Monday, June 15, 2020

Right-wing media says Antifa militants have seized part of Seattle. Local authorities say otherwise

 Armed militant activists with the group Antifa have seized a sizable section of Seattle and are plotting to expand their territory — all as the local police surrender to them and evacuate a local precinct.
Or so the story goes if you've relied on right-wing media for your news this week.
"You have now talk about armed volunteers of Antifa to guard their cop-free zone and taken over precincts," Fox News host Sean Hannity told viewers Wednesday night on his television show, the highest-rated program on cable news.
It is true that demonstrators have occupied a small, six-square block section of Seattle and designated it an "autonomous zone." And it is true that, after clashes with police, a precinct was boarded up and evacuated in an attempt to deescalate the situation.
But claims that bands of militant Antifa members are roving the Seattle streets appear to be grossly exaggerated in right-wing media. In fact, according to the Seattle mayor's office, city officials haven't seen any evidence to indicate armed members of Antifa are even on the ground


  1. And now CNN is lying. The cops have abandoned the area called CHAZ. Antifa rep's say American law no longer applies there, just their own. They have armed guards protecting their little enclave and control the lives of residents within it. No, it's not all Seattle but how does that excuse it? And saying they haven't seen armed Antifas on the ground is a lie when tons of photo evidence exists to prove there are.

  2. source other than trump Fox or ONA. Yes there are so many photos Fox even created one with photoshop


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