Thursday, January 21, 2016

AJOP:Convention Get your private meeting with Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky - What would you like to discuss?

Dear Chaverim,

After difficult deliberations and very careful consideration we have made a prudent decision in the interest of safety for all our participants to reschedule the AJOP Convention for the following weekend,January 31 - February 2, 2016.  


This decision was reached based on the impending blizzard throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern United States. Winter Storm Jonas is expected to hit Friday night, and continue through Sunday morning, with a total expected accumulation of 24"-30" of snow.


  1. What's the toelles in posting this. Redifus of an elder RY because many rabbonim disagree with him

  2. This would seem the perfect opportunity to meet with him, and discuss the tamar heter. Probably not worth the money however.

  3. I think that's where the prior arrangement caveat comes in. I think they would filter out rabble rousers. Or even anyone who will ask.

  4. So if the mattir is an elder RY, it's o.k., and no need to be moche.
    Someone needs to tell that to rabbi shternbuch

  5. By prior arrangement means pre screened. Must submit questions in advance. Admittance only to those preapproved. Gabbai will be present to throw out unwanted questions.

    to goldie: wants to prove 92 years old, and still capable of being 'nirdaf'.

  6. In times of Beit haMikdash, he would be pelted with Etrogim.

  7. This is the type of lowly personal attack that has nothing to do with the discussion and is totally pointless. Blaming it on R' Shternbuch is even more disgusting.

  8. I'd like to ask him if he would autograph my copy of the latest book,"The Unmaking of a Gadol".

  9. Very pertinent. He should've been called out years and years ago , for decades he's been giving out rulings that no Orthodox rabbi would give and that was whose claim to fame although no one knew exactly what he ruled because it was all hush-hush. now it comes to a question of insulting a Goddell . frankly the people covered up for him all these years are to blame for all the shame the torah receiving that a alleged gadol can act this way. can you imagine the Torah greats from the last generation weaving and ducking denying and lying? something is not right here take care of it now it can get worse . This convention is case in point you cannot change people's perception overnight it takes years this should've been done years ago . It pertains to every Jewish person big or small who do I follow ? Yes it's a legitimate discussion , you very well may be following rulings given by him erroneously

  10. I'd like to discuss vaccinations with him.
    But "prior arrangement" - does that mean they're screening so only syncophants get through or does it mean $$$$$$?

  11. Redifus on a elder r"y just because many rabbonim think he is crooked. Please call a spade a spade and then make any point you want.painful.

  12. Frankly I'm impressed by how little mudslinging is going on here after all people might want to take it personal when the entire world Hasidic modern Orthodox Israel UK etc. are looking at the American yeshiva world as people without morals and how we lost our moral high ground to criticize anyone down the line this scandal will be thrown back at our face time and time again . if you can think out side of your bubble you would realize the shame that this man has brought to the Torah and those who study and uphold it . it takes some strength not to take it personal.

  13. This is not an issue of many rabbonim disagreeing. This is an issue of permitting adultery - playing with Torah; trying to make halacha submit to.... as opposed to submitting to the Torah and halacha. Yes, I understand that ME supporters may see this as an opportunity to redeem themselves.

    Then you, yourself went ahead and made snide and disrespectful comment towards Rav Miller. Why is that OK? Hypocrisy?

  14. “Convention Get your private meeting with Rav Shmuel
    Kaminetsky” The parallel to my situation
    with Susan. Judge Pesce wrote to the
    late Judge Kaye 1996: “I have discussed the matter with Mr. Rothbart,
    as well as justice Rigler. According to
    him, he told you that your two children in Israel could be considered
    illegitimate if brought here because New York did not recognize your Israeli
    divorce.” this is like Rabbis Kaminestskys and Greenblatt approved Tamar’s
    marriage to her boy friend. I need a
    higher court to overrule Judge Pesce, unless Judge Pesce himself withdraws his
    statement. Similarly, we need a higher
    court to overrule Rabbis Kaminestskys and Greenblatt, unless they withdraw
    their statements. BTW, the NYS Court of Appeals
    told me I was missing in my application 2 documents. They told me that I need
    just to send these 2 documents with copy to Susan. I did that yesterday.

  15. Rabbi Shlomo Porter, President of AJOP, is the guy to send your protests to!

    The facts: R Shmuel Kaminetsky never had anything to do with AJOP until they moved to Baltimore about 10 years ago or so. Before that AJOP was the business of R Yaakov Weinberg but he got cancer suddenly and before he passed away he got R Shmuel Kaminetsky and R Yaakov Perlow to fill in for him. R Yaakov Perlow dropped out and left it all to R Shmuel Kaminetsky. But it is not R Shmule Kaminetsky that keeps him involved with AJOP, the real person to focus on is Rabbi SHLOMO PORTER who runs the "Etz Chaim Center" Kiruv organization in Baltimore that also has an official affiliated branch in PHILADELPHIA that connects with R Shmuel Kaminetsky again.

    Once upon a time AJOP, Ner Israel Yeshiva, and the Eyz Chaim Center got lots of money of millions) from the Avi Chai Foundation in NY. Rav Elya Svie was against them because he opposed the influence that R Shlomo Riskin had on Avi Chai to support Zionist and secular causes that R Elya Svei opposed. But then R Elya Svei got sick and then passed away, so that also cleared the way for R Shmule Kaminetsky to move in and become AJOP's resisdent Rosh Yeshiva.

