Thursday, June 25, 2020

GOP aghast as Trump's polls sink amid divisive racial rhetoric: 'It's been a bad couple weeks'

Racial overtones filled Trump's appearance in Phoenix. The President was onstage and nodded in approval as a young woman lamented the loss of the branding of the Aunt Jemima pancake mix and accused White, evangelical pastors of telling their congregations to "kneel and apologize for the color of their skin."
Another speaker, an African American woman, claimed her college had shut down a conservative student group but allowed a group that supported Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. The mention of Sanders' name brought more boos and led one person in the crowd to yell: "And he's a Jew!" (The group Students for Trump later said the comment does not reflect its views and the individual would have been "promptly removed" had "we been alerted" to the incident when it occurred.)


  1. Really? Racial overtones?

    Hmm, wonder what could be triggering that. Anything happening in America in particular and the world in general that might be a factor??

    Let's investigate together, shall we?

    Well, the solstice came and went. Nah, probably not that. There was an eclipse, but eclipses happen all the time. Nothing unusual there. Weather is a little hot in some places, but there's no energy shortage and plenty of air conditioning.

    Shewew! This is tough. But let's not stop now.

    Oh, wait! Wasn't there something in the news about a man dying during his arrest for allegedly pushing phony money during a purchase at a store? He had street drugs in his system, a violent criminal history, and the police were acting callous and seemingly more than a little negligent in how they treated him, which may have contributed to his death

    The incident was caught on video. It led to outrage. There were protests and rallies to highlight the issue of police brutality. A national discussion took the front burner.

    But somewhere along the line, the issue became race. The arrested man was one race. The officers another race.

    So, maybe the fact that race is a hot topic had something to do with those racial overtones at the President's.

    I think we're on to something!!

    Alright. So far we've figured out that many people of all races have been talking about how in America Black people are treated. And how they've been treated historically.

    And to acknowledge that current reality and history, people have been kneeling, oftentimes in front of a Black person or persons, as a sign of contrition. Sort of an acknowledgment by the kneelers that they have mistreated Blacks, if only by ignoring the way Blacks have suffered and by benefiting from that suffering. It's also an acknowledgement by the kneelers in some cases that the kneelers' ancestors may have similarly benefited from, and even perpetrated, suffering of Black people.

    It's all good.

    But the national debate has also brought to the fore a feeling that there's a lot inanity in all of this. Racism is real, but it's nowhere near as bad as it's being made out to be in this country. Furthermore, the force behind much of the political reaction to the death of the Black man who was arrested and died, whose name is George Floyd, is a group which is called Black Lives Matter (BLM) and which does not hide its Marxist underpinnings.

    Check out this informative video in that regard:

    So, many are understandably concerned that a communist agenda is lurking behind all the talk of systemic racism.

    We must thus be careful to differentiate between those who legitimately oppose BLM on a political basis from those who just don't like Black people.

    But that would require discernment, a focus on the subtleties of the issue, and in general not encouraging rioting, looting, and burning. Too much to ask, perhaps, of a ratings hungry media. Shame, really.

    Because a rational approach could lead to positive change. Instead we stand on the verge of a new civil war. Time to step back from the brink, don't you think?

    By the way, I am filled with hate towards a lot of the people who are directing their venom towards me because of who I am. I relish it when the President hits back at people who are destroying monuments. Donald Trump has got my vote. I don't care if he wins or loses. I'm just happy to be able to vote for someone standing up for me.

  2. you clearly dissent from the Trumpian story as well as from Fox News. You concede too much to the leftists. I hate to say it Joe but you have been brainwashed by CNN and NYT.
    Trump isn't standing up for you but solely for himself. I suggest a 24 hour period devoted entirely to watching Fox News and Trump tirades

  3. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Isn't that how democracies work, though? The elected official implements the will of the people. In turn, the people hire them (through a voting process) to lead them. So the elected official standing up for himself is tantamount to his standing up for the people and vice versa.

    Perhaps the Rav's residing in the State of lsrael has led to different democratic expectations. There, the elected officials seem to ignore the electorate to some extent.

    What is remarkable about Donald Trump is that he was elected precisely because rank-and-file Republicans were tired of Republican elected officials acting like Democrats when they got into office.

    Please stop blaming Trump for Trump. Blame the RINOs* for creating the circumstances which Trump merely reaped the benefits of.

    *RINO -- Republican In Name Only

  4. why does trump want a second term?

  5. No idea.

    We want him to have a second term because he's doing his job so well. His job the first term was to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House. His job now is to keep Joe Biden out.


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