Sunday, September 13, 2020

Flynn Case "Prosecutor" Gleeson Slams Barr's Position, Urges Judge Sullivan to Sentence Flynn


  1. “Flynn Case "Prosecutor" Gleeson Slams Barr's Position, Urges Judge Sullivan to Sentence Flynn” No I’m not reading your posts. Yes I fight crooked judges. Yes I say bravo Bill Barr. Bill Bar press conference:
    “That’s sort of one of the buzz words out there, “Oh, we just need more community policing.” Well, what isn’t discussed and what people have to understand is there is an essential prerequisite for a community policing program. And that is pretrial detention because people in the community and I think any police chief who’s been involved in law enforcement, I saw this back in ’92, will tell you that people in the community will not come forward and engage with the police if they feel that someone about whom they’ve given information is going to be right back out on the street. They need to know that when the police take someone away, they’re not going be there the next day to retaliate. So in New York, for example, which had one of the best community policing programs in the country, just amazing program. It’s essentially falling apart right now because of the changes made in state law on bail reform, where people are just out on the street almost instantaneously, and their lawyers get access to the information provided to the police that served as the basis for the arrest. So that community police policing program is drying up. It’s broken. So I’m all for community policing, but people have to recognize, you have to keep the violent offenders off the street otherwise you will not get the cooperation of the community.”

    This is my letter today to the NYS Court of Appeals:
    “2.My motion for reargument dated September 11, 2020 that had a return date September 28, 2020 is timely. On fraud and corruption matters courts have allowed extended times for determining timeliness, far far beyond the 30 days. I write in my motion papers: The basis of my argument in support for this motion for reargument of motion number 352 June 29, 2020 dismissed on September 10, 2020 is simple. Overt glaring acts of forgery, lies, and judicial fraud are so manifest in my papers---the Court must, out of fairness and the NYS Constitution, must grant my motion for reargument. Whether or not I have an appealable paper is a red herring.

    3.Of course appeals must have court orders or judgments. Here are three:
    (a)Judge Prus Order September 25, 2015:...The September 10, 2013 Judgment of Divorce had the lie: ``the Separation Judgment dated March 7, 1995 an original of which is on file with this Court along with a transcript of the proceedings and Order of the Supreme Court Kings County by Judge Rigler and incorporated herein by reference.'' My SCOTUS docket numbers 18-7160 and 18-9390 focused on the lie of the fake/phony March 7, 1995 Rigler order of separation....
    (b)Judge Prus Final Order November 18, 2016:... Clearly Judge Prus and Susan knew very well that I divorced Susan 2/17/1993 in an Israeli Rabbinic Court with Susan plaintiff and Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag a principal. Judge Prus Final Order November 18, 2016 contains lies. It is a lie:...It is a lie:...It is a lie...It is a lie:...It is a lie...It is a lie:...It is a lie:...
    (c)Judge Prus Final Order November 18, 2016:...
    It is a lie:...It is a lie:...It is a lie...It is a lie:...It is a lie:...It is a lie:...

    4.In NYS civil court proceedings judges can threaten and intimidate me, a husband and father, and also TIAA who administers pensions. It's so difficult for husbands and fathers and for TIAA to fight unethical judges. What's to prevent unethical judges from sanctioning and taking away assets, unfairly, men the judges views as against feminism or whatever or don't pay bribes? NYS Court of Appeals granting my motion for reargument will deter judicial unethical behavior in civil matters and will lessen judicial bribery and lies in court proceedings (perjury). Lucky I'm in Israel so the $25,000 unpaid fines don't affect me directly. Alas, I do need my TIAA pension going now, without end in sight, to Susan 55%.”

  2. Daas Torah “Yes you applaud a corrupt DOJ!” No. I’m fighting corrupt judges. I’m fighting Garson who fined me $5,000. I’m trying to get that fine cancelled. What do you say about corrupt judges in civil courts and in rabbinical courts and proceedings? See

    “A gunman shot and killed two officers in their car in New York in 2014 following the death of black suspects being arrested in Ferguson, Mo., and New York. The protests are worse this year following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and the anti-police violence is more widespread. An officer was stabbed in the neck in Flatbush in New York City in an ambush in June. The officer survived. Democratic mayor Eric Garcetti called the chants and protests at the hospital “unacceptable” and “abhorrent,” but he and other Democrats need to do more to condemn and ostracize these protesters. Democrats may fear the wrath of Black Lives Matter, but the backlash elsewhere in America will be far greater if pleasure at cop killing becomes common on the left. Policing reform is impossible amid a war on police. Mr. Garcetti and other mayors should abandon their cuts to law-enforcement budgets and express regular solidarity for cops on the beat. Without such a signal, police will continue to retreat from enforcing the law in crime-ridden neighborhoods, and those who suffer most will be the law-abiding in the likes of Compton and Flatbush.”

    Wow, Flatbush. Am I glad I made aliya June 8, 1991 from Flatbush. USA Attorney General Bill Barr has the right idea: “So I’m all for community policing, but people have to recognize, you have to keep the violent offenders off the street otherwise you will not get the cooperation of the community.”
    I’m waiting for a new motion number at the NYS Court of Appeals. Wish me luck, KA, thanks.

  3. praising Barr is not a way to fight corruption or perhaps what you mean is that corruption is only of concern if you are directly impacted but not if it impacts the country!


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