Sunday, September 6, 2020

Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin: ‘My Sources Are Unimpeachable’

 Fox News Channel journalists have rushed to defend their colleague, correspondent Jennifer Griffin, after President Donald Trump suggested on Twitter that Griffin “should be fired” after she confirmed reporting by The Atlantic that detailed President Trump repeatedly disparaging members of the military, the nation’s war dead, and wounded veterans.

 On Friday, Griffin—citing two former senior Trump Administration officials—confirmed key elements of The Atlantic’s story, including Trump’s decision not to drive to the Aisle-Marne Cemetery outside Paris to honor fallen American soldiers. “The President drives a lot,” one of Griffin’s sources said, “the other world leaders drove to the cemeteries. He just didn't want to go.”

 That angered the president, who called for Griffin’s dismissal and added “Fox News is gone!” But Fox News journalists were quick to join reporters from other outlets in defending Griffin. Bryan Llenas, a Fox News national correspondent, said “Jennifer Griffin is the kind of reporter we all strive to be like. She’s courageous, smart, ethical, fair and a class act.”


  1. The issue here is not all about what the President remarked in private to his staff.

    What the President allegedly said is the kernel of the issue.

    The actual issue is that much the anti-Trump parts of mass media, and even some the neutral parts of the mass media, seem to lack an awareness of how attacking Trump only fortifies him politically.

    These elements of the media, including this blog on occasion, seem to have a distorted understanding of how they are perceived by others. They consider their own journalism as impartial, fair, honest, and superbly nuanced and balanced, often produced only after nuanced struggles, deep discussions, and a mixture of boldness and trepidation.

    A significant swath of the pro-Trump public sees right through it. And to that public, Trump was, and remains, their in-your-face champion. So "Have at it!" is the rallying cry of Trump supporters, "Knock yourselves out."

    The more Trump is exposed for good or bad, the more he strengthens his hold over a huge segment of the electorate that may very well be big enough to sweep him into office for a second term.

  2. In other words the more terrible Trump is shown to be the more his base loves him. that is true but there are others who stop supporting him e.g. the military

  3. I would like to know the name of even one soldier serving now, or a veteran, or a member of their immediate family, who has said they are now not voting for Donald Trump based on anonymous sources reported as saying Trump called fallen WWI soldiers "losers."

  4. soldiers who are not voting for trump were numerous even before the Atlantic article!

  5. Well, I would think, tyen, thst those are just the kind of people Trump considers to be "losers."

  6. I made it to 2:20 and basically was so disturbed by the screed I had to stop there. Sorry. I can't stand it when people take the liberal media narrative and just regurgitate it.


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