Rav Moshe Sternbuch[1](Parsha
Bo 5776):
I heard from my dear friend Rabbi Tzi Farber zt”l that he was once traveling with
Rav Chaim Brisker in a carriage when another Jew joined them. Rav Chaim asked
the newcomer where he was coming from and he replied he was coming from Kotzk.
Rav Chaim asked him to tell them a dvar Torah that he had heard there. The Jew
told them that he had heard a drasha in the name of the Kotzer Rebbe regarding the verse
“You shall fear the L-rd your G-d” (Vayikra 6:13)
which our Sages (Pesachim
22b) understand to also teach that it refers to talmidei chachomim. [In other
words that fear of G-d includes fearing those who teach the Torah] However the Kotzer Rebbe explained the lesson of our Sages to
mean that talmidei chachom also have the obligation to fear and have awe of G-d
and not to think they are alright because of their knowledge of Torah. Rav
Chaim praised this interpretation greatly and sighed and said, “The Rebbe is
correct. Even gedolim and talmidei chachomim are obligated to fear Heaven and
they can not suffice with their greatness in Torah. In fact the opposite is true. They
have a greater obligation than others to have fear of Heaven.”
[1] רב משה שטרנבוך
(פשרת בא תשע"ו) ושמעתי מפי ידידי
הגאו רבי צבי פרבר זצ"ל שנסע עם הגר"ח מבריסק בעגלה ונכנס יהודי, ושאל אותו
הגר"ח מהיכן אתה, והשיב שהוא בא מקאצק, וביקש ממנו הגר"ח לומר דבר תורה ששמע
שם, והשיב היהודי מה ששמע בשם הרבי מקאצק על הפסוק "את ה' אלוקיך תירא"
- ודרשו חז"ל -"לרבות תלמידי חכמים", ופירש הרבי שגם הם חייבים לירא
ולפחד מהקב"ה, ולא ידמו שהם בסדר, והגר"ח קילס מאוד את הדברים ונאנח ואמר,
הרבי צודק, גם הגדולים ות"ח חייבים ביראת שמים ואין מספיק בגדלותם בתורה, ואדרבה
עליהם החיוב יותר מכל אחד
See דרש משה פרשת בא. עה״פ וכן עשו.
ReplyDeleteThere is also the פשוט פשט in the פסוק, which this blog seems to have forgotten.
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ReplyDeleteYou are simply ignoring the many sources which have been brought which clearly state that even a talmid chachom who violates halacha needs to be chastised and even embarrassed if he doesn't stop. The kavod given to the talmid chachom is because he a a reflection of G-d kavod. If he deviates from the Torah he is not deserving of kavod
ReplyDeleteWhich version of the דרש משה are you referring to? I can't find it in my edition?
ReplyDeleteI havenonidea
ReplyDeleteplease see the Targum to Yirmiyahu Perek Aleph : Vetofsei Hatorah Lo Yedauni, which the Targum renders that the fear of Hashem ( yediah) was missing from the Rabbonim who were tofes the Torah.
ReplyDeleteלא תגנובו - Plural - translates as איר זולט נישט גנווענען - ihr zolt nist ganvenen, not Thou shalt not steal but rather You shall not steal -
ReplyDeleteIt is common usage in Yiddish to refer to someone we show particular respect to as Ihr -the plural you. So this is rendered to say - specifically and particularly a Shaine Yid - a respectable and dignified Jew - one who is commonly referred to with the royal plural - is commanded not to steal
When you go back to shul, can you please look for the vort again and let me know exactly where I can find it. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteBli neder.
ReplyDeleteWhich mahadura do you have?
ReplyDeleteThat is what I'm referring to.
It was a שבח on them that they didn't make חשבונות for G-d. Even if they were the gedolei Hador.
The overall message is that a gadol has to keep the same Torah as the rest of us.