Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Smoking Gun: I am requesting a copy of a rumored letter written by R Shalom Kaminetsky requesting a psak of Mekach Ta'os for Tamar Epstein

 update: I have posted the letters here   LETTERS

Update: I have been contacted by a number of people who have the actual letter.  Hopefully in the near future I will receive a copy with permission to publish it here.
I was contacted 2 days ago, through a 3rd party, by someone who claims to have a letter written  by R Shalom Kaminetsky himself. Supposedly it states that Tamar Epstein is looking for a heter of Mekach Ta'os. It allegedly describes the evidence of mental illness that is identical to that noted in Rabbi Feldman's letter and it was claimed that it explicitly says that this evidence is justification for mekach ta'os. 

This letter, if it exists, is much more significant than the report I published from a posek concerning a summary letter from a student at the Philly yeshiva. This letter is claimed to have been written by Rav Shalom Kaminetsky himself and he allegedly says that his father is fully informed of all the facts and supports the request for a heter of mekach ta'os.

I requested that a copy of the letter be sent to me so I can publish it here. Such a letter would be the "smoking gun" regarding the direct involvement of the Kaminetsky's in obtaining the heter. It would also confirm the conjectures I have published on this blog. So far I have not received the letter. If anyone else has a copy please send it to me for publication.

On the other hand if someone knows for sure that there is no such letter - I would appreciate receiving that information also. 

If someone has contact with R Shalom Kaminetsky, please ask for confirmation or denial of the letter's existence.


  1. It seems you always use a picture of R' Shmuel when you are speaking of R' Shalom. Very misleading

  2. I have been told by reliable sources that R Shalom claims that his father was full partner in what he did. So if you want to establish that R Shalom is liar than I will be glad that his picture should go up instead.

  3. Rabbi sholom Kaminetsky vehemently denies the existence of such a letter, he posed the questions orally to rabbi Greenblatt, and told him some mareh mekomot,
    He mantains that it was him only and NOT his father who facilitated the hetter, rav Shmuel however does feel that the hetter can be relied upon

  4. How do you know this, Dad?

  5. Reb doniel, just post the letter, it will be the nail on Sam kams coffin

  6. A letter where r shalom writes that he did it with his fathers guidance and approval has been seen by this writer. I do not have possession of it. Keep digging for it.

  7. Just heard from a relative in EY, that the rabanut is considering not recognizing rabbi Greenblatt s gittin until the current situation is clarified

  8. You've shown yourself to untrustworthy several times.

  9. The pot calling the kettle black!

  10. Unlikely. Too much teflon! He has the out-of-town masses behind him. He knows what he is doing. His audience is not the Eidah HaChareidis, he knows which side his Phily bread is buttered on. Nothing will happen to the hugely popular Kaminetzkys. They know modern-day America. Bill Clinton got impeached over the Monica Lewinsky affair, perjury and all, and still stayed on as the ever-popular president.

  11. The rabanut gave obtained the letters and notes between rabbis Greenblatt and Kaminetsky

  12. Welcome back, dear RaPper.

  13. And when you spoke to him, why didn't you question him about thus:

    "Rabbi sholom Kaminetsky vehemently denies the existence of such a letter, he posed the questions orally to rabbi Greenblatt, and told him some mareh mekomot"

    Do you think the oznayim lakoisel and ma'azin bashfoferet printed it on a Pinkas posuach and sent it to the rabbanut, or are you poseach al shnei heseifim?

  14. Does the RY eat pas Akum? Isn't Philly Butter Smear cholov Akum? Is the modern-day Moetset teflon as well? Not everyone sells out Yeshiva Torah for nezid adashim. You remind me of the Unsinkable Titanic. There was another guy like this in the UK thinkng the same, and his followers left him one by one, although he is still screaming chaym vekaym, holding on his own. As of now, he is not busy anymore with the mekach in and of itself, but firefighting his lies of coverup whether tora shebichsav or tora shebaal peh. Is this the stimas haGoilell?

  15. Apparently reb sholom lied to me about the letter, I have seen last night but was not allowed nto keep a copy
    He quoted a Beis haleivi and yabia omer among other poskim, and of course igrot moshe

  16. Apparently he is scrambling and changing his positions along with the punches gasping for air. Do you think this is the end or he still has wiggle room left?

