Sunday, November 1, 2020

Hierarchy of authority parents versus yeshiva

 The question was recently asked

In the yeshiva world who is the final authority - parents or yeshiva? This is an old question

A related issues is father versus mother - can a woman have a Rav telling her to ignore her husband or to divorce him?

Can a woman have minhagim or chumros that differ from her husband?

Can a rosh yeshiva tell a bachur to marry someone that the parents don't think is appropriate

Can children  learn in a seminary or yeshiva that parent's don't like

Can they adopt minhagim that differ from their family?

 Is it different among Chasidim or Sefardim or even Yekke's 

Does modern Orthodox deal with this?.

If parents want children to get job training or go to college - do they have to listen?

If the yeshiva wants involvement in questionable financial aid programs but parents object

can a person be forced to vote for a particular candidate by parents or rabbis


  1. My father, a"h, never liked that mishnah in Bava Metzia where we are told that if I can save either my father or my rebbe, I should save my rebbe.
    First of all, the rebbes wrote the book so this smacks of self-interest. But second and more important, what kind of father abdicates his duty and lets someone else be the most important guide and influence in his son's life?

  2. The Modern Orthodox only deal with this when the child "flips out" after their year in Israel and comes home wanting to be Chareidi.
    Can a persona be forced to vote for a particular candidate by parents or rabbis? I'm sorry but that's exactly how elections work in Bene Beraq, Geulah, New Square, Williamsburg, Lakewood...

  3. It is evolutionary theory - it is how religious institutions survive. Same parallel process when it comes to using the Torah as a digging implement. Totally assur, but widely practiced and justified. Complain, and you are accused of dissing the Chazon ish.


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