Monday, July 1, 2024

As a Therapist, Freud Fell Short, Scholars Find

New revelations depict a Freud who seems at times mercenary and manipulative, who sometimes claimed cures where there were none, and who on occasion distorted the facts of his cases to prove his theoretical points. And, judged by current knowledge and standards, it is a Freud who, at least once, stepped over the line into malpractice.

In one little-known case that barely missed becoming a major scandal, researchers say, Freud induced two patients to divorce their spouses and marry each other. In addition, he hinted that the man should make a generous donation to his psychoanalytic fund.


  1. In his era, psychological therapy was in its infancy, just like other areas of modern medicine were as well. Plus, today there are therapies such as CBT - but they are not effective all the time, especially for complex psychological disorders.

    1. Freud is still a fraud as is his therapy.
      nor was he more successful than other therapists of his time

    2. Of course you would say that, you are competing with his talmidim in business

    3. Wow! There is no competition, You simple are defending a failed fraud without a clear understanding of the facts!

    4. Why then do you practice a field where all serious scientific studies have found it to be false? (obviously making a living is fine, but are you concerned with scientific evidence ?)

    5. Typical attack when you have no facts to refute my assertion that Freud was a fraud and a failure as a therapist

      What field do I practice against science?!i I am a psychologist using techniques that work and have been verified by science!

    6. You have already publicly attested to the fact that you do astrological readings, which not only have zero support by science, but are also forbidden d'oraita according to the rambam and the shulchan aruch.
      Now maybe there's a heter somewhere, but it's not scientifically supported.
      Freud in his day did not have alternative options, nor were clinical trials available

    7. Typical ignorant rant Because i offended your hero!
      There is no prohibition to utilize astrological knowledge even according to Rambam or Shulchan Aruch. Chazal considered Astrology and mazzel as valid sciences. Rambam objected to astrology because it wasn't rational and viewed it as nonsense
      However he permits the use of magical practices which are used as cures.
      The Shulchan Aruch does not prohibit Astrology but going to an Astrologer

      Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 179) We do not make inquiries to astrological seers, nor to the fates. Rema: Because it is said, "You must be wholehearted with the LORD your G-d." (B"Y citing Tosafos and citing Sifrei) And certainly it is prohibited to make inquiries to magicians, diviners, and sorcerers.

      However the Netziv and others permit it when prophets aren't available

      Shabbos (75a) R. Simeon b. Pazzi said in the name of R. Joshua b. Levi on the authority of Bar Kappara: He who knows how to calculate the cycles and planetary courses, but does not, of him Scripture saith, but they regard not the work of the Lord, neither have they considered the operation of his hands. R. Samuel b. Nahmani said in R. Johanan's name: How do we know that it is one's duty to calculate the cycles and planetary courses? Because it is written, for this is your wisdom and understanding in the sight of the peoples: what wisdom and understanding is in the sight of the peoples? Say, that it is the science of cycles and planets.

    8. Derashos HaRan (04): Moreh Nevuchim writes that the statement of our sages : "All therapeutic practices are not in the category of the ways of the Emorites" is to be understood as importing that everything G-d dictated by reason is permitted and everything else is forbidden. He writes there: "Do not be perplexed by their permitting a gallow's nail or the tooth of a fox for therapeutic purposes, for the efficacy of those things at that time was regarded as confirmed by experience, just as the application of the herb called "fiunia" in Arabic to an infected sole. For anything confirmed by experience is permitted for therapeutic purposes, in the same way that purgative drugs are permitted." It follows from this that what is forbidden by the Torah are those vain, inane practices designed to draw down the favor of the affecting agency, practices which have no basis in truth. But to predispose the recipient by manifestly natural means or through the action of certain recondite, phenomenological properties — this was not forbidden by the Torah at all. What does cause me wonder, however, is the Torah's explicit prohibition of witchcraft.

    9. Melamed Lhoil(2 63:1) Question: Should objections be raised against those who hang tablets in the room of a new mother which contain oaths and there is concern for the prohibition against magic. Answer: It is an established practice to make various amulets or charms And even for those who don’t believe in them and similar practices it can still bring benefit since it comforts those who do believe in them and helps them recover. Therefore you should not object if this is done. Furthermore we have a rule that all things done for cure are not considered magic.

    10. Moreh Nevuchim (03:37) Our Sages say distinctly, "whatever is used as medicine" does not come under the law of "the ways of the Amorite"; for they hold that only such cures as are recommended by reason are permitted, and other cures are prohibited. When, therefore, the dictum was quoted: a tree that casts off its fruit may be laden with stone or dyed with red color, the following objection was raised: The loading of the tree with stones may be justified on the plea that it serves to weaken the strength of the tree, but why should it be permitted to dye the tree with red color? This question shows that the dyeing of the tree with red color, and all similar things which are not explained by analogy from nature, are prohibited as "ways of the Amorite." For the same reason our Sages said, "The uterus of animals which have been selected for the Sanctuary must be buried; it must not be suspended from a tree, and not buried in the cross-road, because this is one of 'the ways of the Amorite.'" Hence you may learn how to treat similar cases.

    11. Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 301:27) Any incantation is permitted and not forbidden except for those that are checked and do not heal. And there are those who worry for this regarding every amulet that is not effective because it is following the ways of the Amorites.

    12. Sounds like someone is still stuck in the Age of Aquarius, or is it Cancer that's ascendant right now?

    13. So you admit being machti l'rabbim by allowing them to see you in this capacity? (Astrologer, SA)

    14. Daas TorahJuly 2, 2024 at 5:22 PM
      "Typical ignorant rant Because i offended your hero!"

      Is that projection you are accusing me of?

    15. Typically absent from your response is any comment addressing my primary point that it is unscientific what you purport to practise.

    16. Typically absent from your response is any comment addressing my primary point that it is unscientific what you purport to practise.

    17. KA I don't understand your point - their is no eveirah in the first place - contrary to your mistaken claim.

    18. Their is no requirement to only use scientifically approved methods only. That is something you are making up.
      Psychoanalysis has never been scientifically validated yet you seem to be an advocate for it.

      Many medical practices have never been scientifically validated

      Bypasss surgery was done for many years without evidence of benefit as did labatomies, knee surgery and psa testing for prostate cancer

      The halacha validates process which are believed to be useful not proven scientifically. Please produce a source for your claim!

    19. 1. The Code of Jewish Law (the Shulchan Aruch) says, “One should not consult astrologers or cast lots to ascertain or determine the future” (Yoreh De’ah 179:1).

    20. Sorry forgot to type my name

      Assur in shulchan aruch

    21. 2. Your whole battering ram against Freud was that it is not scientifically validated. That's why I brought astrological to show you are inconsistent. You find a heter outside of the major codes, sure I can do the same too for virtually any taaveh


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.