  17. Trying to figure out the true fate of Nathan of Gaza. Does he have a concussion, was induced a concussion for leleasing fatal information or taking a hike in fear for his life?
    What about his translator from Ashdod in Philly, what is his status? Is the RY trying to keep his father out of this mess in order to save his Yeshiva for whatever it's still worth?

  18. "it states that Tamar Epstein is looking for a heter of Mekach Ta'os"

    The handwriting is on the wall and on paper as well. Tamar E. did/does not even know that such a taino even exists. It tallies with Harotse leshaker yarchik eduso. Much rather she was Coached to claim these concocted lies and make-believe a newly discovered hill from a moles hole from ADAM. Indeed, LA'HADAM.

    Halacha beYadua, SHEKER ein lo Raglayim, it has no feet to stand on, velo motso yodov veraglov beBeis hsMidrash umoNoach lekaf raglah, since for one lie you need a thousand more to try to make the first one stand. It becomes a pshycosomatic never ending process ending in a Shach mat. From Chiyuv uKfiyas get into mekacha taus, from mekach taus to sovro vekibla bitnay when the previous didn't fly, with meolam lo hitarti somewhere in between, I was in it alone without my fathers participation, although my father was not involved but he was well aware and gave his blessing, the heter being sought was oral, but has been also found in writing, the next thing coming is that it is a forgery, even though talmid chochom nikar bitvias chasimas yodov, lol - ein li esek bechasimos, vechi ma li leshaker. The whole stockroom of Heicholo deShikro ran already out of lies. And so it goes, until it becomes a Five Ring Piccadilly circus, vead shenireh kol hagoilo kmiduras eish. Can't WE do something better? Vechi Hatorah bekeren zovies munachas, kivyachol kaeven sh'ein lo hofchin chas.V? Please do something already. Kvar kolu kol hakitsin!

  19. Sounds crazy to throw the status of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of women into question in order to pressure RNG. Completely irresponsible.

  20. Not sure whether this regards past gittin or only future - needs clarification

  21. Who in the UK you referring to?

  22. He's a liar, and so is his father, sadly though the kam/kim dynasty is very powerful, and noone meaningful within the mainstream agudah world will say anything, which will be translated by many ppl to be a wink and a nod to this hetter
    But let it be known for all eternity, that שמואל קמינצקי הותר א"א לשוק מבוסס על גיבוב של קולות ע"ג קולות על יסודות רעועים מאוד, דבר שעד כה לא היה במחנה היראים, ואפילו לא אצל חוגי האורטודאקסים באמריקה

  23. RDE, I was curious whether you could share some background data about yourself and your brother. Perhaps it is well known, but perhaps others such as myself and others probably aren't familiar.

    Are you and your brother frum-from-birth New Yorkers (I know you live in Israel and your brother in NY) and both of you married once and remain in the same marriage, went to regular chareidi yeshivos from when you were children and are of Litvish stock and upbringing? Or are either BTs, previously divorced, grew up as something other than chareidi, etc.? Just curious.

  24. Only future gittin, they want to discourage ppl using him as he has lost nemanut through lies he told and a lack of judgemet

  25. The rabanut in Israel has a verified copy, it was read to me but I did not see it

  26. I don't disagree with anything in this lengthy comment. Unfortunately, you have seriously compromised your credibility (and appearnace of intelligence and maturity) by accusing Rabbanim who are clearly uninvolved with this heter, claiming your childish imaginations as fact.
    If you would stick to the facts, rather than your imagination, your comments might have more credibility.

  27. David, what a low blow, go back tell you rosh yeshiva that he will go down In the annals of history as a פורץ גדר

  28. If you are seriously asking, why couldn't you inquire on his private e-mail such personal questions. Just curious.

  29. veK' shepikach hoyo, ma ro'o leshtuss ze? Is the Moetset ready to going down together with him? Reminds me of "Avol Achinu ato". Unbelievable

  30. Please understand, trying to say it betsnius. He was the Shatz Matz of london, baal hamachshir of bossor vecholov, principle of Chinuch schools, ubeleilos osak besholom bayis issues, and some other side jobs, veidach zil ugmor, pliz forgiv.

  31. I saw both letters a while back. One is signed by rabbi Sholom kaminetzky and it says it's with the approval of the father. One is signed by note greenblatt.

    I don't have copies of the letters, but it's floating around the houses of rabbis in usa.

