Thursday, December 10, 2020

Federal criminal investigation into Hunter Biden focuses on his business dealings in China

The political implications of the probe already have been an issue in recent months for Barr, who was under public pressure from Trump to make Hunter Biden's business activities an election issue. To date, the investigation doesn't involve any allegations of wrongdoing by the President-elect, according to the two main sources briefed on the matter. Barr has said publicly the elder Biden was not under investigation, despite a public campaign by Trump urging Barr to announce a corruption probe of both Bidens.


  1. It must be bad if CNN has stopped censoring it.

  2. they didn't censor it
    there simply isnt any evidence of wrongful behavior

  3. “Federal criminal investigation” Wow.I agree: Garnel Ironheart It must be bad if CNN has stopped censoring it. Allow me to show my letter today to the NYS Court of appeals.

    “2.You wrote to me 9/10/2020: ORDERED, that the Motion is dismissed upon the ground that the paper sought to
    be appealed from is not an order or judgment appealable to the Court of Appeals (see CPLR 5512). In fact I appealed to the Court for relief directly without asking the Court to review a paper from the lower court.
    3.Judge Prus confirms the legal correctness and fairness in his opinion (not mine) of the Rigler/Garson $25,000 sanction/fines imposed on me when he writes 11/18/2016: Mr. Aranoff objects to the payment of 55\% of his TIAA-CREF pension to the defendant. The papers are replete with statements, letters, and materials that have no bearing on the application or the underlying matrimonial proceeding and its resolution. The defendant's opposition lays out the long and tortured history of this case and the seemingly endless litigation she was subjected to by Mr. Aranoff. The time to object or appeal the pension award or any other award to the plaintiff has long since passed. Consequently, Mr. Aranoff's claims are time barred and at this late stage are nothing short of frivolous.
    4.Judge Prus repeatedly affirms that his court retains control of the QDRO which pays Susan 55% of my pension without end in sight. See SCOTUS docket no. 20-6525 click under Appendix and go to Email between Gerald Aranoff and Secretary to Judge Eric I. Prus where it states: There are no other issues to address. TIAA repeatedly affirms to me they can do nothing without Susan's approval and without Judge Prus' approval.
    5.The injury to me is TIAA illegally paying 55% of my TIAA pension to Susan with no end in sight.
    6.The relief I seek is for the court to overturn the QDRO. Judge Prus is out of control as you can see in his rulings. TIAA is also out of control as you can see by their letters to me. TIAA violates NYS pension laws. You are the only alternative (other than SCOTUS) to bring order and rule of law in matrimonial matters in NYS. You should agree to take my motion in the interest of many citizens in NYS and in keeping with the NYS Constitution."

  4. Daas Torah Mod “more wishful thinking” Will SCOTUS accept for their review file Docket for 22O155 Title:Texas, Plaintiff v. Pennsylvania, et al. Motion for leave to file a bill of complaint filed. Motion to expedite filed by plaintiff Texas. Motion for preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order Ken Paxton
    Will SCOTUS accept for review Docket for 20-6525 Title: Gerald Aranoff, Petitioner v. Susan Aranoff Gerald Aranoff, Petitioner Susan Aranoff Court of Appeals of New York Petition for a writ of certiorari and motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis filed. (Response due Party name: Gerald Aranoff?

    Yes wishful thinking = Wishful thinking is the formation of beliefs based on what might be pleasing to imagine, rather than on evidence, rationality, or reality. It is a product of resolving conflicts between belief and desire.
    I read the documents on SCOTUS Docket for 22O155. Wow, so voluminous the submissions December 10, 2020. What will SCOTUS decide? E.g. to questions: QUESTIONS PRESENTED
    1. Whether various jurisdictional deficiencies should persuade or otherwise prevent this Court from exercising original jurisdiction over the proposed bill of complaint?
    2. Whether the bill of complaint should be dismissed where Petitioner fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted as to any of the alleged constitutional violations?
    3. Whether Petitioner’s requests for injunctive relief, or alternatively, a stay, should be denied?
    Torah thought on Hanukkah. Why do we say the entire Hallel every morning for all 8 days? Because the main mitzvah of Hanukkah is saying Hallel because of the miracles of Hanukkah.
    Halleluiah = hallelujah definition: 1. (an emotional expression of) praise and thanks to God 2. said to express surprise and pleasure

