Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Schlesinger Twins: Is Dr. Schlesinger a psychiatrist? The errors (lies) of his supporters

The discussion concerning the Schlesinger twins has settled into a routine. I will post documents or material from court documents - and Dr. Schlesinger's supporters will respond either by making clearly false attacks on Beth or myself or they will present information which turns out to be inaccurate or false. One example from this week.

 On April 29 8:52 p.m. franzklammer one of Dr. Schlesinger supporters left a comment to the post "Schlesinger Twins: Does Michael's tragic family history...":
Indeed he [Dr. Schlesinger] is a psychaitrist now and opened a doctors office together with a colleague in the district. He has lots of patients which is easy here in vienna. Everyone has problems
I received the following information about Dr Schlesinger's status as a psychiatrist in the 4th district. [If franzklammer has proof that he is in fact a psychiatrist - I will be glad to post it.]
Dr. Schlesinger is employed by the Otto Wagner Spital ("Steinhof"), the same as Dr. Földes, only Dr. Földes is responsible for liason with the Wilhelminensital down the road, where Dr. Schlesinger did at least part of his internship.

The General Medical Council does not have a record of his having a practice at all but they suggest that he might occasionally do a locum in a practice. His listed phone number is apparently where he can be reached at the hospital. The Otto Wagner Spital has only 3 depts: psychiatry, orthopaedics and pulmonology.

Psychiatrist are listed on this site  (HE'S NOT LISTED HERE!)

List of psychiatrists in Vienna's 4th district

Dr. Oswin Wagner

Verhovnik Ulrike Dr

Aust Irene Dr

Butterfield-Meissl Christine Prim DDr

Gross Rainer Dr

Hein-Walcher Renate Dr

Kaiser Gerda Mag Dr

Kösten Michael OA Dr

Leitner Adelheid Dr

Meissl Christine DDr

Reisz Gerhard Dr

Schindler Shird-Dieter Prim Dr

Wörgötter Gabriele DDr

Ziegler Heidrun Dr

Leopold-Messer Günter Dr


  1. Intersting. "Steinhof" is synonymous to "loony bin" in popular viennese... So should they really have given up the psychistric department?

  2. According to this record, he is a general practionner, but works at a hospital that has also a psychiatric facility... I suppose SMZ stands for sozial-medizinisches Zentrum...

    Dr. Michael Schlesinger
    Mitglied der Ärztekammer für Wien
    Allgemeine Informationen

    Fachberechtigung: Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin
    Sonstige Tätigkeiten und Diplome:


    SMZ Baumgartner Höhe Otto- Wagner-Spital u. Pflegezentrum

  3. Otto-Wagner-Spital at Baumgartner Höhe has a psychiatric facility. (see last link below)

    I would have been surprised if that was not the case, since "Baumgartner Höhe" is also a word for "loony bin" in popular viennese...

    Sozialmedizinisches Zentrum Baumgartner Höhe
    Otto-Wagner-Spital und Pflegezentrum

    1. Three cheers for the Sunday Telegraph!May 4, 2014 at 11:16 PM

      Patience, the hospital where this doctor with the many aliases (fitting for a person in his profession?) now works is, basically, a psychiatric hospital.

      The other departments - and I believe they also have neurology and internal medicine - are there so the psychiatric patients can be treated for their many other illnesses on the spot.

      Dr Schlesinger, the man who refuses to mediate, see reason and does not appear to care about his children's future, is, I gather, currently working in the internal medicine clinic.

      Despite what it seems either he or his sister has posted under the pseudonym franzklammer, he is very definitely not a psychiatrist. And has he even taken his exam to be the general practitioner he is registered as?

    2. You think Franz Klammer is Michael Schlesinger? I don't. I think "Miri" is Michael Schlesinger, pointing out, in a very sarcastic way, what the disadvantages of Michael Schlesinger's position are...

    3. Help Sammy and BenjiMay 5, 2014 at 2:36 AM

      I think whatever names Michael Schlesinger is using on this blog he is being seen as evil and spiteful, using his children as
      pawns in dangerous and
      malicious games. How can you
      be so cruel to your two little boys?

  4. Whatever happened to the terrible allegations against chief rabbi eisenberg made by one of Schlesingers supporters? Can we now assume they are false too? Can we assume they were also part of the Schlesinger error (lying) machine?

    1. I feel that my dear brother does not understand why Dr S should be considered a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is a normal person who goes to school for many years to learn about sick people. But if Dr. S is really sick without going to school, he is superior to psychiatrists who merely read books.

    2. Infamy infamy, they've all got it infamyMay 1, 2014 at 3:07 AM

      I missed these allegations...

      I also thought that Eisenberg was very much in the 'Schlesinger camp'. Is the Viennese community finally breaking ranks with the Schlesingers?

