Monday, December 14, 2020

Rav Sternbuch (5:313): Should a Ben Torah marry a bas Nida?

 Rav Sternbuch (5:313): Should a Ben Torah marry a bas Nida? Regarding the status of bnei nida there is a dispute between the Taz and the Shach in Shulchan Aruch (Y,D.196:12). The Taz views it has a problem of yichus (pedigree) and is the result of a prohibited relationship while the Shach views that it causes the child to have a  bad personality because of the spiritual impurity. I have already cited the view of the Chazon Ish said that Torah and mitzvos have the power to purify a person from this blemish and thus rise higher than a person borne in kedusha and is not a ben nida. Thus he and other major authorities actually ruled not like the Taz… It is possible to determine whether she has good midos and if so he should act quickly and not delay. So even though yichus is very important, it is not a reason to delay marriage. After getting engaged you should have minimal meetings with her prior to the wedding. You noted in your letter that a local rabbi advised you not to marry her for the sake of you families honor. In my opinion this is not a concern for the future, rather you should not delay for this reason because delaying might cause sin and damage your spirituality

1 comment :

  1. Imagine if this attitude had been around during the time of the Avos. "You can't marry Avraham!" shouted Sarah's mother. "His father owns an idol store!"


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