Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Trump claims credit for bringing calm to Kenosha in visit criticized as politicizing unrest

President Donald Trump claimed credit Tuesday for bringing calm to Kenosha, Wisconsin, during a visit to the city where the police shooting of an unarmed Black man touched off days of violent protests.

Although Trump suggested he helped quell the violence by sending the National Guard, it was Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers who activated the state’s National Guard and asked for help from Arizona, Michigan and Alabama, which sent Guard troops.


Students For Trump mocked over tweet supporting POTUS' Kenosha visit: Who are the people behind it?

From their official handle, the youth group posted, 'President @realDonaldTrump tours what Biden will do to America'


Israel's Top Court Clears Way to Extradite Accused Pedophile Malka Leifer to Australia

 Judges reject Leifer's appeal and rule she is fit to stand trial on 74 counts of rape and sexual assault of her students in Australia

Supreme Court rejects Malka Leifer’s appeal, paving way for extradition

Dassi Erlich, one of Malka Leifer’s alleged sexual abuse victims, reacts to the Supreme Court’s decision that she is fit for extradition.

“[Six] years and 70 court hearings regarding Leifer’s mental fitness! We are exhilarated, finally an end in sight!” she tweets. “During this tumultuous journey there were moments that this did not seem possible!”

'Settlement leaders blocked sovereignty plan, hurt Trump'

Veteran American-Israeli journalist Caroline Glick excoriated settlement leaders Wednesday, blaming them for the suspension of the plan to apply Israeli sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria.

Binyamin Regional Council chairman Yisrael Gantz pushed back, however, calling the map presented in the Trump plan for Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria ‘dangerous’.

“Netanyahu told us that the map was only conceptual, and that it would be changed. But from the moment that it became the actual map [for the sovereignty plan] we understood that this was dangerous to the settlement enterprise.”

Gantz added that Israel could still apply sovereignty, even after agreeing to suspend the sovereignty plan.

“Sovereignty is something that could be done today.”

Russia's military seemingly toeing the line with U.S. after armored vehicle 'deliberately rammed' American troops

 Russian warplanes are increasingly flying close to Alaskan airspace, forcing the U.S. to run interception efforts more often than it has in recent years. Russian fighter jets kept zooming within 100 feet of a U.S. Air Force bomber over the Black Sea, and a Russian helicopter recently hovered close to U.S. forces. And just last week, a Russian armored vehicle "deliberately rammed" into an American patrol in Syria, injuring seven U.S. troops, The New York Times notes.

But President Trump hasn't given much public attention to the threats — something both Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and Trump's own former officials have called him out for. They say it's a continuation of Trump's lack of public confrontation with Russian President Vladimir Putin over reports that Russia placed bounties on U.S. troops' heads in Afghanistan. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo did tell the Times that "America will respond" to the armored vehicle situation.

Donald Trump goes maskless in Kenosha, and urges others to do so despite COVID-19 order

 No masks in Kenosha for President Donald Trump.

Trump, who has expressed off-again, on-again support for mask wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic, was maskless again Tuesday as he surveyed businesses damaged during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

At the start of a roundtable meeting with law enforcement personnel, local officials, and business owners, Trump told them they could take off their face masks "if you feel more comfortable" doing so.

"Look how fast you took that off," he told one person.

None of the roundtable participants wound up wearing masks, a group that included Attorney General William Barr and Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf.

Even Fox’s ‘Hard News’ Shows Don’t Want to Book Trump’s Favorite New COVID Adviser

Dr. Scott Atlas, a neuroradiologist and fellow at the conservative Hoover Institution, joined the White House in August as one of President Donald Trump’s top coronavirus advisers. He was tapped largely due to the president’s affinity for what the doctor said during Fox News appearances, in which he espoused views that made him—as one White House official characterized—the “anti-Fauci” in Trump’s eyes.

 Among the “hard-news” division shows at Fox, Atlas is viewed with skepticism by senior staff at many of the programs, as they view him as lacking credibility during the coronavirus crisis, and as someone who isn’t even a medical expert in the relevant field.

“Atlas has a background in radiology, not infectious diseases,” one of the sources said. “It makes no sense to have him on to discuss a contagious respiratory virus that continues to spread through parts of this country like wildfire.”

Pelosi used shuttered San Francisco hair salon for blow-out, owner calls it 'slap in the face'

 Fox news obsessed with Democrat  "hypocrisy" but fails to be upset when Trump consistently and flagrantly violates his own  guidelines

 EXCLUSIVE: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited a San Francisco hair salon on Monday afternoon for a wash and blow-out, despite local ordinances keeping salons closed amid the coronavirus pandemic, Fox News had learned.

 Asked for comment, Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill maintained that the speaker was following the rules as presented to her.

“The Speaker always wears a mask and complies with local COVID requirements. This business offered for the Speaker to come in on Monday and told her they were allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business. The Speaker complied with the rules as presented to her by this establishment,” he said.

Fatal police shooting of Black man sparks protests in Los Angeles

 Activist Najee Ali, who is representing the family as is attorney Ben Crump, denies that Kizzee was a threat at the time of the shooting. "Being in possession of a gun, but actually using a gun, having it in your hands are two different things," Ali said, adding "he did not point the gun" at officers.

Los Angeles Sheriff Deputies Shoot, Kill Black Man After Stopping Him for Alleged Bicycle Riding Code Violations

 Arlander Givens, 68, lives in the neighborhood. He questioned why deputies fired at a man who, according to the sheriff’s official, wasn’t holding a weapon.


Tech-savvy trolls send Biden, Trump web traffic from unwanted domains

 Some tech-savvy trolls are working their mischief on the dueling presidential campaigns, sending them web traffic from unlikely -- and unwanted -- sources.

As social media users have noted recently, type in your browser, and it re-directs to

And if one tries, it goes to

 In both cases, the origin of the re-direction -- and who is responsible for it -- remains unknown, though it appears to be the work of trolls having fun at the expense of the nominees.

In the case of, it comes as Republicans are using it to hit Democratic nominee Joe Biden over his response to violent protests.

As for, that site popped up after President Trump on Tuesday denied on Twitter that he had "a series of mini-strokes" after the unfounded #TrumpStroke hashtag trended on Twitter. does redirect to, but this is not proof of a link between the two

Partly false. While does redirect to, there is no evidence of a connection between the two.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts here . 

Trump paints false picture of Kyle Rittenhouse shootings ahead of Kenosha visit

 If Your Time is short

  • Kyle Rittenhouse tripped and fell as a group of people pursued him on the night he allegedly killed two protesters and injured a third.

  • But Trump’s claim leaves out vital context: that Rittenhouse ran away from protesters after prosecutors say he had already shot and killed someone.