  5. “Federal criminal investigation into Hunter Biden” Now Joe Biden will have to answer tough questions about his son.
    Torah thought on haftorah מקץ
    “and the king said, Cut the live child in two, and give half to one and half to the other. But the woman whose son was the live one pleaded with the king, for she was overcome with compassion for her son. Please, my lord, she cried, give her the live child; only don’t kill it! The other insisted, It shall be neither yours nor mine; cut it in two! Then the king spoke up. Give the live child to her, he said, and do not put it to death; she is its mother. When all Israel heard the decision that the king had rendered, they stood in awe of the king; for they saw that he possessed divine wisdom to execute justice.” (1 Kings 3:25-28).
    מלכים א פרק ג פסוק כז
    וַיַּעַן הַמֶּלֶךְ וַיֹּאמֶר תְּנוּ לָהּ אֶת הַיָּלוּד הַחַי וְהָמֵת לֹא תְמִיתֻהוּ הִיא אִמּוֹ:
    רש"י מלכים א פרק ג פסוק כז
    היא אמו - בת קול הופיעה ואמרה היא אמו:
    My theory. The truth came out in King Solomon’s court. God intervened to help King Solomon. Thank you God.
    Did the truth come out in SCOTUS no. 22O155? Ruling: Dec 11 2020: “The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot. Statement of Justice Alito, with whom Justice Thomas joins: In my view, we do not have discretion to deny the filing of a bill of complaint in a case that falls within our original jurisdiction. See Arizona v. California, 589 U. S. ___ (Feb. 24, 2020) (Thomas, J., dissenting). I would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint but would not grant other relief, and I express no view on any other issue.”
    Did the truth come out in parsha וישב? “she caught hold of him by his garment and said, Lie with me! But he left his garment in her hand and got away and fled outside. When she saw that he had left it in her hand and had fled outside, she called out to her servants and said to them, Look, he had to bring us a Hebrew to mock לצחק with us בנו! This one came to lie with me; but I screamed loud.” (Genesis 39:12-14)
    I seek the truth to come out in my SCOTUS 20-6525. Susan was sweet and lovely to me until I left for Israel one-way 7/8/91.

  6. See Hunter, Pelosi, Swalwell, Omar – pick a scandal - Opeds - Israel National News
    That would definitely be my top story. How about this for a headline? – “From dirt poor, to filthy rich.” However, within hours, along comes the story that tells how Hunter Biden, son of Joe, is under federal investigation for tax fraud related to his “overseas business.” What business? Don’t ask. The media certainly didn’t. Word of the shenanigans could have spoiled it for Joe and kept Trump in the White House another four years. There is also a grand jury looking into Hunter’s “business”…specifically as tied to China…and, just a guess, as tied to Joe, Hunter’s dear old dad. But now Hunter’s follies are trickling out and what looks bad for Hunter could look worse for Joe, the man who would be president…but already under a cloud.

  7. again tell me about the crimes that were involved not whether slandering others helps trump

  8. “the elder Biden was not under investigation” DT says: “again tell me about the crimes that were involved.” Back to this week’s parsha מקץ: “Then Judah said to his father Israel, Send the lad with me שלחה הנער אתי, and we will arise and go ונקומה ונלך, that we may live and not die, both we, and you, and also out little ones גם אנחנו גם אתה וגם טפנו.” (Genesis 43:8). Continuing with my theory that when Joseph was 17 the brothers were all married except for Joseph. In the midrash Jacob arranged the marriages of the brothers until Joseph was 17. My theory explains how from 70 souls that came forth 600,000. My theory. The brothers, except for Benjamin, lived with their many wives throughout Israel. The brothers set up separate tribes and did not intermarry. During the 7 bad years their families were starving, but not dying out. My theory. There were very large numbers. My theory. In Dotan the brothers voted for Judah king. ”The man said ויאמר האיש, They have gone from here נסעו מזה, for I heard them say: Let us go to Dothan. So Joseph followed his brother and found them at Dothan.” (Genesis 37:17). My theory. Joseph refused to go to the inauguration of Judah as King, saying, fake news, the brothers are unworthy, Jacob loves me best I will be king and my brothers, father and step mothers will bow down to me. Will Trump go to the inauguration of Joe Biden as POTUS? Will Trump attack Joe Biden as unworthy? Will Trump appoint a special counsel to investigate how Joe Biden won the election? Will the truth ever come out?



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