Thursday, August 27, 2020

Here are 5 takeaways from the RNC's third night

 Uniform through-lines have sometimes been hard to detect at this week's convention, which has veered between fatalistic warnings about Democrats, denial about coronavirus and general economic optimism.

One consistent, however: every speaker has offered a view of the President that, no matter how divorced from reality, is the view he's always wanted to see depicted on television.
"I've watched Donald Trump charm the Chancellor of Germany," Trump's former ambassador in Berlin, Richard Grenell, said -- a bold claim for arguably the most powerful woman in in the world.
If the claim stretched credulity, it was nonetheless exactly the person Trump wants to be.


  1. So who should the Jews support?
    Like him or not, Trump brought economic success to the US. Don't suggest that the economic downturn due to CoVID would've been any different if Hillary had been in power. Trump's policies enriched the US and have positioned it for a good rebound.
    Biden's economic policies, with its enslavement to "green" idealism which has been shown to be economically unsuccessful throughout the world (behind every successful wind farm is a natural gas plant propping it up) and pandering to the far left in his party will derail any vigorous recovery the US had planned.
    A good economy buys peace for Jews. A bad economy buys us trouble. Think about that.

  2. Right! And according to Trump He was solely responsible except for anything negative



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