we'll get to an America where these new Amendments are added or that the Supreme Court senses society and culture have changed is through some level of vigorous uprising.

    Someone on the Far Right social media group I'm on pointed out an irony in regard to the invasion of the Capitol by Trump supporters.

    It seems that a number of members of Congress were being interviewed and they were saying they wouldn't be pushed around by a mob.

    But if we go back to the months-long demonstrations and associated riots and lootings that revolved around George Floyd's death and other incidents leading to deaths of suspects which occurred over the past year, we find that these self-same politicians are in fact quite sensitive to mob slogans.

    So I'm for a hybrid approach. An uprising to suppress liberals, then adjusting the current system without abandoning it.

  5. Trump fights like a fascist dictator and you have no problem with that?!

  6. Many of the people on the Far Right have felt like the liberals have been acting like fascists they way the bandy about terms like "toxic masculinity", "White privelege", yadda yadda yadda while high-tech shuts people out of mainstream social media and shut down their access to banks and credit cards.

    They feel it's payback time, regardless over who threw the first punch. That's why the revolution is gaining traction. It's been slowly chugging along for decades like a train leaving the station.

    Every time Facebook ot Twitter boots someone off for their political views, the bootee is possibly going to want to fight back.

  7. "Democracy by other means" - an attempted putsch by a bunch of loonies.


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