  32. הלחץ שבנו הוטל עליו שחייבים לעזור למשפחה שנודב לישיבה

  33. His initials are CH. I can testify that what Ehud writes about him is emes le'amitoi.

  34. Uma shelo yaaseh hasechel yaaseh hazman. Just wait and see, facts or fictrion? I think the Titanic is laready on the bottom of the sea R'L'

  35. Huh? My questions have no sublimal meanings or undertones. They are simple questions out of curiousity and have no additional meaning.

  36. מטיל עליו
    הטיל עליו
    הוטל עליו

  37. I thought that might be who he meant. Didn't the police close the case against him b/c the accusers were not credible?

  38. yes that is what I would like to publish here.

  39. it is more accurately that the witnesses were intimidated

  40. My questions have no sublimal meanings or undertones. They are simple questions out of curiousity

    Uh huh. And there he goes again.
    There was no other place to ask these questions.
    Much information is not publicly available already?
    A personal email or a phone call to Reb Dovid E. would not have answered these important and relevant questions.

  41. Firstly, they were intimated. More to the point, the overwhelming majority of what he did was not criminal. It was highly immoral and involved many issurim deoraysa.

  42. Hi all I'm back, and I have info that will blow all of ur minds

  43. hmmm.... posrim hoyu, aval .... Since the contribution was in the past, unless there was present chabar involved, I cannot believe that the father should sell out a life time of torah for nezid adashim. Don't forget, lehatir ulehachshil al echod mesholash hachamuros shebetorah, I cannot fathom. Although you spoke to the son directly, I can accept that he lied, but how would know you his father as well. Maybe he is not even aware of these happenings,just his sons sipurei elef layla ve...

  44. af"l, u r kakelev hashov el kio and a troll. klach lemen sheboso

  45. The people that walked out on him are more credible, and the people have spoken. Look at all the molestors that their cases have been closed up. Alma deshikra.

  46. If a Gyn Doctor treats his patients going about business as usual, that is legit. However, when he acts as if it is in course of treatment and crosses all bounds, that is criminal. Same here, when anyone impersonates his status to something that he is not, and takes advantage of anyones innocence and naivete all the while misleading them in order to satisfy his preverse desires, that IS criminal.

  47. Ok here's the deal, first to all those who asking where I have been
    I was undercover in both philly and Memphis and am the source of the leaked letters

  48. He took care of the issurim deoraysa, through hefker BD hefker. He was mafkir and mafkiah the biah lemfreah, as for her, he said karka oilom hi and was sovro vekiblah :) sheim lo ken, ma koach BD yofeh. nebach, it ain't so funny at all

  49. ROFL, which is it? Boruch mechaye meisim or boruch rofeh cholim or yet lol boruch meshane habriyos. While you were away, they said you got a ziazua moach = concussion chas vesholom. I hope that is not what you mean by blowing away our minds as well. BTW, how is your shalom chaver Hoashdodi? Hey, whatever the case may be, go for it, we are all ears. Do not keep us in suspense of boker veyoida. We need moshiach NOW! Go

  50. Ok, boruch shekivanti. Take your time, but please make it fast, lol we are all waiting to hear the truth.

  51. Well first of all there is extreme tension on the kam household, they are terrified of how this will develope, rav Sam was overheard complaining in the family that sholom caused him to be viewed as rav goren......., and the other children are very upset at sholom for this

  52. Another important point I'd like to make is that I have been looking for Tamar all over I cand find her anywhere, neither was I successfull in tracking down Fleischer, leading me to believe that the waters are being tested, although I can't be sure

  53. RDN, so publish it, whats holding you back

  54. Bulletin! Newsflash, read all about it.

    Nathan! I think I know who you are, and blew my mind. As behisvada Yosef el echov, I think U R Adam. No one knew to say who he is, no one is known to have been at the wedding, no one acknowledged to have seen them being together. You said you have been undercover in Memphis and Philly, I give it to you that, U R ADAM. Ani Yosef achichem asher mochartem oisi mitsraymo.

    If true, please blow our mind and fill us in and please explain lomo rimisonu and the rest of the story. If this happens to be only a conspiracy theory, just say so and blow our mind all over again. On second thought, I don't know you from Adam. Forgive me, if I jumped the gun.

  55. You are correct about a ob/gyn, but this case is different. The traditional role of a rabbi does not involve the same type of interactions as the traditional role of a ob/gyn.

