Monday, June 15, 2020

What is antifa and why is Donald Trump targeting it?

Antifa conspiracy theories are common amongst rightwing politicians, media and activists. Bray said: “The right describes antifa as a unitary organization with leaders and even secret funding” though that is simply not true.
An antisemitic conspiracy theory that the billionaire financier George Soros funds antifa also has widespread currency on the right, including among influential Trump-world figures.
Although the president and his allies wish to conflate large protests in every city with radical anti-fascist groups, Bray says they “drastically overstate the numbers and influence” of committed Antifa activists.


  1. Antifa is a gang of thugs intent on overthrowing the current national order through violence and intimidation. It's decentralized, sure, with no main leader or set of principles but one thing is obvious. Time and time again, when Antifa shows up there's violence and a loss of societal control. But hey, when it comes to Trump Derangment Syndrome, you could come out in favour of killing helpless puppies or skinning them alive but as long as you say you're doing it to resist Trump you're a tzaddik!

  2. you are good at parrotting Trump and Fox News - please cite real sources?

  3. The Guardian is a very left wing paper, and their cries of "antisemitic" regarding Soros conspiracy theories are just weaponising antisemitism. What are Gates or ivanka Conspiracy theories? Or Jared for that matter?

  4. your point that the guardian cant talk about antisemitism because they are left wing?

  5. well there are at least two points -

    a) that they have been very anti-Israel, despite Israel acting in self defence (although in the last couple of years they have tamed this a bit). This in itself is anti-semitic.

    b) There are many conspiracy theories floating around, and they are not necessarily based on religious or racial prejudice. Currently, Soros is not top of the conspiracy list, that honor now belongs to Bill Gates. But it is not based on his religion or race - it is based on his wealth, his attempts to influence the world, and his efforts in fighting pandemics. The anti-vaxxers are having a field day, conflating his involvement in funding vaccines for an alleged conspiracy of a "planned-demic" which is total nonsense.

    Soros also has links to various think tanks, political groups, and is notorious for making obscene amounts of money by breaking the Bank of England. Perhaps conspiracy theories against him are/not warranted, but they are not antisemitic merely because he was born Jewish.

    The link, of course is that he is anti-Israel, at least as far as the elected government is concerned. And that is most likely the reason why people would say attacks on him are anti-semitic.

    But if Jared K. is targeted, then of course it's nothing to do wih the fact he is Jewish, and only becasue of the way he is serving Trump.



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