Sunday, July 19, 2020

Rosenbloom of Mishpacha Magazine mindlessly parrots Trump's lies

BLM's primary policy prescription — defunding the police — has already been endorsed by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, and ratified by various cities and institutions. It will not make life safer for black Americans. Just the opposite, as Heather Macdonald points out in the July 1 City Journal.

Even Fox News says it is not true


  1. perhaps that one point was incorrect. however, it seems to be nitpicking on your part.
    do you disagree with the message and other points of the article?
    do you disagree that there is wide democratic/liberal support for defunding the police?

  2. he specified Biden which is not True even according to Fox

  3. you have a strange concept of nitpicking

    like the Jews drink blood of Christian children!
    oops it isn't children and it isn't blood but the message was generally accurate

  4. Oh yes because moving funding away from police is TOTALLY different than defunding the police. Democrats and FoxNews NeverTrumpers are lying again.

  5. you obviously didn't read the material andWwallaces comment

  6. i don't understand your posts, and your answer to my questions.
    i admitted there was a mistake. one example amoung many given.
    you pointed it out again. what new information did you add?

    of your 2 comments, neither answered my questions, so i guess i will have ask them again (perhaps you missed them)

    do you disagree with the message and other points and examples of the article?
    do you disagree that there is significant democratic/liberal support for defunding the police? do you agree that this is a problem?

  7. wrong again! please pay attention and hopefully you will understand at last
    I simply noted that Trump and Rosenblum made the false statement about Biden - this was also pointed out to trump by Wallace.

    the fact that there are those who do want to defund the police is irrelevant to whether the statement made by Trump and Rosenblum is true or false.

  8. ..ok, now i got you.
    your complaint wasnt against the whole article, ..just that he also quoted the false statement about biden. ok

  9. wow!
    in what sense have you got me?

    Did I say something untrue - no. or are you simply acknowledging I was correct?

  10. ..ok, now i got you = now i understand you.
    simply acknowledging that you were correct


    23:00. After dancing around the question,
    "But do we agree that we can redirect some of the funding?"

    Biden's answer: "Yes. Absolutely."

    Case closed. Stop spreading lies.


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