  56. I suspected as much, but I have a friend who says he spoke to someone who claims to have been at the siddur kiddushin, but who knows?

  57. The only thing holding me back is a psak that I received that I can only publish the letter if the one who gives it to me agrees that it can be published.

    There are many people who have told me that they have the letter or have at least seen the letter - but so far no one has sent me a copy and told me to publish it.

    Send me a copy of the letter with permission to publish it and I will publish it.

  58. These scoundrles are very manipulative. He told them that these relaxation techniques he has learnt from other Rabbis kivyachol, thereby teaching them derech noshim etc. I don't want to spell out what etc. entails, since for the greater family it is very painful, veda'l

  59. The hetter is unravelling, hard work has borne fruit, still along way to go, sholom Kaminetsky is still trying to get something In writing from reb zalman nechemia, but as it looks now, the Kaminetskys are on there own isolated in a טעות בדבר משנה

  60. So far you have shared a couple of interesting notes. However, haikar choser min hasefer. Where is the mind Blower, ALL minds are still intact. Why are you sitting on it? Since you claim to be privy on lot's of information, why can't you find out about the existence of our mystery man, namely Mr. Adam?

  61. ehud,
    David has been writing to my private email regularly castigating me for attacking "gedolim". I am sure he means leshaim shomayim. Why does he love these "gedolim" so much? Maybe he wants to marry Tamar.

  62. Dad,
    Reb Moshe forbids Tamar to remarry because Aharon wants regular custody of his child and then he will give a GET, as everyone knows. Reb Moshe forbids a woman to remarry if there is ANY HOPE of a GET, even if it requires the woman to pay a lot of money or do something she doesn't want to do, such as sharing her child with her husband.

  63. Found out, he's a BT living in philly, works as a CPA in nj, he was told by Sam kam that he may marry Tamar

  64. Ok, I'll give you another shot and another try. Suppose a butcher gets a Hechsher from the OU on his factory with strong recommendations, Talmid chochom, yerei shamayim etc. He sells raw meat, smoked meat, Salami, cold cuts, kishke of which is yum, and many other products. On one sunny day, they discover he delivered treif meat to yeshivos, and sold neveilo meat to caterers, chopped liver from Bohack, isn't it the responsibility of OU to remove their Hechsher, Publicize it, so that from that day on nobody should be nichshal anymore with treif. Or do you just go on as if business as usual, vesholom olay nafshi and let it take on a life of it's own? R'K was nismach bepishut yadayim veraglayim through RHS on the Tamar Saga. Ve'ein leharher achar horoisov, vehameharher - keilu meharher achar hshchino, mamesh Haschino medaber mitoch groinoi soidos ta'alumos venisgovos. The First attempt of a Get failed, and the smicha as far as anyone was concerned is well and alive and kicking. Then, a nevolo na'aseh beyisroel happened with the same ongoing Tamar saga through the same highly decorated dayan Posek that he bichvodo uvatsmo beKnighted, and as things stand now, RHS does not show any regret or disapproval of what transpired within this saga of Tamar E. Even at best, that if RHS does not approve of Heter of M. Taus, isn't it incumbent on him personnaly to cry out in public FOUL through his mouthpiece ORA or in Shuls with posters so as not to rely on RSK's psokim anymore? So don't tell me to show you the Heter. It's there right in front of your nose, can't you feel the stench from all over the place.
    True, it's lengthy, but childish or immature? That's only your silly imagination. Credibility is not something that I seek approval from you, the last time I checked my visa card, it was in best order. Now that I have prepared you for my Dinner, try to reply if you only can. Hey bIg guy, you're toast!

  65. NO, he is a Baal Choite not only in Philly, but all over the place, umelachto kimnahel cheshbonot in NJ. Moishovoi be filly umelachto bNJ. Is this what she calls, Can do better? This arrangement sounds like the story with Aleksander Mokdon. veda"l

  66. Here is rather a short one for you, on the house. When you get a License from the Health Department for Food distribution, upon checking out the place they find E.Coli in the food, mouse droppings and vermin all over the place, isn't it the Law to revoke the license until all violations are removed? So then why don't we hear the same from the RAV HAMACHSHIR and the RAV HAMASMICH, HUH? I think this shall do, unless your silly imagination still doesn't comprehend. tudulu


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