Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Protesting AntiReligious Persecution by Modern Hellenists


Protesting Anti-Religious Persecution by Modern-Day Hellenists

By Binyomin Feinberg

4 Teves 5780 / Jan. 1, '20

A Brief Update:

A vibrant protest was held for several incarcerated religious girls avoiding military conscription on Monday night, at Israeli Military Prison Four. Events took an unexpected turn when a fence was broken down at about 11pm, and multiple Orthodox protesters entered a closed area, triggering a high alert. Several were arrested, and later released. The protesters happened to get a view of the adjacent army barracks, and saw first hand just why enlisting in the Army is so morally hazardous; the latenight mingling between the boys an girls in the barracks was appalling.

The protest (Hafgana) was held specifically to address Giyus Banos (the female draft), to raise awareness, and to protest the silence over this ongoing travesty and systemic abuse of fundamental human rights. Several known religious girls are currently incarcerated in Israeli military prison, over their refusal to sacrifice their religious principles - and personal purity - by serving in the notoriously promiscuous military.

One prisoner of conscience mentioned was the chareidi girl Rochel Efrat bas Ofrah [reported on recently], whose father was born in Iran. Her mother's father also hails from Iran. (In Iran, Jewish girls never had to worry about anything like this.)


Also mentioned at the protest was Sapir bas Naomi from Petach Tikva. Her family hails originally from Libya. They are a religious (Dati leumi) family, and she was somehow duped into enlisting. Subsequently, she realized what was involved, and fled.

Also mentioned was Inbar bas Ayalah (no further details available at the moment).

Yesterday, two groups went to protest at Prison Four lunchtime. The army became so agitated as a result of the hafgana the day before that they immediately called out high alert.


  1. It is quite clear that Feinberg is liar, and being told what to say by the dishonorable and dishonest fools of the Chaideei Shoteh in the De Haan quarter.

    "In Iran, Jewish girls never had to worry about anything like this."

    How far back are you going? Ever heard of Esther and haman? how about in more recent times - where the Jewish comunity in Meshed was covnerted by the sword to Islam in 1836, and the members of the community that survived were living as marranos, outwardly practicing Islam. The violent Shiite muslims murdered many men and raped many women, yet this liar and fool claims that they never had to worry about this. In Other Iranian towns, the wonder muslims would atatck Jewish communities, and thrown babies in the air and catch them with their swords. Of course your teller of lies, Feinberg, who talks out of his backend, knows nothing about history, or facts , and nothing he says can be relied upon. he is a liar, like arafat, Ahmadinejad and David Duke - who are best friends with his fuilth Neturei Karta and gay bath De haan people.

  2. Also, The Iranian Jews who were covnertd, had to be careful not to be taken by goyim , i.e. the muslims would want to marry the new covnert girls, when they were very young, eg 9 or 10 - so they had to get engaged to other jews in case they were forcibly taken, in shmad, by the muslims who you share a religion with. I wonder is Feinberg actually a Jew, or just a Muslim apologist ?

    You also are unawarre, that during WW2, the Iranians , who claim to be the true Aryans, were initially collaborating with Hitler, to deport all the Jews (to the gas chambers). Fortunately, B'H, the British deposed of the first Shah, and brought his son to power as their puppet, and scuppered the plan of this Haman.

    Idiiots like Feinberg should do their homework, before publishing such blatnat lies. And gullible old men like Eidensohn shouldn't publish any old lies, just because they have been pressured by Eidah machers to do so.

  3. An open letter to rabbi Eidensohn:

    You have been posting a series of articles by Mr b. Feinberg, whose comments are getting more and more absurd, and false.
    It Is factually false, because he denies the pogroms that took place in Iran. Are you tacitly supporting this pogrom denial?

    Next, He is violating or nullifying din rodef. You accept or deny the validity of this halacha? Do you claim that women are exempt from hilchot rodef ?
    As Israel is at war risk of terrorism then there is always an imminent threat hence training in weapons use is actually part of the Torah. To deny that the Torah has a law of self defence is akin to being reform. Please clarify why you are publishing reform articles by this idiot called feinberg.

