Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Nancy Pelosi just handed Trump a campaign gift

 "Crazy Nancy Pelosi is being decimated for having a beauty parlor opened, when all others are closed, and for not wearing a Mask - despite constantly lecturing everyone else. We will almost certainly take back the House, and send Nancy packing!" -- President Donald Trump, Wednesday morning.

 Whether Pelosi thought she was following the rules in place is lost entirely in the Trump campaign's rush to use the incident as a symbol of the do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do culture that they argue pervades the Democratic Party -- on Covid-19 (and everything else.) This tweet, from Trump's campaign, which the President also retweeted on Wednesday morning, gets at that point.

 Pelosi knows that the Trump campaign isn't going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Ever. And that they are always on the lookout for proof that liberal leaders actually have two standards: One for them and one for everybody else.

Given all of that, it's hard to imagine why she would make a mistake like this one. It's a totally unforced error -- and one that allows Trump -- for a day or two, at least -- to change the subject from his handling (or mishandling) of the ongoing coronavirus epidemic that has sicked more than 6 million Americans and killed almost 185,000.

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