Thursday, September 3, 2020

George Floyd tested positive for coronavirus, but it had nothing to do with his death, autopsy shows


County and family release conflicting autopsies

In addition to his coronavirus test results, officials released more details on the final autopsy.
Floyd's death was due to cardiopulmonary arrest -- or the stopping of his heart -- according to the final autopsy results released by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner.

 The final autopsy says Floyd had heart disease and a history of high blood pressure. It includes a more complete toxicology report that said Floyd had evidence of several drugs in his blood and urine, including morphine, fentanyl, cannabis and methamphetamine, although not all of the tests were reliable.

Experts hired by Floyd's family and the Hennepin County Medical Examiner have concluded his death was a homicide, but they differ on what caused it.


  1. Strange article.

    It says the medical examiner concluded Floyd died from homicide. But it fails to provide evidence of who killed him, what that person did to kill him, and what motivated the person to kill him.

  2. that is not the job of the medical examiner his job is why and how of death not who is guilty
    So contrary to the Trumpian version death was not caused by drugs but was ruled a homicide - now who do you think is the most likely cause of that homicide? the Democrats probably Boden or Pelosi or Schiff?!

  3. The police have become a group of people that have false murder charges levelled at them individually and collectively.

  4. not all charges are false. That is why you find they are sometimes arrested and convicted. Why would you claim that a policeman cant commit murder?

  5. Jews sometimes commit murder. But that is not the issue when it comes to blood libels.


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