Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Trump Just Wishes This Monster Well

President Donald Trump took a moment out of today’s coronavirus briefing (his first in months) to send well wishes to an old party pal: Ghislaine Maxwell. As in, the British socialite recently arrested and charged for her alleged role procuring underage girls for Trump’s former friend, Jeffrey Epstein. As in, the Epstein associate who could potentially name some pretty big names in her conversations with federal authorities. Asked on Tuesday if he thinks Maxwell will “turn in powerful men,” the president told a reporter that he “hasn’t been following it too much,” really. But when it comes to Maxwell, he said, “I just wish her well, frankly.”


  1. C'mon. Really? Trump can't be a man who has feelings? Someone Trump knew socially has been accused of a crime. Accused, mind you. Nor convicted. She has the right to a presumption of innocence.

    But when Trump acts all Constitutional and taps into that, he's mocked. There are names for that type of journalism. Take your pick: hypocritical, smearing, inuendo, yellow journalism, etc.

  2. Let's give Trump the benefit of the doubt. He knows very little about the Epstein scandal, probably has no clue why Prince Andrew is persona non grate and knows Maxwell's name and not more.

  3. that why we have pictures and video's of Trump hanging out with Epstein

  4. your are right all his advisors who were dismayed by his insensitive comments were clearly mistaken. We all need to show greater sensitivity to people accused of abuse or even convicted such as Mondrowitz or Leiffer


  6. are you careful about how he holds his lulav and etrog so you can do the opposite?

  7. "Hanging out"
    They were at the same party and exchanged a few words and posed for a picture. They were both in the highest level celebrity circles. You know how many times that happens and how many people pose for photographs throughout the duration of one of these parties with people they may have just met, have no relationship with, or are best friends with?
    By this logic, anyone who attended a party or had a meeting with Epstein is also involved in his crimes? So MIT scientists, anyone he invested with, etc. No.
    But after Epstein was tried and convicted of his pedophilia crimes, so everyone at that point knew what he was, and even those who already knew could no longer deny it, some people STILL associated with him and did more than just appear in some photo at a massive celebrity party. THOSE people are extremely suspect. Ehud Barak is among them. Not only did he *personally visit*** the convicted pedophile at his residence, but he tried to cover his face with a scarf while doing so. He was photographed!

    Are you suspicious of Mr. Barak?

  8. Did you... Did you just...
    call me a butt???

  9. he meant to say "nice try, but..."


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