Monday, November 1, 2010

Martin Gilbert - corrective history of Jewish-Islam "coexistence"

Jerusalem Post

Under Muslim rule, Jews have been a ‘protected’ group, but have nonetheless endured intolerable suffering.
Martin Gilbert’s In Ishmael’s House is a good corrective to all the ink that has been spilled to fabricate and deny history relating to the supposed coexistence between Jews and Muslims under Muslim rule. British-born Gilbert, a biographer of Winston Churchill and prolific writer on the Jews and the Holocaust, has only rarely directed his lens on the Jews who lived under Islam.

The subject has generally been left to Jewish Orientalists who, in the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th century, wrote about the wondrous tolerance that Islam showed Jews in contrast to the brutality meted out to them in Russia and Europe.[...]


  1. For 1,000+ years pre-Zionism Jews did a lot better living under Muslim rule, compared to living under Christian rule.

  2. from reading the review it seems the satmar rebbi was right...only the zionists aroused the arabs...

  3. "For 1,000+ years pre-Zionism Jews did a lot better living under Muslim rule, compared to living under Christian rule."

    Tell that to the Maimon family and thousands of others who faced forced conversions and beheadings whenever the more "pious" muslims spread their influence.

    Comments like the above reflect the blatant ignorance Gilbert combats with work like this. It is amazing that it is so widespread. Well, not really. Many incorrect views and much historical ignorance is widespread. It should come as no surprise.

  4. The Ramban says that Yishmael hates us because of what Sarah Ineinu did to Hagar. The Midrash syas that when Bnei Yisrael went into golus, they asked the Babylonians to direct them towards the Yishmaelim as they would treat them well. As is known, the Yishmaelim poisoned the Jews with air sacks. R' Yehuda Halevi was killed by an Arab at the gates of Yerushalayim. These events pre-date the medina.

    Enough of the false claim of Arab hatred due to the Zionists.

  5. you don't understand...all goym hate us but we lived in relitive peace until the zionists...

  6. um...ok. Relative peace?? Look, the Satmar Rav was a malach, no question. And I can't question his beliefs. But, perhaps you should open up a history book. The British who ruled Palestine were not letting anyone in. They turned back many a boat to certain death in Europe and one boat, in particular was sunk by the British - 7500 were killed. Period. The Mufti of Jerusalem was a personal guest of Hitler and he implored the Germans to implement the Final Solution in Eretz Yisrael. What is your definition of relative peace with the Arabs? The 1929 riots in Chevron? Was that also because of the zionists?

    Look I am not a zionist apologist. Many things were done wrongly. But, without them, can you honestly say that we would have such a home in Eretz Yisrael? The Arabs ruled for around 1000 years before the Ottoman Empire collapsed. How many Jews lived there? How many yeshivos, kollelim were functioning? We could not even visit the Kosel. Come on!!

  7. the problems began with the balfour decloration in 1917...all historions agree that rav kook could have prevented the 1929 pograms...i wrote on this on cross-currents not long ago but the moderator took a lot out...look there (cotel)

  8. The Chafetz Chaim didn't think is reported that he he put on Shabbos begadim when he heard about the Balfour declaration. The HaModia's front page on the day after the declaration of the state stated "Shecheyanu v'kiyimanu..." Once statehood was declared, I don't think many gedolim were against it. The Poneviezher Rav was clearly not opposed, R' Aryeh Levin supported it, R' Zevin, etc.

    Aye....Satmar?? I don't know. But, I could tell you that the blame the zionists for everything argument is old and is tiresome. Reading the papers and seeing Satmar and Neturei Karta burning Israeli flags and demonstrating in front of the world kneged the state is a clear chilul hashem. In fact, Satmar today is guilty of much chilul hashem. Too much.

    Bottom line - to blame the hatred of the Arabs on zionism is unrealistic, and is an argument used by Arabs - Sonei Yisrael. The Arabs have always hated Jews, not as Israelis.


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