  4. Kordi Jews in Iran married off their daughters at very young ages (one told me age 12) to avoid them getting kidnapped by Muslims. If they remained single they'd be kidnapped by Muslims. Simple equation. It doesn't take much more research than simply asking an older Kordi Jew about this topic. Iran the paradise LOL

  5. Here is a summary of Hilchot Rodef, by Rav Jachter, and eminently qualified posek:

    The Rules of Rodef

    "The Halacha of Rodef is similar to
    the Halacha of Ba B’machteret that is presented in Shemot 22:1. The
    Torah in that Pasuk teaches that one may kill a thief who is tunneling
    into one's house since one may assume that the thief is armed and
    constitutes a danger to life. The Torah permits the householder to kill
    the thief in self-defense. Chazal (Sanhedrin 72a) phrase this rule
    accordingly: “If someone comes to kill you, act first and kill him.”
    The Gemara (Sanhedrin 73a), in turn, presents the sources in the Torah
    that teach that one must kill someone who is attempting to kill another
    person. This rule applies not only to self-defense but also to
    defending the lives of others. Moreover, it also applies to someone who
    engages in sexual assault (Sanhedrin 73a). Thus, one must kill (if no
    other alternative is available) someone who is attempting to murder or
    rape. For a discussion of the subtle distinctions between the cases of
    Rodef and Ba B’machteret see my recently published (by TABC)
    Rebbe-Talmid commentary on Sanhedrin entitled Peninei Torah.

    the absence of a Sanhedrin sitting in proximity to the Beit Hamikdash,
    the Halacha does not permit a Beit Din to impose capital punishment.
    The rules of Rodef, however, apply even in the absence of a Sanhedrin
    (Rambam Hilchot Rotze’ach 1:6-13 and Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat
    425). In fact, the Rama applies the Halacha of Rodef to one who engages
    in forgeries. Government authorities in the past imposed severe
    collective punishments (including executions) upon the Jewish
    communities in which a Jewish forger resided. Thus, the forger
    endangers the community and is treated with the severity of a Rodef."

    The training of girls, or should I say adult women, in use of weapons for self defence is part and parcel of the Halacha as per the gemara, the Rambam and the Shulchan Aruch. In Israel, the Arab and palestinian enemies have a history of murder, terror, war and even rape - all of which are crimes which oblige us (those who accept the Torah) to defend not only ourselves , but also other Jews. Now the Reforma-Hareidit are not only denying this, the are saying it is assur Yehareig v'lo yaavor to defend ourselves. Please clarify if this is still an Orthodox /frum website.

  6. A Tale of Two Idiots

    There was a BT rabbi who was of Persian Iranian origina, and moved to America, where he built up a large BT following. In one of his idiotic lectures, he denied the Holocaust, saying that 6 million Jews were not killed, and according to his self-acclaimed genius calculations, it was only 1 Million.

    If this wasn't enough, another idiot, with a European sounding name, denied that there was ever any persecution in Iran, thus denying various pogroms, murders, rapes and executions that have occurred in the land of Haman.

    As we know, Haman was from Amalek, as was Hitler, yemach shemam. Just as it is offensive for idiots, especially those with semicha, to deny the Holocaust , it is also offensive for their partner idiots with/without smicha to deny pogroms, shmad, and forced conversion of Jews. These people only help the antisemites, whether the neo-nazis in America and Europe, or those in the Islamic world.

  7. that is quite a stretch to fit drafting women in the law of rodef

  8. iran was not a paradise but they didn't draft girls into the army

  9. i publish material to provide awareness not just if I agree with everything stated
    it is your right to disagree with what you don't like



  12. Not at all. You don't understand what self defense is. Ever been in a fist fight?

  13. The author writes that in Iran they didn't have to face anything like this. He is comparing the israeli draught to hellenism, .but Kal v chomer, in Iran, the girls had to face the sword of Islam, forced conversion, murder of their relatives, rachmano letzlan also rape.
    He is suggesting that the situation in Israel is worse than that in Iran.
    When the Jewish conversos came to israel last century Rav herzog didn't recognize them as Jews, but Rav uziel did.

  14. wow!

    if you are so concerned with rodef
    pay for self defense courses or ticket to a safe country like us or Britain

  15. There is no full rebuttal. My point is regarding the whitewashing of pogroms and forced conversion in Iran. The idf is a defense force, those who think otherwise live in cloud cuckoo land.

  16. And what are they doing now in new York? They are looking for Guardian angels and police protection.

  17. "serving in the notoriously promiscuous military". What do you know about promiscuity in the military? Did you serve in the military? Did your wife or children? I imagine no. Well my children and I served in the IDF. The so-called "notorious promiscuity" is a canard. You should be embarrassed that you continue to spread baseless lies.

  18. That's because they're too wimps to buy guns and long rifles.

  19. The Kurdim, not just from Iran, kept that custom even when they made Aliya to Palestine pre state. The British banned it, the Rabbanut cooperated with the British, but allowed the Kurdim to marry young, just didn't register the marriages till age 16 or 18


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