    AJOP also gets its guidance from R Dovid Kohen the Posek from Brooklyn who is is also supposedly supporting the Tamar Heter -- R Dovid Kohen and Rav Feivel Cohen are long time rivals going back to their days at Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin as Talmidim Muvhakim of Rav Yitzchok Hutner ZT"L.

    If anyone wants to make a protest about AJOP pretending as if nothing is happening then the one to focus on and call is THE PRESIDENT AND CURRENT BOSS OF AJOP Rabbi Shlomo Porter of the Etz Chaim Center in Baltimore who can be reached at:

    Etz Chaim Website:


    Rabbi Shlomo Porter

    Dean and President, The Etz Chaim Center

    Rabbi Porter has directed the growth of Etz Chaim for close to 30 years. He loves to teach Torah and to deal with the tough questions of life. He and his wife, Shoshana, enjoy guests for Shabbos - especially those who like to eat.

    410-764-1553 x 1

    Rabbi Shlomo Porter smiles for the camera:

  16. RSK spent a shabbos in Florida by the Presidents conference and supposedly did not have a problem other than loads of people being machshiv him and asking him shailos so I don't think he is worried about an AJOP convention. The energy should be spent on getting the other Rabbis who signed on the Heter to agree it's a waste and then the heter hoes away since RSK "has nothing to do with it" anyway.

  17. " R Dovid Kohen...who is also supposedly supporting the Tamar Heter" really? why do you say so?

  18. Because he doesn't know what he is talking about.

    Listen to David Lichtenstein podcast with him. He was unaware of the details of the heter.

  19. In the world of Livtvish Pesak especailly in America there is nothing that Rav Dovid Kohen does not know about! And you know it. He is a sponge for information and he deals with the top echelon rich people all the time. He knows every in and and out of every detail of what's been going on, he is a genius at that, that's why people come to him with Shaylos because he knows 100% Gantz Fein what is going on everywhere, he makes it his business to know everything!

    It was attested on this blog a while ago that initially Rav Dovid Kohen *opposed* the Heter but when he found out that the rich folks were for it, he backed away, and now he pleads "innocence" and supposedly, not from me but from what has been stated on this blog, he now is *for* the Heter but he cannot say what he *really* thinks so he alleges that he is "unaware" which is just a way of saying "I am copping out of this discussion because I fear consequences from the rich people" -- when all Rav Dovid Kohen has to do is just come out in public and say he opposes the Heter and he can now just sign on to Rav Feivel Cohen's letter who does 100% have the guts to say what he thinks ON THE RECORD, and just say Omein Sela, but he (Rav Dovid Kohen) hasn't because he's chickened out, and that is why you are doing backwards flips to "protect" him and falling flat on your nose.

  20. Dick I suggest you listen to that specific podcast

  21. There is a steady slow erosion of support and respect, and when the band stops playing his name will be BLUTTEH

  22. Reminds me of the article I just saw yesterday about fecal transplants. . .

  23. I think what we are seeing, is the facade of the many Jewish organizations. Many of these Jewish organizations are there to put themselves in business, having little to do with the Torah.

    I am curious, is Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky still one the leaders of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation??

  24. Politically IncorrectJanuary 21, 2016 at 12:55 AM

    Not sure. ...I and others have suffered up until today from his p'sakim sending women to court against their husbands without hearing the husband's side. ....and I was also told by folks with firsthand experience that he is irately arrogant if you contest him!...

  25. He knew this when he got involved with matters of 'controversial' hetter that he knew no one believes in.

    He's no fool, he knew what he was getting involved in.

  26. Perhaps but believe it or not it is still difficult to get in to philly due to lack of space and the many people trying to get in.

  27. No one has any complaints against the Yeshiva of Philadelphia that is a Choshuva Makom Torah, or against any Yeshiva, they are all good places to learn Torah and that's what Klal Yisroel wants and needs. That does not mean that Roshei Yeshiva cannot make mistakes, as they often do when they get involved in areas of Halacha Lema'aseh that has nothing to do with running their Yeshivos.

  28. Listen to what "Politically Incorrect" has to say just above you:

    "...I and others have suffered up until today from his p'sakim sending
    women to court against their husbands without hearing the husband's
    side. ....and I was also told by folks with firsthand experience that he
    is irately arrogant if you confront him!..."

    If anything, I was being charitable with my descriptions.

  29. Still one more week to protest, the AJOP convention has officially been postponed per official Email from AJOP:

    "AJOP Convention 2016 Rescheduled to January 31- February 1

    In the interest of safety due to the impending blizzard forecast to hit the greater Baltimore area this weekend, the 2016 AJOP Convention has been rescheduled to January 31-February 1

    If anyone wants to make a protest about AJOP pretending as if nothing is happening, and abetting the problem, then the one to focus on and call is THE PRESIDENT AND CURRENT BOSS OF AJOP Rabbi Shlomo Porter of the Etz Chaim Center in Baltimore who calls all the shots at AJOP and can be reached at:

    (From the Etz Chaim Website):


    Rabbi Shlomo Porter

    Dean and President, The Etz Chaim Center

    Rabbi Porter has directed the growth of Etz Chaim for close to 30 years. He
    loves to teach Torah and to deal with the tough questions of life. He
    and his wife, Shoshana, enjoy guests for Shabbos - especially those who
    like to eat.

    410-764-1553 x 1

    Rabbi Shlomo Porter smiling for the camera:

  30. Important message to AJOP people:


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.