Sunday, April 19, 2020

Elizabeth Goitein: Trump 'Doesn't Quite Understand' COVID-19 Pandemic Is Not A War | MSNBC


  1. She's wrong. It's a war. It's not a conventional war, the soldiers aren't conventional soldiers and the enemy is certainly not a conventional enemy but this is a war. Man vs Disease. It requires the involvement of all of society to fight it, sacrifices from every corner and the wholesale dedication of resources to the struggle.
    Now, you could argue that Trump is a lousy commander in chief with no idea what he's doing but don't let your TDS derail you: this is a war.

  2. wow! utter nonsense!and Trump has absolute power to do whatever nonsense he wants?!!
    Sacrifice is for everybody except Trump his family and supporters and and all who flatter him

  3. it is a war, that part is correct - it is similar to biological warfare - except the virus was not released intentionally.

    The goals of the war are to defeat the threat of the virus, by various means - research, medical treatment, development of vaccines and drugs, as well as isoalting and containing population to prevent it from spreading.

    I'm not commenting on constitutional matters.

  4. I never said Trump has or should have absolute power. I said that this is a war and in a war, the commander in chief has certain powers.

  5. trump said his job is only to provide backup and advice to the states - a true leader like the WWI generals who directed d battles from their villas and only saw the battlefield after the war ended


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