Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Stephen Colbert talks about the Trump administration: Is this comedy or tragedy?


  1. "Will not be questioned"
    "Correct 100%"

    Now, apply that to Mr. Colbert's position on AMERICAN DEMOCRACY.

    That's right.

    Will not be questioned. 100% correct. The idea that the system in the U.S. created Donald Trump, and that the Late Show and its producers, host, writers, and band and AND studio and nationwide audience are part of that system will not be questioned and is 100% correct. At least not questioned by Mr. Colbert. Not if he wants to keep his advertisers, that is.



  3. rather disgusting badgering - but what does that have to do with the video I posted?

  4. A subjective view.
    I think that it's quite relevant.


  6. I understand this kind of fare gets ratings -- and, for that matter, so does reality television (well, so does pornography, ultimately) -- but I fail to understand how any thinking person can stomach watching this hypocritical garbage. A host inviting someone on in order to ambush them, un-prepped, with an aggressive interview, all the while repeatedly refusing him the slightest space fairly to respond and all the while pretending to be stymied & evaded? That is supposed to be something to watch? From such a staged performance the viewer is supposed to learn something? Truly revolting.

    "Puerile," which the hapless guest termed it, is certainly the right word (as is the label "partisan hackery", which Stewart famously annihilated this Murdoch-manufactured dufus with and which here he seemed to want to pin on the victimized guest). The bottom-line is that anyone can do this to anyone -- assuming they can get them to agree to appear under such conditions, and that's what's so puerile about it. Not to mention the smarmy treatment, the smug demeanor, the badgering style. As the WP blog put it (thank you, Yehoshua,
    "it’s clear that blindsiding his guests and keeping them from issuing fully formed answers is the official [modus operandi] [of Tucker's Fox show]"
    What's most revolting to me is how very obviously Carlson's face feigns incomprehension; it's just so acted & over-dramatized. Again, to quote Stewart, it's so obviously "theater", not news. Yet to think that this is the venue that complains, time & again, of unfair, dishonest media. Kafkaesque....
    This is true mind poison, which it'd behoove you to spare yourself.

    I'm not one to tout Jill Stein, but Fox News has a way of bringing out strange positions from us, I guess...; she delivered what was essentially a master class in how to field the signature Fox tag-team ambush via nonsense questions, buttressed with interruptions'n'all.... Indeed, she made fools of them. One of the few times I personally found her not at all annoying. (Don't think they ever had her back after that?)

    I wish the guest had just reminded Carlson of Stewart's injunction and parted with, "Stop hurting America!"

  7. Tucker is a Sophist. Does not care about truth just "winning" the argument. Nobody who cares about truth should take him seriously.

  8. A bit preachy, are we.

    Anything of substance to say?

  9. I agree with your comment, but just a slight correction:
    Progressive, as his name indicates, is a sophist. Does not care about truth just "winning" the argument. Nobody who cares about truth should take him seriously.

  10. disagree with your attack on his integrity and honesty

  11. Let me get this straight:

    You agree with his attack on Tucker.
    You think that Stephan Colbert and Meril Streep are not only not worse; they're better?

    You agree with his regular attacks on other commenters integrity and honesty, as I've never seen you comment about it.

    Oh, do you know him personally? If not, are you certain that you're qualified to vouch for him?

  12. I agree with many of the comments of Progressive - I am not going over all of them and giving them a certificate. I do think your criticism is out of proportion to what he says.

  13. I simply took his exact words and repeated them. I simply changed one word: the name. He wrote these words about someone else, and I put it about him. I am baffled by your defense of him in this context.

  14. Already quoted it from the WP blog. Trolls really should have a reading prerequisite. Quit wasting people's time.

  15. Mature adults, or even adolescents, are able to have substantive discussions. Most of what they say or write is substantive. Boneheaded trolls spend most of their time and efforts advancing insults and attacks. It's obvious to every mature person which category you are a part of.

    You are simply afraid of the truth.

  16. Weird.
    But I just must ask: What truth, pray tell, is it that I'm avoiding?
    And what substance in the, um,"interview" am I failing to contend with?

  17. LOL

    Go ahead. You get the last word

  18. If that's what you call a shlugging up, well.... OK!

  19. I would imagine you find yourself baffled just an awful lot.

  20. More comedic commentary from same, this time lampooning the left's incompetent mainstream coverage:

  21. ...and more, tragically all too on point:


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