Friday, August 30, 2019

New: Translation of Vayoel Moshe!

In connection with the yahrtzeit
of the Satmar Rebbe zy"a this week
we are sending around
this new English translation
of the Hakdama to Vayoel Moshe.
(The translation of the whole sefer
is currently a work in progress.)
Feel free to print and distribute everywhere.

To contribute and take part in the mitzvah
of spreading the Rebbe's works

and the true Torah view on Zionism



  2. A sefer with very poor arguments.

  3. Yes. The Taz, for example, says that what the Torah explicitly permits, the sages (chazal) cannot forbid. Also, someone cannot out of the blue write a new shulchan Aruch, when the real sa and Rambam never considered the oaths to be Halacha.

  4. Much greater authorities, Avnei netzer, Ohr Sameach, Shlomo kluger, arizal all said the oaths no longer apply.

  5. See Rambam's Igeret Taiman, last 3 or 4 paragraphs and tell me again how "oaths no longer apply"

  6. what Rambam says in Iggeret Teiman is a) that it is derech mashal, b) he only refers to the aspect of calculating the End, which he also does in Hil. Melachim in the MT. So if any aspect of it is binding, it is calculating the end - which ironically Hareidim, mekubalim etc are doing on a regular basis, it has almost become a sport.
    The Iggeret teiman was written partly against a false messiah who had used hocus pocus calculations to justify his own candidacy for Moshiach .

  7. This is what he says in the Iggeret, after giving a number of other examples of fake messiahs:

    "About forty years preceding the affair of Ibn Aryeh in Andalusia, there appeared a man in Linon,21 a large center in the heart of France, which numbered more than ten thousand Jewish families. He pretended that he was the Messiah. He was supposed to have performed the following miracles: On moonlit nights he would go out and climb to the top of high trees in the field and glide from tree to tree like a bird. He cited a verse from Daniel to prove that such a miracle was within the power of the Messiah: "And behold, there came with the clouds of heaven One like unto a son of man ... And there was given him dominion." (7:13-14). Many who witnessed the miracle became his votaries. The French discovered this, pillaged and put many of his followers to death, together with the pretender. Some of them maintain however, that he is still hiding until this very day. The prophets have predicted and instructed us, as I have told you, that pretenders and simulators will appear in great numbers at the time when the advent of the true Messiah will draw nigh, but they will not be able to make good their claim. They will perish with many of their partisans. Solomon, of blessed memory, inspired by the holy spirit, foresaw that the prolonged duration of the exile would incite some of our people to seek to terminate it before the appointed time, and as a consequence they would perish or meet with disaster. Therefore he admonished and adjured them in metaphorical language to desist, as we read, "I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and by the hinds of the field, that ye awaken not, nor stir up love, until it please." (Song of Songs 2:7, 8:4). Now, brethren and friends, abide by the oath, and stir not up love until it please (Ketubot 111a). May God, Who created the world with the attributes of mercy grant us the privilege to behold the return of the exiles, to the portion of His inheritance, to contemplate the graciousness of the Lord, and to visit early in His Temple. May He take us out from the Valley of the Shadow of Death wherein He put us. May He remove darkness from our eyes, and gloom from our hearts. May he fulfill in our days as well as yours the prophecy contained in the verse, "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light." (Isaiah 9:1). May He darken our opponents in His anger and wrath, may He illuminate our obscurity, as it is written, "For behold darkness shall cover the earth ... but upon the Lord will shine." (Isaiah 60:2). Greetings unto you, my dear friend, master of the sciences, and paragon of learning, and unto our erudite colleagues, and unto all the rest of the people. Peace, peace, as the light that shines, and much peach until the moon be no more. Amen. "

    No single Zionist figure , whether religious or secular has ever claimed to be Moshiach.

  8. Let's see
    Permission of the world? Check
    Gentiles overpersecuted us? Check
    Seems pretty clear.


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