Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Trump's interview debacle sends a warning for the fall campaign

Donald Trump's weak and flailing interview with Jonathan Swan of Axios fired a warning flare about the President's hopes for reelection, if his campaign and White House staff programed to fulfill his yearning for praise are prepared to recognize it.
Trump came across as ill-prepared, narcissistic and far from in control of the coronavirus pandemic. It was a far cry from the image of courageous leadership and energetic, unstinting commitment on behalf of Americans that his aides spend every day trying to sketch.
It is hard to remember an interview in which a sitting President was more unsparingly exposed or seemed so unequal to the magnitude of a crisis that is threatening the American people and is nowhere near ending.


  1. See

    “Plot and Deflect. The Democrats' path to victory They know they are lying, but they will do it anyway. It’s part of the strategic plot to seize power. The Democrats have adopted Cloward-Piven and Saul Alinsky strategies to regain power. One thing that the Democratic Party learned from Barrack Obama are the strategies of the Marxist pair, Cloward-Piven, on how to galvanize community action groups to gain power, and the application of Saul Alinksy’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ against political opponents for the same purpose. In this case the target has been Donald Trump. The ultimate aim is to gain power, keep it, and change the country, not by giving the people what they want, but by making them dependent on an overpowering government.”

    Brilliant article by Barry Shaw. Allow me, this is my letter today to the NYS Ct of Appeals:

    2.Exhibit A: TIAA letters 5/11/2020, 2/15/2012, and 8/30/2007:
    a)TIAA letter 5/11/2020 states: I have forwarded your message to my colleague, Vonzell Simmons, who is assigned to your case and has been assisting you. He will follow up with you within the next three business days. Thank you for your patience. You may contact Vonzell directly at (704) 988-6162.
    b)TIAA letter 2/15/2012 states: If the parties have other assets they can use to satisfy a portion of the obligation -- for example, a house whose sale or transfer might offset some of the support obligation -- the court can approve a flexible termination clause.
    c)TIAA letter 8/30/2007 states: Initially, the Qualified Domestic relations order (QDRO) issued by the Court in October of 1997 has been terminated by the superseding Order of May 14, 2007, it does not appear that this has interrupted Mr.\ Aranoff's complaints regarding the initial QDRO.

    3.This case should have been over a long time ago. I did nothing wrong. I have nothing to be ashamed of. Throughout the process TIAA, Susan and the judges harmed my rights and my honor by not addressing my points. I do not contrive evil and I do not support perjury: “These are the things you are to do: Speak the truth to one another, render true and perfect justice in your gates. And do not contrive evil against one another, and do not love perjury, because all those are things that I hate--declares the Lord.” (Zacharia 8:16-17).

    4.TIAA never addresses my points. TIAA acts as Susan's lawyer. TIAA does not let me talk to them. I sued TIAA in federal court twice:
    a)1:01-cv-02543-MBM Aranoff v. Teachers Insurance
    Michael B. Mukasey, presiding
    Date filed: 03/26/2001
    Date terminated: 03/26/2001
    Date of last filing: 03/26/2001
    b)1:09-cv-02076-LBS Aranoff v. Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
    Leonard B. Sand, presiding
    Date filed: 03/06/2009
    Date terminated: 03/06/2009
    Date of last filing: 03/06/2009

    5.In my days NY was terribly crime ridden. Once 2 am a young fellow broke our kitchen door and entered our house. I ran down to the kitchen and saw the wicked fellow standing near the door with our dog Friday barking ferociously. On the internet: Homicide this year is still far lower than it was in the past. In 1990, for example, New York City alone had 2,262 murders, about equal to the total number of killings in the nation's largest 25 cities so far this year. To me Israel is the Promised Land: “the Lord will dislodge before you all these nations: you will dispossess nations greater and more numerous than you. Every spot on which your foot treads shall be yours; your territory shall extend from the wilderness to the Lebanon and from the River--the Euphrates--to the Western Sea [i.e., Mediterranean.].” (Deuteronomy 11:23-24).

  2. People will see what they want to see.
    And what they see is only what the editors want them to see.
    A famous Israeli satirist, Ephraim Kishon, once wrote an story in which a BBC reporter asks an Israeli about his opinion on the Israeli army retaliating for Arab terrorist attacks. The Israeli picked was, of course, an older, heavy man living in a posh neighbourhood. His complete answer was "I don't like the cycle of violence but there has to be deterrence. My children need to be safe." When the interview ran, the Israeli appeared briefly, then was replaced by a video of poor Arab children living in a "camp" while his voice intoned "There has to be deterrence."
    You don't like Trump but you have to admit that the left will do what they can to portray him as a fool to manipulate public opinion.

  3. nope

    trump is a bad joke no need to create an illusion

  4. Sure, but the problem is that at the same time the media plays up Trump's incompetence, they are washing away Biden's dementia.

  5. so you are saying trump should not be criticized but only Biden?!


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