Sunday, August 16, 2020

Israel-UAE agreement a meek version of the historic Mideast deal Trump pledged

 This is not THE Middle East peace deal that has beguiled a generation of American presidents, the one President Donald Trump commissioned his son-in-law and special advisor Jared Kushner to conclude.

At its most optimistic read, the agreement announced Thursday by Trump between Israel and the United Arab Emirates to normalize relations between their two states is a poor man's facsimile for the, as yet, unachieved grand bargain between Israelis and Palestinians to quell their decades of conflict.
Yes, it is historic, but it is only an illusion of the peace President Trump vowed he'd deliver.
Back in January this year Trump announced the contours of what he called his Vision for Peace -- officially known as Peace for Prosperity. Palestinians boycotted it denouncing it as money for land, in their view giving up territory in return for promises of improved business prospects, while Israel threatened to take the land regardless.




  1. Sour grapes. Another moronic article. Who exactly claimed this was a Palestinian peace deal? It's like saying "it's not winter, it's summer". Idiot.

  2. nope!
    simply means it is way different from what was promised. now it is still good but it is still bait and switch

  3. It's not the same deal. Palestinians boycotted Trump, they do not wish to negotiate.
    This isn't Kansas.

  4. the deal was reached without Palestinians it is still not clear what the actual deal was was it simply give up annexation in exchange for agreeing to discuss normalization? has nothing to do with kansas either and everything to do with trump and bibi's political needs

  5. Nope. Bibi has written and spoken about peace through strength for decades. There is no rational reason for uae to be broiges with Israel. No benefit in being enemies and plenty of benefits to peace.
    If Obama or Biden had achieved this, you would most like make hallel.
    Saudi, Bahrain, Oman are not confrontation states and share similar interests to Israel. Peres believed that this can only be achieved through a Palestinian state, but he was a navi sheker.

  6. DT "logic" : " my enemy's enemy is my friend. Trump is my enemy, therefore... Hezbollah must be my friend"

  7. wow it is amazing only you "know" this!

  8. Trump could announce tomorrow a major shift towards sustainable, affordable renewable energy and CNN would announce "Fossil fuel industry suffers major blow in latest Trump bungle"

  9. "Written and spoke about" being the key words.
    The biggest tough talker in Israeli history. The biggest fake rightwinger in Israeli history.
    This is just the same Oslo paradigm as always. Surrender and concessions to the terrorist enemy if they or some other nations will sign a phony piece of paper and promise "peace," normalization, and a few tourism shekels start coming in. It is all the more egregious that Bibi sacrifices national sovereignty and strengthens the fakestinian enemy when he basically had a blank check from Trump since day 1 and has no pressure on him to do any of this.

  10. trump doesn't need imagined scenario he genuinely bungles thing like pandemic response

  11. Annexation, and cleaning Jerusalem, building the temple are great things. But the secular government is not capable of doing this under current circumstances. It is a mitzva to do so. Even the hareidim would oppose any of these moves.


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