Sunday, August 23, 2020

Trump, Pence campaign events signal lax approach to virus

 Sitting and standing shoulder to shoulder, some without face masks, hundreds of supporters of President Donald Trump jammed into an airplane hangar for an Arizona campaign event this week, ignoring the advice of Trump’s own health experts.

Like his boss, Vice President Mike Pence went mask-less in Iowa last week as he reached across a barrier to autograph a half-dozen familiar red Trump campaign hats, literally crossing the line of vulnerability outlined by the coronavirus task force he heads.

The episodes, along with similar ones in New Jersey, Florida and Wisconsin, project a confusing message to the public even as Trump and Pence are trying to secure the confidence of Americans during a global pandemic and in the lead-up to the November election.

 “This was supposed to be just a quick, little small gathering,” Trump said, joking that “We’re supposed to have 50 people, right?”

“We’ll call it a peaceful protest, that way we can do whatever we want,” Trump added.

“This is like a rally,” Trump added, before telling supporters: “I hereby grant you a pardon.”

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