    3. I am convinced that the allegations are not *just* false, but it's Michael Schlesinger himself who does that. See my comment to the previous post on the Schlesinger twins. I maintain everything I said there.

  5. Perhaps Schlesinger wants to drive . What does Michael
    Schlesinger have against Rabbi Eisenberg. Is it because he befriended
    Beth? The guy is control freak. He tries
    to control everyone. No wonder the
    boys are so passive. Tbey must bs so
    scared of him. Poor things!

  6. Hired by the PsychiatristMay 1, 2014 at 6:31 AM

    Well, Rabbi Eidensohn, since you proved that I'm a hired liar then I'm leaving this site! I will never comment here again. (Ooops. Since I'm a liar, is there any reason to believe the lie about my departure? I never intended any truth.)

    Hey, "you're not just a fool, but an ignorant one."
    Hey, "you have a anti Chabad agenda!"
    Hey, "you're a rabble rouser."

    How dare you interfere with my silly and vicious games. So what that I want to destroy two precious children in my "revenge" and vindictiveness against their mother.



  7. Asking for practical and reasonable suggestions of how to resolve this crisis - for the sake of the little boys.....

  8. Was Michael Schlesinger given custody not because he is the better parent, but because he is a doctor.
    Generally doctors are respected as a
    cut above!

    As the boys are doing so badly in Michael's care and they are under
    achieving because, at 5 they are not
    speaking and unable to reason what is Dr Schlesinger doing for his children,
    or not doing?

    Should a person be a doctor and parent to his own children?

    Surely these children demand a lot of his time! How can he manage them
    and his own patients?

    Can he please provide the childrens routine and tell us what he is doing to
    assist these children to fulfil their full

    I think, as caring parents ourselves, who see these children not developing as our children are, the father should
    tell us so that we can believe that the
    children are actually with the "better" parent. Knowing the condition of the
    children and no one has stated
    othetwise, the children are doing realyly very badly with the father and in
    retrospect the Court have made a
    wrong decision, but may not know it yet!!

    Unless this statement is challenged and answers given,, Beth's supporters
    will continue to make as big as noise
    as ever because Sammy and Benji are
    doing badly in the father's care and
    this arrangement needs to be changed and we will fight until it is !

  9. RR Telling the truth for a start!
    How are the boys really doing in the father's care?
    The father needs to give us a true
    He's hiding them away so no one really know! Why?
    Once we know he is an honest upright human being who doesn't play dirty tricks and insults all the people who
    only want the truth, we can start

    It sounds like he is more interested in hurting Beth and taking revenge on her
    than being a good father who really
    cares about the children.

    It sounds like he does not care about Sammy and Benji at all

    It is him that is causing all the publicity not Beth!

  10. RR it sounds like the father doesn't really want to resolve anything.
    He doesn't care about the fact the children under acieving. He doesn't even care if they are happy! They should never have been given to him. He doesn't deserve them!

  11. RR A practical and sensible suggestion would be for Beth and Michael to share the care of the children and get rid of the phillopinos and all the unnecessary expense.

    When they stop fighting the children will feel more secure.

    Beth has so much to give the children and I am sure that if they can come to
    a good arrangement the boys will start
    to thrive.

    1. Sara and Publicity I agree. For starters, the parents must start to communicate with each other truthfully - even through a third party - about the well-being of the little boys. It is their responsibility to do so if they really have the children's welfare at heart. The little boys, like all children. have a right to know both parents well and to experience their love and attention against as peaceful and harmonious backdrop as possible. How to take this forward?

  12. The father should now be trying to be civil to Beth for the sake of the boys.

    All they need is a good mediator and
    some compassion from the father!

    How can he practise medicine without any compassion?

    Surely he doesn't want to go through life portraying himself as a monster,
    not only to the world but most of all to his sons.

    It's enough now. Good mediation and a good arrangement so that the boys can start to thrive!

    The ch

  13. RR As you see I totally agree. Mediation is the only way.

    The father only has to agree on this
    blog that he is willing to mediate for
    the good of the children and suggest
    who he respects to do the mediation!

    I think perhaps it should be someone outside of Vienna, as it doesn't sound like Michael respects any of ths Rabbis
    in Vienna. Also it will probably be fairer to both sides.

  14. Tova, I might be wrong but I would imagine that an independent, mutually acceptable 'go between' between the two would be needed to break the ice and start the process. Any ideas on who this (not necessarily a rabbi) could be?

  15. The European Beth Din?

  16. Benji & Sammy need to be rescuedMay 12, 2014 at 1:37 AM

    Why not, Tova? There must be enough people around in Vienna who are in touch with members or with Dayan Ehrentreu. Somebody needs to do something, as RR has suggested - ASAP!

  17. 'All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

    Edmund Burke

  18. my wife wanted VA 27-2008 several days ago and was told about a business that has a ton of fillable forms . If people want VA 27-2008 too , here's


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